Ameriburger loses his shit at Muslim family, cries like a bitch in mug shot

158  2017-05-11 by HuckleberryFN2187




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You all laugh now but when they inevitably do enact sharia law, all your goats will be confiscated for use by the state.

🎶 oh baby when you talk like that, you make a woman go jihad 🎶

Women belong in the kitchen, not the battlefield.

And I'm on tonight you know jihad don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
All the explosion, the tension
Don't you see 🐐, this is perfection

Yep this is in my head now.

Oh baby when you talk like that You make Danzig wanna speak Spanish Doritos, Robert Di Nero (uh, how do you say Danzig in Spanish?)




(background vocals) WEKILLYA WEKILLYA


You're adding an extra syllable. It destroys the rhythm of the song. Why not use jihad as a verb instead? Apply urself pls!

Please continue with this talk of goats? You've given me and election. Furthermore I want to lick up his tears and use my spit for anal sex lubrication

You've given me and election

Who's leading in the polls

His dick

You could say it comes out...a-head!

I'll see myself out

I did nazi that coming

Doesn't matter, Trump will win

The كفار know! Shut it down اخي

rubber dinghy rapids bro

These are real bad times bro. Islam is cracking up. We got women talking back! We got people playing stringed instruments! It's the end of days

Jihad me at allah

Falafel truck on every corner.

all your goats will be confiscated for use by the state.


this is how I picture every online dumpster supporter irl

I don't know. I assumed about half of the online ones would be either be much fatter and uglier than this guy (he looks like the type that listens to talk radio and goes to Trump rallies, still ugly and fat but not exactly r/t_d material) or you know, Russian.

  1. He was outside

  2. He was celebrating spring break

  3. He was able to talk to strangers

The plan is to solve America's obesity problem by burying people in The Wall, Great Wall Of China style

this but unironically

Nah I picture them fatter than this. This guy probably has some shit blue collar job. The morons at the_doofus don't even have that


yeah like i'd be willing to believe this guy has something more substantial than tendies driving his retardation. he still should be purged like all poors, but his life might actually suck unironically for reasons that arent his fault

Hoe does a life suck 'ironically'?

ur questioning my lived experience rn and thats very tiggering

Sorry friend, didn't mean to step on any toes.

im gonna need for u to donate to my patreon to make up for this violent assault

Don't you dare try to erase my experiences as an anxiety-american.


Sure thing, /u/JumboFun

/u/reimann1413 can you ban this yourgayopinion alt? This one is somehow even less funny.

You are a sensitive boy.

wow, ban evading multiple times?

this is a serious violation of sitewide rules.

hibbity whobity?

Hey now the kid was a damn saint! Pls use another photo of some other scrub.

Nah, he captures the look perfectly.

I am better than you in every way and you are very triggered by me, an American Trump Patriot.

If being a retard is patriotic you must be a medal of honor winner

Supporting an obese retard is patriotic alright. You go ameriburger!

Oh, you are a foreigner.

I'll give you a break, since you don't comprehend American politics - or Americanism!

Funny how the most proud Americans are the most retarded. That's why Trump won. Being retarded and proud of it is an American tradition.

Proud Americans. American tradition. That's why Trump won.


Trump won because America uses an outdated representation system.

Trump won because America uses an ideal representation system

Jesus, did you just completely fail American Civics?

millions more vote for other person

other person loses


lol kys retard. if the situation was flipped and obese cheeto won pop vote but lost the election your autistic screams would still be sounding to this day. you're too stupid to realize you're a hypocrite tho so enjoy your corn fatty.

No, because I've actually participated in more than one election and I know how they work.

Good job acknowledging that fatties are human waste, though. Respect.

You voted for an obese retard. At least you've finally admitted he's worthless. At this rate you may finally achieve sentience !

I don't care if a 70 year old man is in shape, you numpty.

You're boring 😪

You're losing. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

be retarded

have no social skills

uses politics for personal identity

"winning" lol

Good luck with that.

oh no not the classic "no u" response. how will i ever recover?

Its never too late to stop being a bitch, Russ.

Since your definition of "bitch" is "someone who disagrees with me" I'm p sure I'll never stop being a proud bitch. I could never eat enough brain damaging substances to match how proud and retarded you are. When you're done with your attention seeking feel free to fuck off to whatever dumpster fire you call a life.

A "bitch" is a feisty, disagreeable leftist who fails at his or her gender role.

I'm a centrist. See, that's the big problem with you kids. You have zero actual political knowledge and have morphed your insecure urges into an ideology so far right that no one seems reasonable to you anymore. You wouldn't know a leftist if it was face fucking your ugly whore mother in front of you while shitting on whatever meager belongings you have in your life. When you manage to take your surrogate orange daddy's dick out of your mouth maybe you'll learn a thing or two about politics besides "BROWN PEOPLE AND GLOBALISM BAD"


Misfire #1, Russ. Globalism is a front for communism. It can't be "centrist".

You have zero actual political knowledge

Misfire #2. You have no virtues, so you cling to your Gender-Whinging degree as the source of your value. But then you encounter someone like me, who actually is just better than you.


Misfire #3. America is the premier multi-ethnic nation, and my family is a fine black American family. You white liberal pussies wouldn't even know what to do if you stepped outside of your bougie little enclaves.

Relax, Russ. Sometimes, the commie candidate doesn't get to be President. Accept it.

Misfire #1, Russ. Globalism is a front for communism. It can't be "centrist".

you're so retarded you conflate political ideologies as a singular entity. this is your flaw dumbass.

Misfire #2. You have no virtues, so you cling to your Gender-Whinging degree as the source of your value. But then you encounter someone like me, who actually is just better than you.

you think a minority of internet reactionaries and silly college kids represent actual people. also your retarded flaw.

Misfire #3. America is the premier multi-ethnic nation, and my family is a fine black American family. You white liberal pussies wouldn't even know what to do if you stepped outside of your bougie little enclaves.

That's right. Be a good house nigger.

Relax, Russ. Sometimes, the commie candidate doesn't get to be President. Accept it.

Again, you don't know what a leftist is. An actual commie would share your level of hatred for Hillshit.

Be a good house nigger.

Jimmies fucking rustled, Russ.

You should go now.

I'm sorry, do you prefer house Negro? Or are you just offended someone would say nigger? But I thought I was a leftist? What a dumbass you are. KYS.

See you at the top of the_donald. :-D

Ok house nigger. Go post a "leftist" for internet points. Using your race as a political card. SAD!

calls black people ~racists~~ niggers for internet points. Sad?

I called you a house nigger. Which you are. What's funny is if you're really a non ironic trumper all the ones I know IRL would deport your ass in a heartbeat if they had the power.

Stay out of the race game, Russ. You are floundering.

It's funny your flair is a gun and you're black.

Why would that be funny, Russ.

deport your ass

To where does one deport an American citizen, Russ?

Because of crime rates.

To where does one deport an American citizen, Russ?

According to my local experts it's usually Africa.

Hey now, let's not nigger up the discussion here.

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trumps a retard but you obviously have no idea what the purpose of the electoral college is. Anyone who screeches about popular vote has a basic misunderstanding of politics

The purpose of it is to remind every 4 years other countries that burgers are retarded. It works.

Oh look it's gonna tell us that the rocks and sheep in Wyoming are significantly different from the rocks and sheep in Montana and deserve two senators of their own.

Deserves got nothing to do with it, kemosabe.

I know. They don't deserve shit. They're a bunch of opioid-addicted savages who will never get passports in their lives and aren't fit to have a say in affairs that they can't possibly understand.

Shrieking won't turn your butthole into a pretty pink pussy, junior.

u wot?

How does it feel to know that a woman is the new leader of the free world

Um, I think you'll find that the only winner of the French election... was misogyny.

Le Pen lost because of mysogyny.

Clinton lost because she's a dried up crabby uppity bitch

110% true you cuck

I've heard the Trump supporter gene is a duplication of 23.

42% of all Hillary voters suffered mental breakdowns in November LOL

Trump's is funnier. Even the guy's press secretary is trying to hide behind the foliage. Kek.

Trying to make America into a pathetic euro-commie shithole will always fail, fam.

But, it is fun to watch you struggle to understand. :-D

Guy literally just shitposted to twitter about Rosie o donnell. This is the greatest timeline

I can already imagine him scrolling frantically in the dark through O'Donnell's timeline for minutes upon minutes, big smile upon his face when he finally finds the words he was looking for. "Finally the people will see my wisdom" he knows, when sending the tweet. "Tremendous. Big league."

We need this guy as a drama mod

I support this.

u/the-realDonaldTrump, how about it?

Holy shit. The madman actually posted after his disaster AMA


Looks like you missed this. You are having a hard time tonight.

They're not mutually exclusive. People can elect you and then lose faith in your wisdom after election. You'd be lying if you said that his presidency is going smooth lol.

This is the best President we have had since Teddy Roosevelt. It is beyond my expectations.

You wouldn't understand that, though. You don't have America in your heart. :-D

Reagan signed a gun-control bill, fam. At least try to act like you know.

Lol. And yet every Mongo at the RNC was trying to position themselves as Reagan Mk.ii

He was a very well respected President and successful campaigner. So, yes, that would be a thing that a candidate would do. Not that you, as a foreigner with no understanding of US politics, would know that.

America in your heart

It's called ASVD

You can really see the economic anxiety in their eyes.

Sorry I mean fetal alcohol syndrome. I always mix those two up


I thought the left was against classism.

It's not poverty status that made your mom drink Cletus

The left likes non-working indigents.

The left dislikes the working class.

It's not work that makes your methhead mom also drink

Damn, shit is going off at the nursing home.

We both know your mom is 15 years older than you at best

That's just weird.

Because shes a trampy white trash piece of shit who had you


When she was 15 therefore she is at best 15 years older than you.

I know math is hard for a trumper



Also don't you dumb fuckers not have jobs, isn't that why you spend all day trying to wrap your tongue cheeto's balls?


His decision to tan his bloated corpse is racist?

No- bougie faux-leftists.

It's kinda racist that I said white trash trumpsters like you claimed to be without work?


Thanks for playing.

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I'm disgusted that someone here actuely posts on /r/enoughtrpspam

I'm disgusted that someone here actuely posts on /r/enoughtrpspam

Maybe ease up on drinking hand sanitizer.

I am shocked and disappointed that you would give such misleading advice. Drink up 🍹 I say!

Enough TRP spam?

I picture them like this.

I bet he felt really tough yelling drunkenly at that family.

Obviously not if he's crying.

He is just sad because he thought his lord emperor would save him.

God*-emperor. The man visited Pennsylvania 18 times for that title

My b.

Standing up to terrorists takes courage.

he's a Trump supporter

on /r/drama

all he does is seriouspost

It's pretty sad tbh

He's right, though.

Yeah! Like a bitch

About what exactly?

About what exactly?

In the viral video Downing is seen with a clear plastic cup while shouting "Donald Trump is my president!"

  • Donald J. Trump is the President.
  • Americans will control our nation, our borders and our destiny. Not globalists, not illegals, not the media, not communists, not Islam, not degenerates.
  • Islam is a hideous ideology. Islam is the death of human dignity. Islam must be destroyed. America will save the world from Islam, just as it saved the world from Nazism and Communism.

Until the next election, anyway. Trump is presently doing a wonderful job campaigning for the Democrats.

Nobody could do a worse job than Hillary!

You make it sound like you think I'm obliged to like Hillary because I think Trump is a shaven Orangutan with Down Syndrome. What's it like to be so retarded you can only think in black and white?

Obligation is a useful word in understanding the Hillary voter!

I'm not American, so I'm not a Hillary voter. :^)

Then you have no idea what you are talking about, do ya.

If I didn't know what I was talking about, I'd be a Trump supporter.

No, you'd be a foreigner commenting on US politics.

Trump would have me believe that's completely fine. Well. Maybe if I was Russian, or from wherever his wife is from.

Leftist propaganda would have me believe

No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet.

The media is full of leftist bullshit that you believe.

That makes you the puppet.

Who would even need the media when you can just listen to the President directly?

I need someone to translate Trump's Twitter account because I don't speak retard.

Im a a foreigner vommenting on US politics.

I support Trump.

What's ur move now big boy?

You make it sound like you think I'm obliged to like Hillary because I think Trump is a shaven Orangutan with Down Syndrome.

every fucking body is like that and it pisses me off mang



What if the communist, globalist, media, muslim and/or degenerate is/are an American, too? By your statement they should be able to control their destiny then, but you also seem to imply that they shouldn't have that right, making it a kinda meaningless statement. The US has a very diverse population, so while you probably have a clear picture of what an American is, does it really hold up to reality? Did it ever?

What if the communist, globalist, media, muslim and/or degenerate is/are an American, too?

It would be very sad, but he should still kill himself.

So basic "freedom for me, but not for thee". Got it.




Choose one.

I choose all three, thank you. That's freedom.

Living under communism is unfree and unAmerican.
Living under Islam is unfree and unAmerican.

You can live in America without embracing your Americanism. You can choose to waste your life.

Sounds a little unfree to me. What makes you the arbiter?

You brought it up, chief. Don't raise your skirts if you don't want to hear that your panties are torn.

wtf kinda gay analogy is that

I don't know, man. You are the one wanting to control others becausr you don't like how they live, and somehow my panties are torn. Doesn't make much sense.

You are the one wanting to control others prevent others from invading my nation

They're already there. Have been for some time. You just want absolute control for your group.

They're already there.

Yes, the illegals have to be dealt with. The Islams have also proven to be a problem, and we will prevent any further incursions from them.

Im talking about legal americans who happen to be muslim. But I guess you had to get that cuck analogy in some way.

It is funny, you keep thumping your chest about how your view of america is the correct one, but none of your comments espouse life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You don't give a fuck about American values, you just want your group to lord over others. It is so transparant that it is sad.

Im talking about legal americans who happen to be anti-American

We will prevent the importation of any more enemies.

When you have to alter quotes just so you can feel you're making a point (without adressing anything), you have already lost.

But I'm guessing you're a teen, so i get it.


Yes, sure. I'm the autist screeching lol

Yeah. What I thought. Only thing I agree with how hideous Islam is. Shame I am willing to learn and try to have an impact. I do think its cute how think you haven't fallen for a similarly, equally dogmatic thought process. I am sure no trump supporters are gonna start cutting clits. It is telling that they have done, much like people who worship islam and other religions, have traded their humanity for a side to be of an ideology.

I am sure no trump supporters are gonna start cutting clits.

haha jesus christ

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ur such a good poster

u laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at u becaure u r all the same

TIL different means retarded


Your post was spam filtered. I'm going to err on the side of caution for this post and keep it removed because it is very close to the doxxing rules.


and he's a manlet

Person who supports conservative, reactionary candidate turns out to probably be insecure


Not all of us are like that. I become a smug asshole who gets way funnier the more I drink.

You're a manlet? Makes sense that you would hide behind a username of a character that is a giant.

Nice agenda post you fucking dune coon

You try far too hard, honey. Honestly, it's quite boring. I suppose I may as well use your post to have a wee game. Hey, /u/blackjack_bot, deal me in so I don't have to listen to this retard.

I know I'm really pleased with it

Why can't these people just keep their resentment/bigotry inside themselves? It's not like you always see these Muslims everytime, unless you try to look for them.

I run into em fairly frequently, actually, and I don't leave my house that often. I'm also not a fucking autistic insecure little crybaby so I don't actually give a shit when I do.

What state do you live in? That Trumpist lives in Texas, and it's not like Texas is a haven of Muslims or anything.

The People's Gaypublic of Drugafornia, so exactly where you would expect high concentrations of muslims lmao

Bay Area?

u tryna dox me bruh


One. Of. Us.

Houston has a decently sized enclave of them. From what I've heard though they mostly keep to themselves.

That Trumpist lives in Texas, and it's not like Texas is a haven of Muslims or anything.

Houston is home to a significant number of Muslim Americans. As of 2012 it has the largest Muslim population in Texas and the largest Muslim population in the Southern United States.

Huh. TIL Texas has their own Muslim places.

yup. lots and lots of space to be had + tons of engineering jobs + every college giving major STEM schollys to muslim and indian kids = this. I went to lsu, there's a shocking # of muslim kids there... they just have their own little dorms and activities so the normies never really encounter them.

tbqh they stick to themselves, pay their taxes, and support local biz. never bothered me in the slightest

No he actually lives in Connecticut and has an arrest record in Florida.

He's from Connecticut you retard

it's not like Texas is a haven of Muslims or anything.

Good, let's keep it that way.

It's like people who are enraged at the idea of a chubby girl trying to be sexy. It's like dude, unless you like that, why do you care?

I feel better about myself knowing that I've never white knighted for a fat chick I made up

I feel better about myself knowing I don't look for irritation in my life, only to bitch about how they are affecting my life, when it doesn't.

If there is a turd in your beer, do you get upset about it, or do you just, like... drink around it? Also, why is there a turd in your beer?

I see women dressed in terrorist garb on a daily basis in Philadelphia.

People are still wearing "I'm with Her" shirts?

Ha ha - actually, though, yes.

tfw living in Europe

Why can't the Arabian Peninsula just keep their Islam/bigotry inside themselves?

South Padre Island, Texas.


Sad af.

I don't know my Texas beaches. Sad! What gives?

It's a popular spot for college kids.

For like two weeks a year. During the summer it's a great family beach and not all oily like Port A

it's too late, I've already passed judgement.

Well then. I won't even mention you can camp on the beach there as long as you're far enough north of the "city". Used to trip like crazy out there

Poor /u/yourgayopinion. He's really fallen into a spiral since /u/riemann1413 banned him.

This is why r/drama is so important as a containment mechanism

Why did he get banned?

Where's the video u fuckers

Pearl South Padre Hotel Experience (story on the description below) [5:38]

While enjoying our time at the beach during a family reunion, our kids and us had to experience ugliness and aggressiveness in the worse shape and form possible. We were staying at the South Padre Pearl hotel and went to the beach through their private access. My father was approached by two woman who were also enjoying their time. The women asked him to help with talking to a stranger who was harassing them. All my father said to the guy was "please enjoy your time and have fun and let everyone else here enjoy their time." The guy seemed to listen and walked away. He then came back to my father and started throwing racist comments. He was yelling so loud that my uncles and my brother came over from the water to see what was going on. The insane man came close to the kids and that's when my uncle stood up to him and defended us and the kids, including my 4 year old cousin, 4 and 2 year old nephews. The video here shows a glimpse of what we all had to experience. It is worth mentioning that we contacted South Padre police and the man left on his way back o the hotel. A little after that the police came and told my father to call them again if he harasses us again. We went back to playing in the water and sand then the insane man came back with even more aggressiveness and more racial slurs. We called 911 again as you may be able to hear on the video. After about 20 minutes of him going crazy he left back to the hotel. The police then came back and they arrested the man at the hotel restaurant. When we spoke to the hotel management, they said they couldn't do anything at the time because he is in police custody and that if they see him, they will evict him. The next morning my uncle saw him at the front desk and talked to the management. They plainly told us that they can't do anything about it right now and that if he does this again he will be arrested. I don't understand what it takes for this hotel to take actions. Do they need someone to get hurt?

Noria Alward in People & Blogs

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You're a fucking monkey

smh, dude can't even get his racial stereotypes right. SAD!

lol this is soooooooooo cringe it's hilarious.

muh country is the greatest country in the world. MUH president donald trump!!!! hits chest like an ape

hahaha what a loser.

Why are people blaming the hotel? Does the hotel own the beach too or is it a public beach?

What a fucking pussy.

Fun fact: places where there are more muslims or there were more terrorist attacks tend to vote against immigration restrictions.

Islam may be the most awful religion in the lot, but at the end of the day ameriburgers are whiny little bitches.

So...the places with more relaxed attitudes toward immigration end up getting more terrorist attacks?


I hate to seriouspost like an autist who deserves suicide, but cities are most likely to be more relaxed towards immigration because people interact with immigrants and their descendants very frequently and see them as normal people, whereas that integration is much less common is more sparser, rural areas.

Cities also get hit by terrorism more often because that's where all the people are, ISIS ain't gonna bomb some hick town in the middle of nowhere. This is why the race war will never happen.

The thought of a jihadist ramming his plane into a corn elevator is hilarious though.

You just like having things rammed into your corn chute, you can't fool us.

This is why the race war will never happen.

please dont say things like that

Don't worry brother, I still have faith that the mayocide will come soon, inshallah.

Don't worry, mayocide will happen soon, inshallah.

(dunno why my comment was deleted)

Yeah, it's sad. The civilized urbanites who deserve it the least get the most attention from terrorists.

No, city Mayos deserve to go first. Well get to the inbred Mayos eventually though.

ISIS ain't gonna bomb some hick town in the middle of nowhere.

Why live?

But Islamic terrorists are not normal people, nor are communists, trannies and all the other degenerates that urban hipster filth-hives have created.

We get it, you live in a boring depressing small town and have no friends.

X try again

Fine. You have no friends. Better?

XX last chance

Mom doesn't count mate.

This is not going well for you.

We get it, you're very unfunny.

i spent 21 years of my life in a rural town, but I more recently moved to a big city.

I will very gladly take the most faggiest hipster commies over country folk. not even a contest.

I will very gladly take the most faggiest hipster commies

I bet you will.


I hate to seriouspost like an autist who deserves suicide

And yet you did

Well I do deserve suicide

No, more like the places with more terrorism don't give a fuck about terrorism.

I don't know about the US but I remember a set of maps of Europe showing that the higher the percentage of Muslim population, the less antipathy there was towards Muslims. Turns out the more you know them, the more you like them.

...and then the more terrorist attacks you get

mayos commit more race-motivated attacks than the spooky brown people. We should stop allowing residency of mayos and build a big beautiful brown wall around middle america until we figure out what's going on.

it's almost as if interacting with muslims and immigrants on a regular basis humanizes them....

And that's what makes it problematic. It's also humanizing mayos.

exactly! fuck white people

Ah, but you see, if the mayos humanize the spooky brown people, they will do the sex with them and produce beige babies

LOL, the next thing you know you'll be telling us women are people.

Muslim terrorists vote for more Muslim terrorism, shocker.

The terrorist city of New York, the terrorist city of Paris and the terrorist city of Berlin. The western civilization is sharia, we are so cucked :X.


Election, you know when Chinese people get a boner

"We'd never not tolerate this"

Nice on, chief.

this faggot thought he was part of the master race


Ameriburger? WTF is that?


I have an idea:

What if we let Islam have all the fat women and feminists, and all the other women get to go free?

This way, Islam and burqas and stuff will have a positive purpose - we won't hate them anymore, and we won't have to nuke them and we can even let some of their refugees in.

Everyone wins.

Even Emma Watson?

The burqa will protect her from the male gaze. All shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.

Insha'allah brother

Allah is just, merciful.

This is why I want Sharia Law

cool agenda post bruh

If you nearly escaped being killed by terrorists, you'd probably cry too.

Connecticut native


Yet more evidence that white supremacists are unilaterally prime soap stock.