Even though I'm an anarchist I'm glad Trump won. I'm so glad my ideals will be never happen for another 40 years because I'm so cool by being contrarian 😂😂😂
Oh man, wait till he hears that democrats have lost over 1,000 legislative seats in the past ~10 years, he's gonna be so pissed. Must've been Jill Stein and Cornel West saying mean things about democrats this entire decade.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-08
Cool story, bro
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-05-08
this one's for you /u/prince_kropotkin 😂 😂 😂
n/a Da_reason_Macron_won 2017-05-08
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-05-08
Even though I'm an anarchist I'm glad Trump won. I'm so glad my ideals will be never happen for another 40 years because I'm so cool by being contrarian 😂😂😂
n/a Gunryk 2017-05-08
What did he mean by this?
n/a itsaboyffxiv 2017-05-08
All of that was good aside from the weird
straight white males!
Thing, but even that can be excused in the basis of who he talking to.
n/a ToxiComa 2017-05-08
Oh man, wait till he hears that democrats have lost over 1,000 legislative seats in the past ~10 years, he's gonna be so pissed. Must've been Jill Stein and Cornel West saying mean things about democrats this entire decade.