In a shocking twist, Trump turns out to be a secret muslim and T_D is now a pro-Allah sub

51  2017-05-08 by Wraith_GraveSpell


Bonus Godwins Law because why the fuck not.

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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wtf i love islam now

You think Allah posts on /r/drama?

praise be to allah.

No one reads the source.

O Allah, Trump is one of your servants, you control him and his fate. Command him – willingly or not – to serve the best interests of Muslims and eliminate oppression done to them. Spare us from his evil deeds and guide him on the right path

That last part - "spare us from his evil deeds".

This muslim guy basically thinks their god controls everything trump included, so he asks god to fuck up trump into helping muslims. How's that a twist?

Reading and being informed is unamerican

It is definitely un/r/drama.

Seems like it's working so far

Might be more of a "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us.

I'm not familiar with Islam, but Abrahamic religions view humanity as fundamentaly flawed. Way to fuck up your magnum opus, God.

That is one he'll of a shitpost

I'm a Trump supporter and I do like to visit t_d because it really is one of the places on reddit you can go to hear positive things about what is happening in the white house. However, this is one thing I absolutely can't stand about t_d - Trump can literally do nothing wrong. I got banned there for saying I didn't like his decision to bomb the Syria airport because of shitty evidence of planes flying a route and it went against what he said while campaigning. You get called a concern troll if you go against anything Trump does. Now obviously both sides do this so it's not just a t_d thing, like right now some of the left hates everything he does, even if it was something they were going to vote in Bernie to do. But I think it's super important that we all learn to be able to criticize our own side as well. It's one of the reasons why I think the political climate is so toxic, there's no budging by either side because to them they're always right and they always know what's best for the country.

I like the Good Trump Bad Trump that Ben Shapiro does sometimes.

Manlets rarely stick by one conviction

You get called a concern troll if you go against anything Trump does.

We have ass-hats spending millions of dollars specifically to concern troll... a sub-reddit.

So, yes, you do get kicked out for being a concern troll. You fucked up, make a new login and try again,.

>It's your fault our sub is absolute cancer, please be more shitty next time

You are welcome to stay out of it, you reverse-cisshit bussy-breath trans-normie.

you reverse-cisshit bussy-breath trans-normie

Gotta admit, that must have taken a lot of will power and creativity to not just resort to calling people cucks.

me too thanks

We have ass-hats spending millions of dollars specifically to concern troll... a sub-reddit



I'm laughing at your dumb ass jsyk

Its an actual thing. The globalist cucks are literally spending a fortune to try to out shit-post a bunch of jokers and Pepe merchants.

Russian bots.

You're fucked up, you talk like a fag and you're shits all retarded

Booboo, keep talking that shit
Suck a nigga dick for an outfit.


No I understand that, and I stated it in my appeal which got me unbanned. I just think it creates a bad environment where anything negative that gets said is immediately a concern troll who gets banned but I told the mods obviously it's non stop in that sub so what else can they do - they don't have the time to go through everyone's profile to check.

It was also on a day where the entire front page was threads on why Trump shouldn't get involved, and then he did and probably half the subreddit was bummed he did. It shouldn't have been seen as that weird of a thing to criticize something when prior to it the general consensus was for Trump to leave it alone. Lots of people got banned that night because of them not being happy with the decision.

Again, I get it, the mods are overworked there. It just sucks it has to be like that

Sure. But the_god-emperor is a "front line" sub, so to speak. Criticism and discussion are for elsewhere.

If only there was a sub for South Park neautrals

"shocking" "twist"

"shocking" "twist"


Islam does have some good bits. The towelies throw a good circumcision, and they know the proper place of women.

No bacon, no booze, no way.

Bacon is a meme. Booze is degenerate.

Muslims are right, as always.

Why is everything about Saudi Arabia so horrible?

TBH it's probably the jews.

Inshallah, boys played well.

“You think that Trump the Zionist, who is battling Islam, will do good for the religion. Shame! You will be held accountable for your words.”

see what bothers me is that the Obama is Hitler Fema Death Camps, taking your guns was consistent

why can't people land on a consistent way to compare President Trump to something yet

hes a nazi who loves jews, trump care is going to take away rape coverage because it's preexisting until you scopes it and see it's "mixture" when in the fucking scopes article it says it's a load of shit and the one time it happened to one person it was during 2009 thanks Obama

at this point Trump will just take over Herod's Temple because it's Gold and shiny and no one would be surprised ensuring his religious right voterbase

why can't people land on a consistent way to compare President Trump to something yet

Because his track record shows hes never been consistent and has pretty much flopped on everything he previously said, sometimes multiple times, sometimes in the same sentence. Everything he does is self-serving so it's subject to change constantly. Not even the alt-right can pin him down anymore cause apparently he's a globalist and a zionist now.

well yea he's a new yorker, everyone knows what to expect from one of them

whos daughter married into Judaism but he was all of that before he was being called literally hitler

Everything he does is self-serving, so it's subject to change constantly.

i mean does it make President Trump look good, if so he will give it lip service

like it's the whole President Trump is a evil republican who is going to defund sesame street and NPR and also the local Democratic port authority are super excited about in the predicted increase in infrastructure

Not even the alt-right can pin him down anymore cause apparently he's a globalist

so all the crying about Trump re Eu was pointless then?

But also no one is praising him for it?

/r/drama must become a Sharia themed subreddit.