Someone posts an unpopular opinion, some users take issue with it

26  2017-05-09 by Sai22


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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You know, i somehow don't fucking care. How many people are affected by this? 10%? 5? 1?

Probably even less than 1% of gender fluid idiots that think they are somehow special and their gender is on a spectrum.

The majority of humans on this world strugle to get enough money for food or food at all. 50% of people in my country get depression and many try to kill themself.

/u/natchili I like the part where you think 1% of the world's population (70 million people) isn't many but then think that 50% of whatever shit ball country you are from counts as "many." Honestly most of those people probably try to kill themselves because they live in the same general region as you bruh

Honestly most of those people probably try to kill themselves because they live in the same general region as you bruh

How bad.

You should stick around here, I like you.

But then you would try to kill yourself.

Nah I figured out my gender.

But this guy said all people in my region kill themself just for living close to me.

He's probably a retard faggot.

Well, i even know some "trans" people in real life. I mean i am not mean to people for no reason, this is just reddit after all, i talk normal with them and try to find out why they think this way.

For example a girl that tried to get her doctor to say yes to the operation and she always feelt like a boy in a girls body since she is 4 and shit like that, and of course she also was on tumblr.

I asked her if she really thinks that or if she just thinks it would be the answer that makes everything better, and maybe if she just finds the right guy she wouldn't think like this anymore.

Well, she then meet a guy, she didn't want to become a guy anymore, and she is now pretty happpy.

Of course if they actually suffer, let them change their gender, i don't care, its their body, i also think it should be legal to get assisted sucide.

I just think that many people do even more crazy stuff not because they actually have a serious mentalll illness, but just because they believe in it. Placebo is a thing, and people do all kinds of retarded shit just so they maybe feel better or right. Now with the internet age it wouldn't supprise me if a large portion of people that think they are in the wrong body are just people that deluded themself until they believed that this will solve all their problems, and i can take people that think they are genderfluid and bullshit like that even less serious.

This people are mostly not even 21, they haven't figured life out, nobody has, and suddenly they are sure they are gender fluid and everybody has to take them serious? Most of this people don't even know how any of this shit is supposed to feel, but if you got tumblr that tells you you are special and you are gender fluid and shit, of course you believe it. Just like all this self diagnosed people with ptsd and such on Tumblr that don't really have it.

I was in psychatry myself, i knew many schizophrenic, trans, gay, bipolar and more, and i know how big the test are you actually have to take, i know how many talkings they have, how much they have to doubt and question themself, and find out if all this is really the case, and even people that can't sleep at night don't have ptsd but just a traumatic event in their life sometimes, and then suddenly you get Teens on the internet telling me they have ptsd or they are gender fluid and i have to take it serious.

No, not really. Attentionwhores that just want to be special exist everywhere, and you actually find out how they think and how they are if you talk with them, but i am pretty sure 90% of the tumblr base are just special snowflakes that claim bullshit, they will grow out of it.

Or maybe the nocebo is really that efficent and they start to believe there made up bullshit more and more until they really think they have it.

tru tbh

That's more reason for you to stick around tho.

70 million is a big number. It's just not a very significant portion of the population.

This is you being an idiot. But because you're an idiot, you don't see why what you're saying is wrong, so you think you've struck on some greater truth. But it's really your stupidity preventing you from understanding nuance.

Imagine how retarded you have to be to take an /r/drama post this seriously. It's cute that you think I come to this sub to try to hint toward a greater truth. Your parents should have stayed away from lead based paint tbh fam.

/u/purpleraindrop62 You may not be a snowflake but you're a raindrop

You're also wrong

Don't go out of your way to be "nice" to a tiny tiny minority who desperately need attention. There are only 2 genders.

false right wing conspiracies


But why are reddit super lefties so determined to tell regular folks that they're right wing? Doesn't that seem counterproductive?

reddit "super lefties" aren't actually interested in starting revolutions, just in being edgy on the internet.

It's a troll account. New account and they just posted an anti vaccine thiing on /r/UnpopularOpinions

like we look back on the times when gays couldn't vote or black peoples were discriminated against

people thought this was real, smh

I want to go back to when women couldn't have an opinion

Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if those halcyon days feminists always speak of, or if they were just some fevered dream, like their 'Handmaid's tale' of the future.

Maybe everything feminists say is just part of some elaborate rape fantasy invented by sexually frustrated biddies. Maybe none of it was real.

Why do you people keep confusing personality with gender?

This, I like corn dogs with mustard, doesn't make me a mustard tiger.

Unfortunately it does make you an LSU fan tho

There is a gas station outside Port Allen that has a Tiger display. Inside is a tiger. Many here worry for its wellbeing. I do as well.

Why do you people keep confusing personality with gender?

Because you can't get attention if someone doesn't like your personality.

My gender today is feminism because I'm tired and want to eat cookies in my single bedroom apartment while wearing a onesie.





Notice they made another post saying vaccines are bad.

Clear, obvious bait.

Newsflash: there IS a revolution coming

Mfw the queer gender bender androgynes

its true though they do know a revolution can fail right or do they think revolution implies success.

I know this is probably bait, but I am 100% convinced this new fad of being whatever gender you want is the new emo. It is just a high school/ middle school phase. It happens with every generation.

Kids don't know how to express themselves, they have tons of hormones pumping, and they are struggling to find what makes them different in the world and gives them any sort of identity.

And like every stupid attention seeking phase these kids go through, they will eventually grow out of it. I am absolutely sure that by the time these genderfluid kids are all 25+, 99% of them will have chosen a fucking gender and stuck to it. And they probably look back at themselves and cringe just like we all do with our high school photos.

Yeah i am sure there will be a revolution just so 1% of people can feel good about themself. I was 16 once too.


I wonder why? Maybe it's because SJWs and feminists tend to be less intelligent than other people. I can understand what he is saying perfectly.

Wew lad.

name me a gender besides male and female.



-gender non confirming





-Agalmatophilia paraphilia gender (attracted to inanimate objects)

I lost it

Also yes yes, it's bait