Officer thinks /r/military is /r/legaladvice, confesses to heroin use.

11  2017-05-08 by OniTan


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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No, he was in the marines.

That's an insult to crayon eaters everywhere

At least she didn't get knocked up to shirk responsibility.

Letting women leave the house unsupervised was a mistake. /s

/u/steakandtoast is a guy.

There was a second edit that said she was a woman a minute ago, so she must have re-edited it.

Probably trying to throw people off.

So how effective does an Oxford comma heat up in a spoon?

I'm keeping this for later.

I smell a flair cooking

It's very versatile. Third time I've made that comment this week, and it's only Monday.

/u/steakandtoast, claim addiction and seek assistance. It's very hard to give a dishonorable discharge to someone who has an addiction problem.

Officers get dismissed not dishonorably discharged.