Trans-kin genderfluid mega-autist /u/drewiepoodle, with 3,000,000 post karma, posts FAKE NEWS because he/she/it acknowledges women are easily manipulated.

35  2017-05-11 by DeepDickedHillybilly


This, but unironically.


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Ethics can shove it. I want all Republicans removed from office. They have repeatedly shown they cant govern. So however that happens, great. If people think that Trumpcare makes rape a preexisting condition, I'm not going to stand in the way of that. We've got a super majority of democrats here in California, and thanks to that obscene Trumpcare vote, they're going to lose more seats in the assembly.

Imagine being this liberal

I tried but I'm not mentally retarded

I tried but I'm not mentally retarded

Posts in /r/Drama

You're contradicting yourself

We're autists, not retards, you retard.

This guy can't even handle his sexual identity, but he has views on government? Oh boy.

In a way they are correct. Fox News has been spewing propaganda and it does help move the Republican base and get votes. All the mud slinging Republicans do may be unethical but it gets them what matters, votes. The death panels thing was a complete lie but people still believe it and it helps move votes.

Awww, did i ruffle some jimmies? Hold on, lemme apologize.... wait, actualy, the field in which I lay my fucks is barren. Oh well.

Forever barren like your imaginary uterus?

lol, who says I want one. Now that fancy new vagaina, that would be awesome sauce.

How many hours a day do you post to Reddit? Serious question

Enough to get into the top 30.

How do you feel about that?

I gather with the other gods on Mount Olympus and raise my cup of wine and laugh at the puny mortals running around in the wild like little ants.

You're funny.

You barely ever come hang out with the rest of us

Cuz you hog all the good wine

I hate wine, that's /u/phedre

It's true.


Not accepting is transphobic.

VAGINA: the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals. Muscular tube, external genitals, cervix and uterus all absent from the medical gash parodies created in mentally-ill female impersonators such as /u/drewiepoodle


who says I want one.

you do, when you claim to want to be a woman

I am a woman, I just dont want a uterus

Sure thing bro.

Honestly, it just makes it look like feminists don't understand how insurance works.

To be fair, most people don't understand how insurance works.

To be fair,

Fuck off choad

how dare you, I'm going to kink shame you to death later

Kink shaming is my kink



feminists don't understand

Thats pretty much true on any topic they are involved in.

Nah, they understand it just fine; it's just they disagree that insurance companies should be able to actually act as insurance companies and people should be able to use them as such (or not, as they desire), because see in first world countries people are supposed to have health care and in the US apparently the only way anyone can figure out how to make that work is to abuse corporations, taxpayers and the English language all at once.

Post your pronouns pls

mfw this is the one time /r/drama doesn't ask to see bussy.

One should be careful what one asks for, because sometimes their wish might be granted.

It's not like I'd be forced to click.

Honestly this is fucking disgusting. This is why places like TwoX and people like you in particular are so damaging. If you knowingly lie to peddle your agenda, you're undermining the people who are actually trying to make a difference. There's a reason no one takes feminism seriously, and it isn't because of Fox News or Rush Limbaugh. It's because of morally bankrupt failures like you.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dude, I know you just want to be a snarky jackass like your lonely heroes on TrollX, but you're really fucking things up. And spending all of your waking hours spamming reddit is just so, so sad.

Age aint nuttin but a number, baby

but you're really fucking things up.

I'll let you in on a little secret: EVERY feminist is a plant intended to discredit feminism. Especially the male ones.

why the fuck are you seriousposting in r/drama to someone that isnt an r/neoliberal fuck

Yeah, I should be ashamed of myself.

thats a given for posting here in the first place

Why are /r/neoliberal fucks special?

literally ruining the world

Hmm. OK. True.

the field in which I lay my fucks is barren

this is a really fucking weird way to say "i dont give a fuck" broseph

I'ma dudette

i explicitly chose broseph because i consider it gender-neutral, actually


i do not think that word means what you think it means.

you're not factoring the "seph" tho. totally changes the meaning

broseph = joseph

so the female version would be brosephina cuz josephina

uh no broseph = broseph there is no "female version" because it is gender neutral

jfc stop being so binary

TFW you realize trannies need a binary gender system in order to be trans (opposite) something.

Stop pretending to be a woman you crazy fuck


i feckin love it though its just pretentious enough to be funny but too much as to be obnoxious

the field in which I lay my fucks is barren That joke doesn't work because you're actually saying that you do have fucks.

15 comments and 20 links per day aren't enough to satisfy this beast

And yes those are the actual numbers

Also a groomer and drug dealer to children, if you didn't know.

Jesus fucking Christ, "grooming" really is the word of the week.

I guess SRS was right along - Reddit really does have a pedo problem

rolls eyes

If you cant see that we're all joking around in that thread, then I cant help you.


Well, considering it's a felony, why dont you report it to the FBI?

They make it so easy for you.



You're gonna get v&

Pizzagate told us and we didn't believe them.

says the groomer

I guess SRS was right along - Reddit really does have a pedo problem

Yes, but when SRS says "Reddit has a pedo problem," what they mean is that Reddit doesn't like pedos, and that's a problem.

Lolno. SRS hates pedos even more than normies do.

You must be new here.

Sorry, I didn't realize I was on /r/FakeNews.

You're not, but if you think SRS hates pedos you're probably on meth, which is worse. Addiction is no joke, get help now while there's still time.

if you think SRS hates pedos you're probably on meth

I'm not; my judgement of their attitude towards pedophilia is based on what they actually post on their own sub. What exactly is your evidence that they're pedo sympathizers? That because they're spooky SJWs they must always mean the opposite of what they say?

hm maybe they're not so bad after all

Come back later. We're pretending to be morally outraged today.

shit my bad

VAGINA: the muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women and most female mammals. Muscular tube, cervix and uterus all absent from the medical gash parodies created in mentally-ill female impersonators such as /u/drewiepoodle

I chose the deluxe version, prolly gonna bedazzle it for even more bling.

Hang on, hang on... how many decepticons have ever actually seen a vagina before they pay to have a sad parody of one installed?

The T-2000 models are so good that they fool gynecologists

"There's no clit, no muscle tone and no cervix, but I am very fooled!" - world's worst gynecologist

I take it you havent seen a real vagina up close, the fleshlights arent a good representation, I could see how you could make that mistake. It's ok, just keep trying, maybe one day you'll get a girl naked. Just stay away from roofies, that's kinda frowned upon.

Just stay away from roofies

Fuck than, man. I'm not going to let free drugs go to waste.

We thank you for your service.

Maybe one day I'll get a girl naked!

Doubtful, but hey,

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never is, but always to be blessed:
The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

Source of my shame
Destroy all trans
Get real girl
Become real man

Lol do you realize you just said trans women aren't women

Woke af


Just stay away from roofies, that's kinda frowned upon.

implying anyone who posts in this sub has a shot otherwise

Hey, I'm married with several girlfriends, never say never

You seem to know quite a bit about these procedures, like you talk about it a lot actually. I seem to remember you sperging about circumcision too.

Tell me, do you ever have nightmares about being castrated?

No, but sometimes I have that one where I break a tooth.

You seem to know quite a bit about these procedures, like you talk about it a lot actually.

Yeah, I really hate gender-degeneracy quite a lot, so it is important to me to know the enemy.

And why do you hate gender-degeneracy, if you don't mind me asking?

Because it makes women ugly and men into communist Hillary-voting gay retards.

communist Hillary-voting low-T retards

aside from the hillary thing i dont understand the issue here

Which part do you not ... not.. uh.