[EFFORT] /r/SmallBoobProblems has a problem. A MAN problem. The problem? The MAN is the mod!

30  2017-05-09 by DeepDickedHillybilly

So I was looking for Japanese porn to jerk it too, and wanted something new, so I naturally went to /r/SmallBoobProblems to see what the haps is here.

I'm not a regular at that sub so I don't know what is really going on, but a few username pings may help sort things out.

It turns out, the top mod is a man, and he's laying down the patriarchy:

The userbase had a discussion about how the sub should conduct itself in light of drama caused when one of our mods was rude to another sub's mods, leading to drama in both places.

The consensus was that rule 3 (no generalisations) should go and indeed it was widely ignored in that discussion. However, rule 3 stays. This sub will seek cordial relations with all subs. Criticism is fine if it is specific, i.e. to discuss offensive comments on another sub, provide a source to the comment.

[POSSIBLE NINJA EDIT]: He also says there will be "robust moderation" until the drama dies down. Robust. Fucking lol, what a sick burn

After finishing his post rife with toxic masculinity, he locks the post, disallowing people from responding.

Well guess what? The bitches ain't having it.

The consensus was that YOU should go, zuegma. A male should not be a mod of a women's sub.

And that is where we stand today. So, let's get to the bottom of it, shall we?

EDIT 1: The boobs have been unleashed and have spread into /r/smallbooblove

EDIT 2: This might help explain some of the backstory. (TW: ceddit link)

EDIT 3: The privileged white women of the mouth-watering /r/bigboobproblems has a sticky warning their netizens of the awful tiny boob traps

EDIT 4: This thread has the back story behind the whole thing

EDIT 5: For scale, here are some "small boobs" (borderline NSFW but no nudity)

TL;DR White women nonsense



Regarding your post in /r/SmallBoobProblems, I am disturbed you, a penis owner, are denying these women safe spaces. Haven't you heard, it is 2017?

sorry, i'm all for transparency but i will not respond to someone who uses that derogatory term to refer to women.

What derogatory term? (Seriously don't know what you are referring to)

Do you have a regular psychiatrist?

No. Do you?

No not yet, but sometimes your typing makes me think of people I've known whose Seroquel, Resperdal, Symbyax or Lithium treatments either aren't working right or aren't being dispensed in the right doses.

You should probably look into those.

I am retarted tho maybe it's just that

What kind of internet access are you using? Phone, Android or Apple? Computer, what OS?

I'm thinking about getting drunk tonight, should I do that?

If you need to ask, the answer is no. But I would like to know for my research what sort of internet access you use. OS/device type. For research, you know.

I was hoping you'd say yes

So, not gonna answer the internet access question, eh?


What kind of internet access are you using? Phone, Android or Apple? Computer, what OS?

I'm thinking about getting drunk tonight. What do you think?

No, you shouldn't.

... Oh

You still won't answer the OS/device question, will you? Because you know what it means.

I decided to get drunk 😕

You didn't decide. Your addiction decided for you.

srsly what was the OS/browser question about? im fascinated. was it a thing where we were all going to call him a nerd for using linux?

Nah, I have this user pegged as an idiot Apple user, just wanted to confirm.

It really didn't matter what the answer was, I intended to use it against it.

Gonna keep being annoying as fuck, eh?


Double baked.


Double baked.

Yo I can help you moderate

You call them bitches in your op

MFW a descriptive term is now """derogatory"""

Yo I can help you moderate. I am a moderator of several very successful subreddits

I don't think you've ever moderated before in your life.

Prove it. Meme. Meme right now.


This whole fucking thread is a failure.

Should I get drunk tonight?


What's that mean?



a penis owner, are denying these women safe spaces

You are erasing the existence of feminine penises.

Feminine penises don't real bro




You seem like you are overreacting. Are you PMSing? Are you tiny breasts extra sore right now?

Jewish women are famous for their big-ass titties, but I don't think they would go out of their way to harm a small titty sub. Would they?

Wait, they are? Every one I've dated has had small ones.


Seriously, what is your deal with /r/SmallBoobProblems? You seem like you're just there to stir up some shit


Why are you such an angry person? Is it those itsy bitsy titties?


You ain't too bright is you?


What's your take on all of this? Did the dick owner really throw you under the bus? Air your grievances here please


What's your take on all of this? Did the dick owner really throw you under the bus? Air your grievances here please

This happened before in some other sub, a man was randomly made top mod and all the legbeards went nuclear.

What the fricking $%&*$#!&(???

No offence /u/Tiepilot789 but you have absolutely NO PLACE moderating a WLW community. You should have zero decision making rights when it comes to banning users, removing comments, making any kind of judgement call or decision that affects this community.

A man has no place moderating a women's community, least of all a heterosexual man moderating a WLW community.

Just... wut. Please show respect and step down. I am absolutely positive in a sub with 56,000 subscribers the subreddit can elect mods who are actually women. This subreddit... what an absolute dog's breakfast when we have a man trying to get a subreddit called Actual Lesbians "back on track".

Total, abject, utterly systemic failure by this mod team. I did not think it was possible for me to lose more faith, but here we are.

Is this pasta?

To be fair, there is a female mod in r/smalldickproblems. Most of the redditers in that sub are understandably less than thrilled about it though.

/r/actuallesbians the meltdown was hilarious, all the dykes rose up as one in pure outrage

I have nothing to add to this drama and I don't really care about, but I find small boobs very attractive on women. I'm just not into tig ol' bitties

I agree to be honest. If boobs are too far out of the "normal" spectrum - either bigger or smaller - they become fucking gross. It's so much more common to have gross oversized titties than gross flatchested titties

r/smallboobproblems? only incels have problems with woman who have small breasts. But I have seen the sub, so subscribers of of it, I had bigger manboobs when I was fat, would that be a trigger for you?

To be honest I don't understand how a male isn't probably the best candidate for an /r/SmallBoobProblems mod, unless he's a testicular cancer survivor, or morbidly obese, or something. /u/zeugma25, stay strong and don't give in to the cray cray harpies.