"Everybody who voted for le pen is a nazi" is unironically upvoted on /r/whitepeopletwitter. Sorted by controversial, kys.

33  2017-05-09 by [deleted]


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Reminder that Le Pen father served in the resistance and never denied the shoa ;)))

same party as Macron,

What are you talking about, Benoit Hamon was the socialist party cantidate? Macron is in En Marche and most socialist ont like him ( though he was a member for 3 years).

Macron was a member of the socialist party (PS) since he was 25, for the presidential election he choosed to go solo. In France if you want to go in politics young you have to choose between the left (PS) and the right (UMP)

He obviously disagreed enough to strike out on his own. Lumping him in with Mitterrand is kind of a stretch.

There is nothing in common between Mitterand and Macron. Macron is worst. Mitterand was not a nazi and didn't gave jews to the nazis. It was just to point the irony of mayopeopletwitter. ;)

Why'd he switch sides?


Except that black people from the same soial class as white people tend to have nearly the same crime rates lol.

u r wrong




they source everything to legitimate data, no academic journal is going to publish an article which explicitly shows that race and crime are correlated even after controlling for socioeconomics

That's why the bell curve was published and widely debated, right?

What journal was the bell curve published in?

You don't understand much about science, right?

You don't understand that academia, especially the social sciences, rigidly adhere to progressive ideology

it's a "my politics are neutral, everyone else has an agenda" episode

You're deluded if you don't think there is a strong progressive bias in the social sciences which carries with it implicit bans by denying funding, tenure, employment, conference invitations and publishing to those that defy it.

Also I wasn't talking IQ, I was talking about race and crime which is an even more provocative subject

It's more of a consequence of the fact that education and progressivism have a direct correlation (outside of rich reactionaries because reactionary politics benefits the rich)

You could use that argument to defend any dominant ideology which suppresses ideas it disagrees with, and science isn't about accomplishing things, it's about discovering the truth. And on that note, what has progressive "science" accomplished. Affirmative Action was advocated for with "scientific" projections and time tables that said racial gaps in achievement would vanish, but that hasn't happened at all.

Progressivism is wildly opposed to the idea of genetically influenced group behavior and mental ability, that doesn't stop that from being reality though. What I'm saying is that from looking at the data and the studies where they control away socioeconomic factors there is probably a genetic component to the racial differences in violent crime, but they're not allowed to explicitly say it, all of these studies on the subject end with the same gap even after a ton of effort was put in to explain it all away and still they can't. If you know of one that can fully/mostly explain the gap in violent crime please link it.

IIRC they had a hard time finding a publisher for the book

"mostly be scholars who didn't bother to read it"

Muh oppression

Are you making fun of the concept of oppression, sir? thats highly insensitive. Check your privilege, pls

Well, as long as we're agenda-posting, as far as I could read, neither of your sources account for the fact that black people are more likely to go to prison for the same crime as white people, and studies similar to yours that do account for this find a correlation between social class and crime

Fuck you that study didn't account for that at all, you didn't even fucking read and neither did anyone that upvoted you, all that study did was show that in Columbus Ohio, in 1990, with their disadvantage index model (WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE THAT BLACKS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE CONVICTED) that a neighborhood's "disadvantage index" is more predictive of crime than how black it is but how black the neighborhood was is still correlated with crime.


key quote >extremely poor black tracts have a violent crime rate that is 6 per 1,000 higher than in white areas of extreme poverty. There are race gaps of 5 per 1,000 within both high and low poverty areas. Yet among either white or black neighborhoods the violent crime gap between low and extreme poverty is much larger at 16 and 17 per 1,000 for white and black communities, respectively.

Ah, sorry, I linked Krivo and Peterson (1993) instead of (2000), my bad. Here's the proper study.

The important bit, from the conclusions: "Overall, these findings imply that if blacks and whites held similar positions in relation to structural disadvantage, differences in criminogenic factors would operate similarly for the two groups."

You seem pretty mad about the idea that black people aren't lesser, though, tbqh

wtf is wrong with you this one also doesnt account for "that black people are more likely to be convicted for the same crime as white"

also if you actually look at the figures u see this again


thats a graph that uses their "disadvantage index" which has a whole controlled variables thrown in and they still can't even come close to accounting for the difference in homicide rate, that bit from the conclusion is conjecture and isn't supported by the study they themselves made

they use homicide rate in this graph rather than violent crime and it produces an even more striking difference

full study: http://libgen.io/scimag/ads.php?doi=10.2307%2F2657382&downloadname=

That is a graph about how home ownership affects crime statistics, which they go into about why that graph is misleading lol

How is the graph misleading? Look at it again and see that giant gap between black and white homicide rate even at the exact same "Concentrated Disadvantage Index". If there are more factors they wanted to control for which they address in their conclusion, they've had 17 years since this one to do it. Where is that study? I honestly would be curious to see it. But you can't fucking just say, here's our study where we control for socioeconomics and still find huge black white homicide rate differences and then in the conclusion go "that's definately explained by some other factors". You have to have a study that accounts for those factors and shows that there is indeed no difference because this shows the opposite. You're a bunch dishonest pricks.

Read the area immediately below those graphs and you'll see it :)

By contrast, whites generally live in communities with a lower prevalence of violence-producing factors.

Is this what you're talking about? You realize the x-axis already included a bunch of things into their disadvantage index to produce that graph, if there is a study that accounts for more and produces different results I'd love to see it.

You're not reading the studies, you're lying about their contents

muh calipers for measuring bumps in the brainpan

Muh earth is the center of the universe, why even believe astronomers about anything after they got it so wrong

Lol so because you're a half-step removed from flat out advocating for phrenology and I call that out, I'm now a geocentrist despite having never said anything even remotely resembling that. Maybe you should cool yourself off with one of them yogurt enemas that were all the rage when your racial philosophy was en vogue.

Maybe you should move to a black neighborhood if they're so damn safe, they're much cheaper you know

Pretty sure living in a "black neighborhood" is less dangerous than being your neighbor. I predict you'll blow yourself up within the next week, either by meth-manufacturing mishap or when you fail to read a DIY bomb-making tutorial correctly.

Last note: should you do eventually pull off whatever domestic white nationalist terrorist act you're masturbating at the moment, we'll probably not even remember you being on here. You're that goddamned unremarkable.

Why do you put "black neighborhood" in quotes, do you think they're not a real thing? Are you that stupid/sheltered? Do you have anything that refutes my points or do you just get a SJ hard on from mindlessly insulting people.

everyone I disagwee wit is a waysis!


Muh stephen jay gould, widely debunked but he comforts muh fee fees

"Widely debunked" K.gif

Its a paleontologist trying to critique psychometrics. I'd sooner listen to Dr. Phil than Gould on the subject.

w o r d p r e s s d o t c o m

"Something about black French"

"Well, akchully these statistics about Afro-Americans prove otherwise".

"I'm not going to Muslim countries, like France who just elected a white President!"

JPaulo, did you know the USA is an African country now?



choose one my friend

Or, you're one of those people...

France was on my list of travel destinations but my wife and I don't travel to Muslim countries and so we had to take it off the list. Enjoy Macron, France.

Someone knows how to slap a blue haired hornet's nest and run very effectively.

I dunno, dude deleted almost his entire post history because someone called him on it. That's more like slapping a hornets nest then cutting your balls off because they got snagged on a tree branch as you were running away.

What a faggot. He should be cadtrated for his faggotry.

I guess we're all just a bunch of Jewish Nazis.

He's talking as if that isn't a real thing.


people who have been fighting the nazis since world war II

antifa = SHIELD

That explains the cosplay.

I fucking hate this site

/u/richard-io, explain this

Praying for that /s, but comment history says otherwise

/u/richard-io hastily deletes comment history

Good job. Carry on citizen. Your response makes no sense.

Are you always simultaneously retarded and a big fucking coward, or did you undergo training to be that pathetic?

Nazism is making real in-roads into France.


but people who have been fighting the nazis since world war II are the real nazis

Don't compare your faggy college protest to men who actually fought and died in defense of their nation.