FBI catches 900 pedos, commence REEEEEEEEing from butthurt anarchists.

16  2017-05-06 by poopy_ass


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Redundant title

Lots of comments in there. Failing to see where there is any drama.

It's up your ass and fuck your mom.

Being clever is not your strong suite.

Eat my bussy, normie

Lol my ass needs to log in more.

Don't make fun of him; we should respect and tolerate the mentally handicapped.



I didn't see any reeing in the thread, maybe i didn't look down far enough since I'm on mobile.

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Fuck that, OP should have permalinked better.

delete you're self

lurk harder dipshit

Who are you

Why you always asking?

about time they started moving on some of this shit tbh

Are you kidding, this is just another way to distract people from pizzagate!

Wake up America coffeenowavailableatinfowars.com

isnt it funny how this never happened in previous years

almost as though pedos have had it good under the past few administrations

tbh it doesnt matter as long as were gassing them all now

This HAS happened in previous years. Trump hasn't been in office long enough to have gotten the ball rolling on this anyway.

Are you being serious?

not on this scale it hasnt

theres been multiple times the arrests since trump was elected than in entire previous years

and its rings getting busted now (no pun intended)

omg you are SO cute

just assume hes memeing and move on. Its the only good possible outcome here. You retain some respect for him, don't lose any faith in humanity, and don't descend into serious posting on /r/drama

lol respect? Where are we, my group home?

Wow gratz on getting computer privileges back. Did you earn then with your mouth or the bussy this time?

All gucci on this one! I also got an extra tray tomorrow at lunch (unless that bitch wants a broken jaw lol)

All gucci on this one!



So did you get that extra tray? If you didn't lemme know in a couple of weeks or when one of the staff gets horny.

oh wow youre getting weird about something ive said that you dont really have a response to, thats new and exciting

like why even comment if thats all you have lol

sorry...I'm just learning how to "flirt" in my social classes. I guess it's not working lol

well in that case how you doin

Oh god ew

dont worry irl i have standards

Literally first result on google for "pedo ring bust"

It wasn't the one I remember hearing of, but it's enough to show you how your pizzagate fantasy is BS.

cool now find a few thousand more arrests and youll have made up the number since trump

and its not about trump being responsible for investigation lol, its about untying the hands of law enforcement and prosecutors for people they were already aware of but ignored for whatever reason

>I didn't pay attention at all to the other stories of this nature nearly yearly/biyearly

Oh he's adorable! What should we name him, gang?

nothing has been to this scale in recent years, dont make shit up

its pretty funny to me that some of you guys got so invested in being angry at pizza conspiracies that youll outright deny pedos are getting arrested for different shit

just because i said its a good thing lol

There doesn't seem to be anyone upset about this, and why would they be?

OP probably thinks people questioning the FBIs methods is somehow a sign of butthurt.

found the pedophile!

Figured you'd say something like that.

All I can see in that thread is lots of people sucking Ashton Kutcher's dick.


Way to link some drama OP, you're not terrible at this or anything.

Also, we all know Anarchists are down with instant capital punishment for sex crimes, regardless of some dusty old quote from Kropotkin or Goldman. Prisoner solidarity is for the non-icky crimes. Anything else would be misogynist.

I'm ashamed I just serious posted so hard.

Where is the drama?

Up your ass and fuck your mom