Crack whore /u/PatsyClinesDaughter posts her face to /r/opiates looking for attention. Other junkies do not approve.

34  2017-05-07 by flipkt

The post that started the attention whoring spree. It didn't seem to get the attention she craved.

She tries to woo fellow junkies again with another face pic.

Fellow junkie /u/PresidentJonStewart calls this submission a "photoshopped crack head" and she is pissed.

Another lowlife /u/Sik00000 tries to flirt with her and market his shitty music to other junkies at the same time. Others call him out.

A few days later, after what she thinks is a cool down period, she tries to attention whore again with another pic.. /r/opiates junkies are not collectively fawning over her this time either, causing her to become pissed again

She makes one more post to whine about the downvotes she received for these shit posts.. It ends with her saying:

I take almost nothing on the internet seriously, but if someone says something rude I'm not going to sit there and say Thank you.

Complete record of /u/PatsyClinesDaughter's degeneracy


Come on u/PatsyClinesDaughter if your going to attention whore at least show some tit

Ey patsy I'll trade you xans for a blowie

Sounds good, but when your dick is in my mouth I will without a doubt bite the fuck out of it, and probably bite it off.

Damn girl why so mean

I'll treat you good bb

Fine.... But I dont suck dick. Sorre

That's cool; god gave you three orifices.


You ain't cut out for the junkie lifestyle then bb. I'm a straight dude and I have to suck dick at least once a week. Work hard, play hard ;)

Ha. Bragging about being a broke mother fucker, orrrr?

If you in the game for real girl, then you always broke. Bragging about how I've learned to accept the taste of cum. Tastes like a bonus line to me now. If I can do it, you can too.

A, I never said how much money I have. B, what?? C, what??

You said you didn't suck dick. I just wanted to offer my advice. Start to connect the taste of cum to the feeling of being high. It will help when you have to gobble the d for some extra drug-bux. <3

We suck dick for money and pleasure, gurl.


Can't fit them in your tiny fish mouth?

/u/PatsyClinesDaughter actually looks surprisingly good for a junkie.

/u/PatsyClinesDaughter actually looks surprisingly good for a junkie.

Give it time. I suspect a rapid onset of what is scientifically called 'horrible junkie face' in the near future.

Yeah, chubby girls tend to have more of a buffer between normal and emaciated.

That hasn't happened in the few years Ive been doing it. Sucks that I cant and wont prove you right though. :// I know how shitty it is to hate and want the worst for someone you dont know, nor have you met. :( Sucks to be a shitty person, dont it?

Does the smack give her a disproportionately large head?

I think she just has a small face and mouth.

I think 'for a junkie' is doing a lot of the work here.

That pic is touched up on Photoshop.


Crack is wack

Pretty fat for a junky

That just means that she isn't in deep enough yet to have to choose between H and food. Give it time!

Not an opiate user, but for me it was around 6 months on stims. Good luck with your weight loss /u/PatsyClinesDaughter :)

Every time I went on stims, the weight loss was almost immediate due to a complete lack of appetite.

But then, I was never a fattie.

When I started I was on my way to having real abs and some decent pecs and arms. 1+ year of semi-serious workouts gone in the blink of an eye.

The best way for me is 2-3 months of druggin' and then 2-3 months of gluttony and building muscle.

I actually have,,, <3

I'm just glad that dog in her history isn't hers

I doubt you eat pussy.

You want a demonstration?

She looks like she's wearing a human suit.

Thank you for noticing. I am actually a gorilla.

r/conspiracy theory confirmed

I was a long time addict to opiates. It's hell because it's so good and there is nothing quite like it. If you're already taking some so young you will unlearn very quickly how to be happy sober. I advise you to take some others drugs, mdma for exemple, if you want to get high.

/u/PatsyClinesDaughter, do yourself a favor and don't use the same pics for all of your social media avatars.


Not a doxx. Just giving her the heads up.

Screenshots? I can't see anything on the posts and clicking accept takes me to the subreddit front page.

What? All links are working fine for me.

I just see that banner that starts with

This subreddit is 18+ only.

then the rest is blank. Maybe because I'm using Firefox.

You might need to restart your computer in safe mode

should I delete system 32?

If you want to

If you're using linux run this command:

sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

That means you have to wait a few more years to check out this drama. Sucks I know, but rules are rules.

Fuck man, I had to open Internet Explorer to view that shit.

For a trans, she is ok

What the fuck?

When I was in my teens I used to post in that sub all the time. It's a fucked up place, we'd all meet up in a video chat and shoot up in front of each other to feel cool and have people enable our addiction so we didn't feel bad about it. Plus when you're high on opiates you get this thing we all called opirage. Makes you a rude asshole. It's always been pretty toxic sub thanks to shit like that, plus the encouraging of using hard drugs.

Luckily I'm clean from all that shit now, wasn't easy but life is so god damn better without it

Glad to hear you are free


You don't say?

I'm really not trying to be a smartass or a prick right now by any means. I would really like you guys to help me understand why it is that you even clicked on this post when it is very obvious by the picture that this young woman posted that it is not opiate related. Not just that, but if there were any room for confusion as to what this entire post was going to be about, she titled it in a manner that removes any and all doubt. So explain to me why it is that knowing it was not opiate related, knowing that it was going to be flirtatious in nature, knowing those things, why would you open it if it irritates you guys so badly that y'all feel the need to beg the mods to ground us or make us stand with our noses in the corner. There's 5,000 post about dope to every one that's not, if it's so troubling to you guys, just don't open the one in 5,000 that doesn't suit you. I skip over hundreds of them a day because I just don't think the title suits me, it doesn't pique my curiosity, or it's obviously not my cup of tea. I don't open those, knowing that I'll be a dissatisfied audience member, then scream boo as loud as I can because I dislike what I voluntarily subjected myself to with prior and full knowledge of disliking the subject matter. This is a public forum, with thousands of post being made per day by different kinds of people, it's not possible that every post submitted everyday will meet your standards of approval. The best you can do is avoid subject matter that you disapprove of, you really have no legitimate right to complaint when you voluntarily opened the link.



Paragraph division, pls

Altering perfectly good copypasta in such a way ist verboten

It's pasta? My bad mang.

Yeah, I linked to the source in another comment but the junkie mods nuked everything so it is gone :(

Junkie mods decided this went too far, lol

We knew it would stir up shit. We like to stir up shit.

I don't get how you can be here and still ask this question.

Its not even that, its the fact that I have NEVER spoken to this OP before in my life, but he took probably between a half an hour to an hour to post EVERY. FUCKING. THING Ive ever posted on this website. Now, am i wrong, for being a member of the opiates subreddit, or does this person have a severe problem? Like, what triggers you to post information about someone else that you dont know, nor have ever spoken to? Im actually kind of creeped out that I dont know who this idiot is but he posts every one of MY posts.... Fucking weird, dude.

This is a bad subreddit filled with bad people.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Wow, thank you for the information. Im actually not being sarcastic, I truly appreciate what you're sayin, as well as the fact that you're being very nice. I agree though, what the actual fuck is wrong with people? I wish Reddit would shut this subreddit down immediately and indefinitely

Not to put a damper on things, but you're responding to copypasta. There's a variation of it talking about what a loving and supportive sub r/drama is.

Hi diddly-ho neighborino. You're playing with hellfire right now, I've gone through your mass history, and I have to say, I don't like what I'm seeing. I know your type, you're a third-rate Atheist and a Jesus blasphemer. You think you can sit there covering your fingers in meat on Fridays and pledging allegiance to your Satanic gods as you spew poo at us? There are consequences for your actions, there always darn-diddly is. You need to understand something, this stopped being a fun religious discussion with hallelujahs and hail mary's all around, it has stopped being that for years. We live in a Christian world, the intenet is having a profound-diddly effect on real-world religions. It's called heaven warfare, and it is just as vital as physical warfare. It's been around for awhile but the pope really shifted the whole service. When you post your little paintings of OUR churches, you are attempting to slander our good Lord, in essence you are interfering with our prayers. What is that prayer you may ask? To convert the world of little pieces of dungarooni. like. you. So I'm going to tell you what's going to happen right here, right now. You are going to repent every one of your sins, every single one of them. I don't want to see a single murder under your name, every single one of them is an affront to a God-loving head. You are going to baptize your pee-diddly account. You can baptize another one if you follow the next commandment. You are never gonna pray to any false gods ever again against Our Lord Jesus Christ. Judaism, Islam, etc. you get the idea This is not a warning anymore, this is not a request, it is a sacrament that you are going to follow to the letter. If you, for any reason, or for any motivation, do not follow the bible right darn now, I will make you go to heck. Or rather, we, we will. You better hope and pray you're using a Rosary, it may help stall us long enough to get your pale, heathen, created in his image, body out of the temple to wherever fundgearoo witches like yourself go when the jig is up. You will follow these instructions though, or we will preach to you. I dare you to sin something to the contrary, I dare you. I would love to see and hear your prayers and sing as I play a gospel song into your heart. I would love to bless every bone in your body from the feet upwards. Do you have any priests? Alter boys? Virgin Mother? Father? Son? Holy Spirit? Don;t bother answering that, we can find out anyway. How would you like to see their faces restored on a fresco in front of you? How would you like that boyarooni? I'll paint them on a fudging canvas and make you watch them raise to heaven on their own virtue. You get the hymn, you have one sunday to comply with this request. Don't get any smart idearoonies.

Ahh okay. No worries

Just don't mind the troll losers here -.- Most of us are actually pretty cool when you get to know us lol. We have a wacky sense of humor, that's all. You should stick around.

Yes I am saying this because you're a female junkie. 'Tis an awesome thing to see. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical r/drama user. I won't tell you to kill yourself.

Thank you :))

IDK man, I really do not care about your drug addiction or whatever, I just just wanted a laugh and thought that this comment in the first link made a pretty good copypasta.

Good to know losers like you laugh at the bullying of others. You'll get your Karma though, everyone does. Thumbs up emoji

How can I get my karma if you do not upsmack my commentsโ€ฝ

In life, mother fucker. In life. But clearly your life revolves around the internet. (?) Truly Im not surprised.

Please upsmack my comments, I'm begging you. I need the good stuff!

Nope. Ill downvote em though? Good enough?

Aaah no! You can't do this to me! Please give me the upsmacks, I am already feeling the cramps and nausea of withdrawal.

This is an opiates sub. Also no more naked pics or posing if there are no opiates depicted. Let's clean this place up, it's gone down the shitter.


Good to know I have losers like Flipkt who are so obsessed with me that they have to post in a subreddit other than opiates so that Spin or other mods cannot take it down. Unfortunately for you I have thick skin. But this post has been reported, and will be removed shortly. thank you!!!! <3 <3

Baby your skin ain't all that's thick. Lemme holla at you.

No, it is.

Is it due to the varicose veins from shooting smack?

If only your skin was thick enough that needles couldn't penetrate it.

"tries to woo other junkies with another picture"... I guess posting things is taken personal by paulsies like you. This shit is fucking HILARIOUS

Finally, this shit is WITHOUT A DOUBT doxxing. Putting my info on other subreddits? I hope your account is deleted.

It's not doxxing...

Oh, its not? So putting my information out is nothing related to it? You're an asshole for actively supporting this kind of bullying. Truly.

He's literally just posting your posts from another subreddit here. It's certainly bullying but it's not doxxing.

At least someone can recognize bullying when it fucks them in the face. I just feel bad for the original poster. It must suuuuck to be a shitty person in life. Truly.

They're probably an incel.

We kinda bully people all the time here. What makes you think it's going to make us feel bad if you call us bullies?

Some people are bullies. Get over it.

This but ironically

/u/flipkt delete your account



Deleted all my shit, therefore making this post absolutely useless. Sucks that you wasted all your PRECIOUS time on it, though ://///

Dear /u/PatsyClinesDaughter, you are a bitch ass addict. I heard that the janitors removed everything to protect you. That's a bitch move, /u/PatsyClinesDaughter! I'm coming for that ass again until you pay what you owe! Sincurly yours, the junkie stalker.


You seem super surprised that people come to /r/drama for a quick laugh and to shitpost memes.

Oh no! You're clearly too smart for me!

Oh, I know ;)

I'm glad you took my advice.

You don't understand how our sub works, do you? You deleting your post only makes the drama that much better.

PMs from /u/PatsyClinesDaughter for posterity:

What the fuck? from PatsyClinesDaughter sent 59 minutes ago

May I ask why you decided to make a post about me?? Do I know you? Have I offended your disgusting, creepy ass? Because believe it or not posts like that can and will make people commit suicide.

. from PatsyClinesDaughter sent 37 minutes ago

All I can say to you, Flip, you absolute loser, is this: When something terrible happens to you in life, think of me and this post. I don't even have words to describe how much of a fucking retard you are. Nor do I have words to explain how cold-hearted that post is. Truly, you will get what's coming to you, and I hope you think of me when life kicks you the fuck down. But really? You're going to have to answer to God when you die, and when he asks you why you were such a rude fuckin person in life. And going ONLY by that post; you are a HORRIBLE, FUCKING, PERSON. Honestly help everyone out and kill yourself. Please.

New pasta anyone?

Dude.... lol. You're DEFINITELY someone who needs approval of others for the things you do. I'm assuming you were the kid in high school who repeated what the cool kid just said because you thought it would, in turn, make you cool? Am I in the ball park? Or was it the type of thing where people picked on you constantly and now you feel the need to bully others? I'm going to go with all of the above. I'm just satisfied in knowing you're a loser who needs to pick on others so your insecurities feel minuscule. Y'all can and will say literally whatever you want, but at the end of the day, I take pride in knowing that I'm not that sad and pathetic of a person. Good luck in what you do, I'm waiting for you to receive your shitty, shitty Karma in life.

I take pride in knowing that I'm not that sad and pathetic of a person

Says the crack whore lol

I didn't sit and dig through the girls profile but you're an asshole dude hope you end up abandoned with a rig in your arm like the people you're berating. Karmas a bitch and so are you nigga

Hey /u/PatsyClinesDaughter, this poor guy is thirsty af and is whiteknighting for you hard on a weeks old post. Just thought I'll introduce you two so maybe you he can get your pussy.

There's drama over in r/opiates that prompted me to see this thread. It's ok man I'm good in that area and I'm sure you are too, you must get mad bitches picking on drug addicts on the side from writing about bullshit conspiracy theories. Give me some of whatever you're smoking I'll take it ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

Kill yourself my man

Goes on tirade about attention whoring

Lacks self awareness to the point of not seeing the hypocrisy in this

Lol, bless your crack roasted mind. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy this dumpster fire. Hey /u/blackjack_bot deal me in.

Dealer: ?

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Player: 13

 __  __ 
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Made by /u/Davism72. Send feedback! Source:

Hit me bitch

Invalid action - Hit not allowed in game state

Well fuck you too