Is zoophilia immoral? What does God think about it?

26  2017-05-11 by Lord_jyraksiz


This, but unironically.


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Convert to Islam /u/30-30 , it's the only major religion that doesn't condemn bestiality.

In fact they condone it, as well as pedo shit


Sorry, but I´m an agnostic. I do appreciate the philosophical approaches of many religions in terms of handing out moral and ethical basics, but do not care for all the other "my imaginary friend in the sky" bullshit.

Look man how bad do you want to fuck animals? Sometimes ideological sacrifices have to be made.

whoa that was some shit right there. Who was that nazi loving dog fucker that used to post here (not frostfedora, he wasn't a nazi just a dog fucker)? We should get his opinion

He got married. Not sure if he has a new account but his wife is /u/loveyleahmarried

This is Disney's fault. Disney anthropomorphized animals and now we have horsefuckers.

Blame them for the furries. This guy fucks real, breathing animals. Those existed for a long time.

Egyptians had Anubis tho

as someone who has been browsing odd fetish sites no horsefuckers are not new they are sadly however going mainstream and need to be purged.

going mainstream

Uh, how exactly?

people outside of the websites are aware it exists

and need to be purged

What do you have in mind?

im not an ideas guy im a good herald but not much else im good at delivering a message but shite at making the message so you look up genocide A-Z while i work on a good way to convince them.

Oh yes! After /u/frostfedora left u/30-30 became the real MVP of /r/zoophilia. He really knows how to generate drama where there is none.

Like that time he tried to have a dialogue with some random methheads because... autism?

I kinda stalk the guy. One day he'll get bored and come through with some memorable drama. Go u/30-30, I believe in you!

I think this lady just has an alert set up for whenever someone posts the word "zoophilia".

Lol pretty spot on. The only times he seems comment outside r/zoophilia is to talk about zoophilia and his account is 2 years old. He is like a lawful evil version of that one guy who went all across reddit to defend veganism.

Well, yeah. I think he said that he was bored and just searched for "zoophilia" on reddit and got to that thread.

But the sad thing he tries to avoid loosing battles. I know for a fact that he knows of r/drama existence, because he himself posted a link to one of the posts here to /r/zoophilia.

I also tried to get him to come comment on another /r/drama post, but he knew better not to. I think he avoids places like these, otherwise he'd be all over /r/commonfilth, because they have a weird obsession with bestiality and constantly get posts about that shit.

So he most likely won't come here because we pinged him. Unless he gets really bored.

Regarding him advocating zoophilia: he actually constantly posts against advocating it in r/zoophilia. He really has a pretty weird and contrarian outlook on things to the point I'm still on the fence whether he's a troll or the real deal. Like he constantly says that he fucks horses in a public stable, everybody knows and people are ok with that. Sounds like bullshit horseshit to me.

Oh, and he apparently plays doom metal or some shit and has tattoos up the wazoo. Rad, like some teenager's imagination.

I mean, just read his stuff (if you have the time). It's definitely something.

Lol he probably won't come here because there's not really much insightful discussion to be had; more likely just flaming. And yeah, I don't really get him either though I'm convinced despite his lacking social skills he still makes a strong point to care about animals.

Yeah, that's basically the whole point about /r/zoophilia. I think they advocate actually caring and lowing relationship with animals and look down on animal abuse and porn. Although I didn't even have to scroll anywhere to find a comment thread like this.

Another "what in the actual fuck" moment was when somebody made a post about fucking a dog in the ass for the first time (I think it got removed shortly after by OP, because I looked for it later and couldn't find it) and everybody was like: "Woohoo! Congrats! Go you!" (although it could've been a bait and switch thing)...

WAIT A SECOND! You're from /r/zoophilia! Well, first of all, you know better than me that he doesn't shy away from flaming and one of the main sources of flaming on the sub. And secondly, how many poor dogs have you raped today?

Very true, he is abrasive there but people at least sometimes agree with him, and are willing to put up discussion. And as much as I love discussion it often times isn't the case in other places, especially drama-centric ones.

As for the dog rape count that's at a pretty steady zero since I'm a bottom and my guys haven't been interested the last couple days 👌

Well, this is not a very dramatic response, tbh. Not really in the spirit of our sub. Try better next time, ok?

On the other note, I went through your history and noticed that your comments on /r/furry_irl get quite a lot of upvotes. Does this mean that most furries are actually dogfuckers, just like we always suspected?

Sometimes! But not most of them. And not all animal fuckers are furries either. My username and experience however provides a good bit of novelty in that subreddit. Their cancerous shitposting has been slowly dragging me towards them lately.

Well, I don't know about the novelty part. A lot of stuff there you commented on actually imply bestiality and some other people like /u/vaguelyirrelevant seem to be into fucking dogs just like you...

Anyways, so why are you like this? What happened to you in your childhood that made you a dogfucker? I need to know so my kids won't grow up like this.

OKOK HOLD UP WAIT WAIT WAIT WAit wait wait wait. What's going on here? Do I even care enough to try and defend myself? What subreddit am I even on right now? I'm a furry 100% but am also asexual and have no interest in humans, much less dogs. That comment is typical of what you see on subreddits like that so I suppose it may be hard to separate who's serious and who isn't. I never expected to be used as an example... ya know what if that's why you truly believe I'm not gonna stop you. And also yo wassup u/btwIAMAzoophile I love you man I see you all over r/furry_irl

Lol that's /r/drama for you

I'm a furry 100% but am also asexual

Wow. I don't know which is worse. At least zoophiles are having some kind of sex. Beating off to 2D is just plain sad. I bet you're into that anime shit as well.

What the hell does beating off to 2D mean? Being asexual implies that I legitimately don't "beat off". And besides ghibli films I've never watched anime, wouldn't mind trying to at some point tho

Do you even have any junk between your legs? Maybe you don't know how to use it? Have your parents never told you what it's for?

It's ok. If you went to a Catholic school they tend to skip this subject. You can go to PornHub. the've got guides and how-to's and lots of visual guides. Good place to start is midget anal prolapse porn.

No need to thank me. Just trying to help.

Nah I'm atheist. But it's clear to see that I've entirely missed the point of this subreddit. So without further ado, I will commence the greatest drama that this sub has ever seen.

So I guess a freestyle roast session idk

Yo, yo Hello and welcome to Your roast sessioooooon!!

His name is Masturb Lookin quite disturbed Every time he comments I'm Immediately peturbed

Last name chyiff Must be into yiff

I don't have anything for that, as a furry I must say that this is preferential to whatever midget thing you mentioned earlier.



I think you might be having a seizure.

Also don't get any ideas about that Chyiff part. It was a simple spelling mistake. I want to assure you I would never masturbate to any drawn images of cartoon characters of anthropomorphic nature. Like ever.

But do not worry. We are not a hate sub, like others might tell you. We are a support group, actually.

I see you've said that you do not have sexual relationships with any living beings. Therefore you must be an incel. Almost 90% of /r/Drama are incels. We're all about that red pill. You are among friends. You can entrust us your darkest secrets.

It's totally ok to tell us if you shagged a dog. We won't rat you out to the admins. Promise.

Pls don't diddle your dog.

I just act as an outlet so he can diddle himself

What the fuck is the deal with /r/commonfilth? I can't figure out what their goal is.

I think it's a community for a YouTube personality or something like that.

Oh, a fan! Do you want an autograph from me? ;)

I´m not trying to avoid losing (to lose =/= loose; you´re welcome ;) ) "battles" , I´m just avoiding pointless debates with people who are unable and unwilling to consider my views and discard them categorically.

For the "drama": I´m simply too old for shit like this. I´m not posting for entertainment purposes or scanning reddit to make fun of random people I don´t know. Simple as that....also I know how shocking my sexual orientation can be for outsiders and I respect your and everyone else´s right not to be confronted with my love for horses.

I can assure you that I´m not a troll and have lived with my mare in public boarding stables for more than 20 years. I´m a professional riding instructor and those stables were my working places for two decades. And as unimaginable as it might seem to you, it still is true that I never ran into major problems with other horseowners and nobody tried to interfere with my relationship; there were rumors, sure...but it never led to problems with the authorities.

I NEVER played doom metal, I was playing the axe in a German grindcore/death metal band for some time and am indeed heavily tattooed.

Thank you for advising people to actually read my posts instead of the usual "he´s an animal rapist, burn him at the stakes!" narrative we zoophiles usually run into. I still believe that we can sort out a compromise that is suitable for both sides, the zoophiles and you outsiders. Indeed I´m not advocating "legal zoophilia" as this is only making things more easy for animal pornographers and bestialists.

What may look like paradoxical signals in my posts is owed to the fact that I´m trying NOT to be partisan, only promoting my side, but trying to find a solutions suitable for you outsiders as well.

What I want is to end those useless trench fights between zoos and normal folks. I want to be able to love my mare without fear, but I also want you not having to be afraid of your zoophile neighbor, I want you to be able to keep an animal in your yard without the fear that your zoophile/beasty neighbor is trying to fuck it when you´re not watching.

Fact is, zoophilia exists as long as mankind exists. We won´t just go away and laws won´t solve the problems we obviously have with each other. Let´s just stop bashing each other for being a "filthy animal fucker" or being an "intolerant nazi"; let´s end the trench fights.

If you´re against zoophilia because you think it´s bad for the animals, well, I constantly propose a form of supervised my posts and you surely come across my idea of monitoring zoophiles and their animals by a NEUTRAL vet.

I´ve bought my own big farm worth over a million Euros last year and now live alone with my mare partner and three other mares ; I could easily withdraw from any discussions and just live my life in peace (and, no, I´m not having sex with the other three ladies, I don´t cheat when I´m in a relationship). My Tinker mare enjoys the attention I give her, enjoys to sleep with me very much and I simply don´t see how I do something "evil" or "bad" to her. When I bought her, she was kinda frightened , she must´ve had some bad experiences with humans, probably at the Irish farm I bought her she´s a very self confident young lady, demands body contact and attention whenever I´m near and is a little bit envious when I have to handle her three pasture companions. I love her and she seems to love, where is your problem, guys? Just take a look into your local slaughterhouse and see what is done to the animals in there for your meat, take a look at how most urban folks keep their animals , incarcerated in small flats, sometimes not even taking them out for a walk in days. My ladies are free to run on about 40 hectars of greenland, are taken care of very well as their shiny coat of fur is proving and generally have a damn good horse life. Their hooves are in excellent condition, they´re all healthy ,get vaccinated and dewormed regularly, I never, NEVER use ANY form of violence on them, I don´t even possess a whip or spurs, I don´t "train" them for sex, I don´t force myself upon my equine partner and pay absolute attention and respect to what she wants and doesn´t want.

You can hate me, consider it disgusting, can try to hunt me down for being a "vile animal rapist", whatever...I just don´t care anymore...and just wish for peace between us zoos and you normal folks. I respect you, even the most hostile individuals and only want the same for me. You´re free to disagree with me, that´s your right...but if you want to silence me and strip me of my right to voice controversial opinions with public shaming in portals like this, there´s something going totally wrong. I´m convinced we can sort it all out...if we all would only stop fighting and yelling at each other.

normal folk

/r/drama users

Pick one.

I even have a picture of her doing exactly this when I entered the stables early in the morning.

When I hugged her neck, she often used one of her front legs to kinda "grab" me, I also have a picture of that if you´re interested.

I am interested.

Sorry, but I won´t upload the picture with her private parts visible. She was way too classy for some internet wanker to jerk off to...but here´s the pic with her "grabbing" me with her front leg.

PS: It´s useless to scan the pic for exif data, it´s been shot with a normal camera without GPS positioning crap. And I use a VPN, so similarly useless to go IP hunting,´s quite sad I have to add this, but nonetheless necessary...especially in an hostile environment like this...

For obvious reasons many people who post in /r/zoophilia have at least one more reddit account. Sometimes I actually do defend veganism across reddit with another account. It's for the peace of mind that I can comment more freely because it would not be a big deal if someone figured out my identity from that account.

After /u/frostfedora left

honestly even when i still posted on /r/zoophilia, i never had shit on 30-30 lmaoo i'm wondering when that krauts just going to give into his inner prussian spirit and go on a one-man crusade to shove all of the animal fetishists into his oven so the ubermensch dogfuckers can have our day

Well...for a pointless one-man crusade in favour of "free" and "legal" animal fucking, please consult u/Sheppsoldier....and, by the way, I´m not prussian!The region I´m hailing from never was under Prussian influence, we had the French and the Bavarian as occupying forces and were influenced by those two way more than by the Prussians...I´m living south of the "Weisswurstäquator" and calling us "Prussian" is seen as a vile insult. ;)

Sure as hell beats "Regulated and priced" animal fucking... because if your sex isn't legal or free then it's obviously one of two forms of prostitution.

Hey 3030. U mad that your brothel isn't getting more customers? I really can't see any other reason why decriminalization and freedom would pose such a problem to you. >:)

Went through your history to see what you're up to and then saw THAT post. Dude, wtf? That's some heavy shit.

Yeah, I dunno. On the bright side, the meme candidate won and has been providing a shit ton of entertainment to cheer me up. :')

Don't be a horse fucker

/u/blimblam789 don't try to cage my cock

Now that I think about it, how unethical really is it to fuck a horse? Like they're used to getting fucked by big horse cock it's not like you're gonna hurt it or anything. Still tho that's gross and you probably shouldnt.

That's a reason for you to not have sex with them, but not for us since we actually don't think it's disgusting and like it.
Sometimes I'm surprised by how people like you can't know that.
What part of ''attraction'' do you actually not understand?
Because with the same logic, you shouldn't have sex with any human in my mind, because oh boy, that's disgusting as fuck.

from my point of view the jedi are evil

Go fuck yourself, I've worked really hard for this, and so did others.
I can't stand you. I can't stand your guts. And my dad's going to kill you.
Don't make me cry, because keep in mind I will hurt others with my knife.
It's sharp, by the way and it cuts

Is this a reference to something or are you legit angry?

You're seriously a retard if you though I was serious.
End yourself.

good good let the hate flow through you

I don't know how that's hate, but okay then.
It's normal for me to want that a human should kill themselves. Nothing new.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.

I thought you said Jedis were fake?
See, that's the problem with atheists, you all think everything is fake and then it's real again.
God works in mysterious ways, so he's more real than the jedi u always talk about!! (dumpass)

The deer loving guy from the picture replied too if anyone is interested in asking him any questions. Just view the rest of the comments.