Someone posts unfunny transgenderism meme on r/neoliberal. When someone protests that it has nothing to do with neoliberalism, everyone REEEES.

34  2017-05-10 by SlavophilesAnonymous


Now with added cancer!


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Gas the FTM trannies, they are the reason I cant get grill

Gas the FTM trannies, they are the reason I cant get grill.

No, gas the MTF ones, low-quality numales don't deserve women, not even fake ones.

Lol at the idea MTFs can pick up women.

Reread my comment, then delet tis


A person who hates trans people....can be perfectly neoliberal

I say we vote them out.

/u/HoldingTheFire channeling his inner authoritarian by calling for ethical carbon-taxed helicopter rides.

No, just social shaming.

I assume you will be in charge of the thought police and dictate who will be ostracized from society? Are your purity tests standardized?

Pretty much. If you're transphobic you don't deserve a place in polite society.

What about Pedosexuals

They can get therapy or jail if they act on it.

Do I need to go over the fundamentals of consent with you?

What if the child consents tho?

I guess I fucking do have to go over the basics with you.

Children. Cannot. Consent.

Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.


That's my sexual orientation you're calling copypasta. I thought you people were tolerant?

Did you forgot to change your alt?










Ageism like this has no place in a polite society. Prepare to be purged.

I applaud your bravery

Why not

Look, society's attitude to ephebophiles is a result of necromatriarchy.

The biological truth is that every time a female ovulates, she's that step closer to being reproductively dead. Unlike men, females have a finite supply of ovulae, and they are literally dying a bit every time they ovulate.

But of course the age of consent laws were lobbied for by reproductively dead women (hence, necromatriarchy), and their sole point is to brainwash men into necrophilia, and to stigmatize and outlaw the natural male sexuality that is attracted to living females.

Mark my words, it wouldn't be long until the gradual rising of the age of consent ends up around 40-50 years so those reproductively dead females like Shillary and those who vote for her have their chance at a necrophiliac dicking from the brainwashed betas.


Could you?

two more questions:

  • what in your opinion is the appropriate punishment for rapists?

  • why do so many trans women on reddit celebrate and advocate for rape by deception?

Um, heterosex is rape. How can anyone consent to rape? Do I need to go over the fundamentals with you?

Sounds like you only want to perpetuate hatred rather than addressing the problem, but ok

Intolerant of intolerance isn't tolerance you know that right?


So you admit you don't know that by being intolerant of intolerant people you are in fact a bigot no better than the people that made bullied me for being bi?

fake news

I don't want a place in polite society. I want a society where deviants are violently repressed.

Have you returned to Islam then?

No, it's just a healthy remnant

No, that is the neoliberal path.

But if you root for the slow death of the middle class in order to enrich the wealthy you deserve pats on the back and hugs? You're revolting.

Tax the wealthy. Redistribute to others.

Tax the wealthy. Redistribute to others.

Hey look, it's that shit neoliberals pretend to believe when called on their shit that they never actually support in practice, lol.

Go post another free trade meme you piece of shit.

THANK you.

It's fucking annoying seeing neoliberals put their hands up and prance about spewing such jargon; it's taking an easy way out of any debate.

I support neoliberal economics and free trade; I also support low taxes/spending to go with that. Fuck parasitism.

I support neoliberal economics and free trade; I also support low taxes/spending to go with that. Fuck parasitism.

Kill yourself, subhuman filth

"Subhuman" LOL the only subhumans are you fucks who hate on neoliberalism because you cannot compete in a growing market.

Don't worry, chum, you've been getting fucked in the ass figuratively; i'm sure you can making a living getting it done literally.

Don't worry, chum, you've been getting fucked in the ass figuratively; i'm sure you can making a living getting it done literally.

You are literal garbage, kys parasitic richer scum

Kys confused socialist parasite scum

Sorry, you're the leech, friendo

  1. Leech applies to parasites who live off of welfare, like you.

  2. Friendo only works when psychopathic hitmen with bad haircuts say it.

Sorry friendo, leech applies to people like you who want to gorge yourselves in the world's wealth and don't care how many lives you ruin, communities you destroy or people you kill in order to do it

Neoliberalism and free trade have objectively led to increases in quality of life and wealth, across the board. The data supports me on that.

What you are saying sounds like socialism.

The problem isn't that we don't want to help poor people, it's that American politics is controlled by the upper-middle class and won't countenance our ideas on that level. Getting rid of the Mortgage Interest Deduction? Realtors' lobbies stonewall it. The last significant reform to the MID was done in 1987 and it's called the immaculate conception provision because the author remained anonymous to prevent massive resistance in his home district. We can't cut zoning laws because NIMBYs. Expansions of EITC always run into progressives who insist we're just Walmart shills. And the payroll tax is too complicated to do away with for the simple reason that it finances half our government.

Hey there, few questions for you.

  1. If I am cool with fucking a tranny if they are pretty and feminine enough am I transphobic?
  2. What if I don't want to fuck a tranny with a fake vagina and would rather them have a dick, is that still transphobic?

Suck a benis or it is the gulag, subject!

hey atleast your honest too many hide behind the fact that not what they want or that they are exaggerating no you look stalwartly on and proudly tell them to fuck off. Bravo laddie boy Bravo

what if i told you homosexuality and transexuality are mental disorders that can only be weeded out through liberal use of th eword faggot

either the majority or the group in power. one of those is the one that decides who gets shamed into submission.

are you sure you're gonna be either one of those groups?

are you sure it's a good idea to advocate for this morality, where the group in power decides to force their views on everyone?

did you forget that forcing narrow ideology onto people has caused all those social problems in the past, including for your favorite victim group?

do you ever think about the consequences of your actions?

Yeah trannies should be bullied until suicide, what an elegant solution

motherfuckers in this thread drop the most boring bait i've seen here in ages

Wtf do trans people have to do with neoliberal economics anyhow? Seriously??

economics? Nothing really. Social policy, I think that obvious

Le socially progressive but fiscally conservative ideology


"Policy", maybe that's true, but the vague usual social justice stuff about "marginalization" really has nothing to do with neoliberalism.

just because you have a bias against "social justice" does not mean social policy does not rely on it to a degree. Regardless of the political lean how we treat those who are in fact MARGINALIZED needs to be addressed. Neo Liberals take a fact based stance on this issue.

Liberal social policy would precede modern conceptions of social justice by several centuries.

Something "needing to be addressed" does not make it a part of neoliberalism, as neoliberalism (like most forms of liberalism) is not a totalitarian ideology.

If you want to support some sort of neoliberalism+, go for it.

Fiscal conservative but social liberal, AKA babby's first ideology.

Aka most sensible? How is that mock worthy?

Fiscally conservative policy will always end up shitting on marginalized people, it's literally what it's intended for.

Capitalism is great at generating wealth but is horrible at distributing it. That's where the state steps in with targeted regulations. It has and will work.

Man, it's almost as if those who accrue wealth are also very good at deterring these regulations away from themselves

Thats the hurdle, good job

that's why fiscal conservatism is for babies who aren't aware how it works and pondscum who are

Lol, okay. Let's just say policy's based on facts and scientific consensus is a good idea and call it a draw?

The scientific consensus, namely, "here's where this line meets that line? this is why poor people deserve to starve to death"

No, I was thinking more along the lines of "this program was really effective on feeding the poor, how do we implement it everywhere". I and the left leaning neoliberal believe in universal income. If a program works, let's be honest and use it.

Nothing. Neoliberal "economics" is just standard elitism with some bullshit tranny-shagging thrown on for disguise.

In 2017 you can't be neoliberal without being socially liberal.

/u/Bee_REAL_ it looks like they just did. In any case you can't be surprised that a sub that circlejerks about sweatshops has people that are devoid of empathy.

TBF government and consumers don't really hear much ethical responsibility for sweatshops.

I literally don't care about sweatshop conditions and would rather not know who is making my clothing.

Daily reminder than trannies are not more threatened than anybody else and that a cab driver is 9 times more likely to get killed than Xie.

Part of neoliberalism is the belief that the government has a proper and productive role protecting marginalized groups in society.

Never has this been part of any known definition of neoliberalism. They're just making shit up as they go along. "neoliberalism is everything I like now".