Not to be outdone by /r/Toronto, /r/NYC shows us how to *really* be smug and condescending.

31  2017-05-11 by zahlman


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Because everytime you come back to check, you're reminded of your inferiority. I went to a far better school than you plebs, studied under storied professors and worked alongside future leaders of the free world, and probably at least one President of the United States. While you continue your normal, boring existence, I get the privilege to lead an exciting life full of women, friends, drinking, sports, and video games, all while making way too much money for someone my age.

u/caP1taL1sm post bussy

This guy is so full of his own shit that his breath smells like a Johny-Blue at a chili cook-off in the middle of August.

I'm so fucking high on life more like it lol. Literally living in the greatest city in the world, taking advantage of all the women and friends and socializing, all while making bank and setting myself up for a wealthy future.

Literally couldn't be happier actually. I was struggling during college, because Ivy League's are extremely stressful, from an academic, professional, and social aspect. Everyone is amazing at everything so I felt like shit.

But coming into my own, having my own apartment in Manhattan, and finally learning to date women and slam the fuck out of them is a self confidence boost unlike anything I've ever felt.


Exciting life full of... video games

Well that, all while getting my dick sucked from my current art student girl I'm dating (non-exclusively, so I can fuck other chicks too)

And video games are dope, the fact that I am wealthy and privileged enough to get to play them and not have to do boring shit after work is amazing. Following ones true passion in life is ultimate fulfillment.

Nice shoes bro, now THAT is exciting and screams of high culture! I only know highly educated, rich, and intelligent people who fawn over sneakers!

Thanks for askin

New Yorkers that post on the internet are shit.

New Yorkers that dont' post on the internet are pretty cool, actually.


Hey fuck you buddy

I held the door open for someone in NYC once, and literally got this same response

Get out of the way of the door. I'm walking here

What do you want him to do. Hand out money. You realize white people struggle too, right? Wtf.

Easy solution /u/QueensNYC89 mayocide

u/Not_Everything_Does what kind of adult talks the way you do?

The kind who is talking, sweetie, obviously.

Hush, the adults are talking, sweetie

Real talk though, /u/not_everything_does is the cuntiest, most obnoxious ham planet I've ever had the misfortune of coming across on this site. This is the same user that told that domestic abuse guy from the retard highschooler drama earlier that he was faking it. This smarmy, smug, animated renal failure is so phenomenally immature that I can't even enjoy their toxic unpleasantness. I'd call them a waste of oxygen, but frankly there's already too much oxygen in the East Village. Oohs make fun of their obesity, mental instability, or general NEETitude but they're active on TrollX so there isn't really anything original that I could say. Honestly /u/not_everything_does I hope you cut your sandal-wearing hoof on a piece of broken glass in that piss-scented hellhole you call a city, get tetanus, and only die after your lockjaw gets so bad that you aren't even able to scream in pain. Barring that maybe we'll both get lucky and you'll be creamed by a taxi when crossing the street while updating your Steven Universe OC fanblog.

Jesus Christ, that has to be one of the worst posting histories I ever saw. It's almost enough to make someone wish for a second 9/11.

How cute, it feels threatened!

Thanks honey, I needed your angry manchild rage this morning to cheer me up :)

I'm joining Al Qaeda now because of you ya obese sweaty cunt. Gonna crash a plane into your favourite donut shop inshallah.

Godspeed :)

Bye, Felicia.

Cry more sweetie, I'm not sure your friends over at /r9k/ heard you :)

FWIW, it's very flattering to me that you would write so much about me, thank you honey! I hope I bring you some purpose in your shallow, pathetic, useless little life :3

You're an American grotesque on par with Ignatius J. Reilly or Lena Dunham

It responded to me, how flattering!

Thank you for your compliments sweetie, they mean so much to me. It's always a pleasure to hear from people with severe mental issues, it shows signs of progress! Keep it up at this rate, and I have no doubt you'll overcome at least one of your incalculable mental issues in your lifetime :)

You are my little monkey. Reply and tell call me sweetie, hunny, and be sure to use "hush" & ""cute".
Dance monkey, dance!

Wasn't sure if pasta for a sec

Freshly cooked

They added a new mod there, who flairs people he dislikes with (frequent troll). They also banned the batshit insane /u/CheetoTweetolini, at a great loss to the drama community.

Did they ban /r/VegaThePunisher too or did he just start farming karma full time from the knuckle daggers in /r/politicalhumor?

Whats in the water in Bed Stuy that makes them go crazy?

Does lying about everything make you feel better? The flair was made for you drama losers

How many accounts are you going to make Dramanazi?

See. Proof that nobody likes cheeto over there.

u/Not_Everything_Does would it kill you to have comebacks more creative than that of twelve year old girl?

u/not_everything_does is what happens when you cross a chihuahua with a parrot, so no.

Adorable! Thank you honey, I actually love parrots!

Excessively yappy and it repeats the everything you say. Really nailed that one.

So yes, it would kill her to have comebacks more creative than that of a twelve year old girl...

Actually quite flattering, because I know how scared whiny manchildren get when there's a girl of any age around them :)

Thank you sweetie!

Are you assuming my feelings?

That's not even a twelve year old girl reply. She comments like a 12yo pan-sexual-demikin on tumblr.

I guarantee you every last person in that thread has gone to a third world country on their dad's money and described it as a "journey" on instagram

>gets ruined

>doubles down on the tryhard sweetie posting

try harder sweetie :)

I banned /u/Not_Everything_Does for their incessant "sweetie" bullshit in every comment along with insulting many other members of the community. They then messaged me twice in rapid fire succession similar to someone else I previously banned, and then promptly deleted their account with 9,000 karma (built up in less than a month) after realizing that I am not stupid.

To anyone reading: do not evade bans and then post the same bullshit, it will only result in your other alt accounts being discovered and banned as well.

u/russell_howard please do not speak for mods -- it is not that I dislike the individuals banned, I have no opinion of these people because I don't regularly follow their posts, I don't know who they are (as in, what sort of posts they are known for) and I have never interacted with most of them before. Individuals are flagged with "frequent troll" when we receive constant reports about specific users who contribute nothing to the discussion, resort to name calling and/or insults to get a rise out of others, or if they engage in rhetoric that is somewhat racist. Then after recognizing a name over and over again in mod queue, they are tagged so others are warned about their behavior.

I have you tagged as frequent mod.
