Hello, this is XxxDracoMalphasxxX, and I'm here to clear up some Drama that was caused on this subreddit

52  2017-05-11 by XxxDracoMalphasxxX

Hey everyone!

This is Kerry, and after the drama of the past couple of days, I wanted to clear a few things up.

First off, let’s address my notebook. No matter what I say in regards to this, I know that people aren’t going to believe me. That is just the nature of the internet. But I will say it one more time anyways.

The story wasn’t mine.

Now, what you all have done has been less than kind. If we could just drop the subject now, I would appreciate it. Regardless of what the truth is - I am sure far more juicy stories are out there for you to sink your teeth into.

Secondly, I would like to talk about the ritual and the girl at my school. I will just say it flat out - I have come to realize that what I tried to do was wrong. Hurting people isn’t the answer. She is mean, bigoted, and undeniably a bully - but what I tried to do would have made me no better than she is. So from now on, I am going to try and learn how to bring good into the world instead.

One other thing about that - I picked up the flu from someone, and ended up getting really sick right after that night. Between feeling ill and knowing that all I would find on the internet was mockery, I just didn’t feel like getting on. That’s all that happened in regards to my absence.

Thirdly - there have been some frankly vile things being said about me and my father. Before this, I was totally unaware of the other meaning that some people have for the word ‘Daddy’...so that was a rather traumatizing experience. I want to make this perfectly clear - my father and I are very close, but not like that. He would never abuse me in a such a way. My dad raised me by himself, and he is an amazing father who is pretty much my entire family. So please, just don’t talk about him like that. It’s sickening.

I am still very interested in the occult, and I hope that all of you can move past my previous actions and help me to learn.

All in all, I have learned a lot the past couple of days. About myself and about others. I hope that I am a better person for it, and I am looking forward to learning more about all this stuff. I definitely won’t be trying to work with any demons until I am more knowledgeable, that’s for sure!

Special thanks to u/-TempestFaerie- for helping me write this <3


This, but unironically.


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Why not switch to Chaos magick, bro? All the cool kids are doing it.

wow ur a dumb fuck

if you hadn't posted this it all you would've remained forgotten but now this is going to get stickied and you'll be laughed at by this subreddit for like a week

Right, because it's always dumb to apologize when you realize you've messed up? Cut her some slack.

Thank you

How many shirts featuring dragons or wolves howling at the moon do you own?

Nice alt you DMT smack head.

Was this in reference to me?


Just me and my 💕daddy💕, hanging out I got pretty hungry🍆 so I started to pout 😞 He asked if I was down ⬇for something yummy 😍🍆 and I asked what and he said he'd give me his 💦cummies!💦 Yeah! Yeah!💕💦 I drink them!💦 I slurp them!💦 I swallow them whole💦 😍 It makes 💘daddy💘 😊happy😊 so it's my only goal... 💕💦😫Harder daddy! Harder daddy! 😫💦💕 1 cummy💦, 2 cummy💦💦, 3 cummy💦💦💦, 4💦💦💦💦 I'm 💘daddy's💘 👑princess 👑but I'm also a whore! 💟 He makes me feel squishy💗!He makes me feel good💜! 💘💘💘He makes me feel everything a little should!~ 💘💘💘 👑💦💘Wa-What!💘💦👑

Between this and the cora drama, it has been an interesting week

Whats cora

How did your demon summoning go?

Which one?

All of them?

Not great

Do you still believe you can summon one?

Why wouldnt I

Are you mainly interested in satyrs?

Do you honestly believe you will summon a physical demon?

Yeah, thats how it works

Have you ever seen one? How do you know it works?

I've summoned Malphas before, he and I have a special bond

Real ones with a real body?

I feel like the answer is yes

then why there arent demons roaming the streets?

Not just anyone can summon a demon, I can summon demons because of how incredibly powerful I am

Ya know Kerry you've still never explained how powerful you are. What makes you so powerful? What are your powers? Because from what you've told us, you're a complete failure at everything magick.

That sounds an awful lot like something a lonely girl with issues would tell herself to convince herself it's real.

Still there must has been many that could be able to do it trough history, yet there are none

And the ones that you have summon, where are they?

OK, I'll bite. If you're so powerful why do you still live with your parents? At 15, shouldn't you at least be queen of your own little town by now?

Still there must has been many that could be able to do it trough history, yet there are none And the ones that you have summon, where are they?

No you didnt.

Yes I actually have

Prove it, summon one to do something in public. Get it on the news. You'll be rich and famous!

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying.

He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep.

Ironic. He could save others from death...but not himself.

. . . Did you ever hear the tragedy of OniTan the Redditor? It's cautionary tale of how to use the Internet. OniTan was Troll of /r/Drama so disgusting and stupid, he could inspire others to post things that made the more intelligent among them question the future... of the human race.

He became so stupid, that the only thing he could think about was bullying teenagers...which, eventually of course, came back to bite him in the ass. Unfortunately, even on /r/Drama, the vile nature of man can only go so far. Then, one day, he was banned.

Ironic. He was a master troll...but this trolling eventually led to his demise.

I trolled them all! Not just the men, but the women and the children too.

An equal opportunity troller. How rare!

(Since you appear to have the intelligence of a amoeba, I'll be kind enough to give you a hint - this is what is called sarcasm. Look it up.)

Do you honestly believe you will summon a physical demon?

Yeah, thats how it works

paging /u/chrisolivertimes; we've got a live one

Oh, hey man. How's your sister doing?

judging by what's going on in the thread, apparently she's either fucking her dad or her much older creative writing professor

unless that was a serious question, in which case I think you have me confused with a different /r/drama shitposter

How could I forget you, /u/Fucking_That_Chicken?! I mean, after that night you became very memorable.

<3 you too

Oh, god, no. Not you, your sister.

Did you remember to stand inside a circle of protection or thaumatic triangle?

Did you remember to confine the demon inside a pentagram?

Did you remember to light 5 flaming black candles?

Did you a remember to burn sulphur, bat hairs, lard, soot, mercuricnitric acid crystals, mandrake root, alcohol, and a piece of parchment with the demon's name on it (inscribed in runes inside a pentacle) on a brazier of hot coals?

Did you remember to put a dish of human or mammalian blood inside the area where the demon is to be held?

She remembered to eat several packets of salt for protection and remembered to cut her wrists

It's a type of demon


Standard Demon Behavior: Falling in love with your much older creative writing mentor.

this but unironically

this but unironically demonically

Get it right faggot

Fuck who is that retard who calls everyone demons? It isn't the microwave guy is it?


Standard Demon Behavior: talking in pop culture references.

Another teenage drama queen. She deleted her account yesterday when people accused some older guy of trying to fuck her.


My teacher says I have nice hair and easy and I eat lunch together and I bet people would say that's weird. Reddit is so picky about things.

You eat lunch with someone named "Easy?"


My teacher says I have nice hair

Was he looking up your skirt at the time?

No he's not like that he's just a nice guy that I eat with

Are you shaved or unshaved?

Alright, that really wasn't necessary. She's a minor, for fuck's sake. Grow up.

You should put the moves on him, get his ass sent to jail, and sue the school for all the money.

Dont do that.. in fact, to stop commenting about it here should be a good idea

One other thing about that - I picked up the flu from someone, and ended up getting really sick right after that night. Between feeling ill and knowing that all I would find on the internet was mockery, I just didn’t feel like getting on. That’s all that happened in regards to my absence.

We all know what really happened.

Re think your life and kys.

Delete this. You'd be doing yourself a favor.

It's gonna get buried by downvotes, but I don't care, I have to let people know my side of the story

It's gonna get buried by downvotes, but I don't care, I have to let people know my side of the story

Not here it won't.

Y'know, taken out of context, this comment could almost be a good thing.

Not here it won't.

You're just making yourself more of a target.

I've already read the Harry Potter books. Move on.

buried I'd bury my face in your beave What's your favorite vegetable?

Do not underestimate how stupid we can all become on the internet.

If we could just drop the subject now, I would appreciate it

Everybody already forgot about you, then you brought it up again.

Well it's not fair that everyone gets to call me all sorts of horrible things but then I'm supposed to be the one to drop it

Welcome to our home

Ok, so I'm not up-to-date on this latest drama or know what's going on, but it sounds like you're just a kid so I'm gonna you some actual advice. Delete this, and don't bring it up again online. Nothing good will come of trying to defend yourself here. Forget about what's already been said because people are gonna keep saying more shit the longer you drag this out. If you just shut up and be boring, people will stop thinking horrible things about you or your father because they'll stop thinking about you at all.

this is shit advice

once something's posted on the internet it's there forever, so thats why it's important to keep getting into as many internet fights as possible until your name is cleared

so if u get cyberbullied, it's important to keep getting into as many fights as possible until you defeat all the trolls and your name is cleared

Ahhhh the Chris-Chan method of dealing with trolls. You forgot the part where you need to post videos defending yourself.


How old are you?

She's young enough that some of the things people are saying are frankly close to being of questionable legality.

I'll serious post to tell you this; on the internet nobody actually cares. If you do some stupid shit just wait a couple days and everyone will be distracted by another retard. I already forgot about you until you posted this. If you want your father-daughter incest story to be forgotten just stop talking about it. Another retard will soon take everyone's attention and you'll be completely forgotten. Everyone fucks up, but on the internet just ignore the backlash and learn from your fuck ups. It'll all be over in 2 days at most.

Also stop being weird and trying to cast magic. Magic is as fake as my sense of shame.

Speaking about "dropping it":

My dad raised me by himself,

I think this is the nubb of the problem right here. He raised you too high, and when he dropped you (on your head) permanent damage was done. As a doctor, I suggest a brain transplant.

Welcome to internet troll-dom where the only winning move is not to play.

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

Hey I'm the guy who originally posted the thread about you. Hope you're doing ok. Please don't sue me plzzzzzzz

I might not

Summon a demon to chase him.


What do you wanna be when you grow up?

An artist/writer, thanks for asking! <3

Cool. 👍🏻 You seem to have a good imagination for writing. Working on any projects right now?

He's actually! I'm working on a Hamilton fanfic it's got time travel family romance magick and adventure in it!!! Also of course the Jacob Letterheart series

Good luck in your endeavors!

Snally stop grooming the kid

Is that the one where the daughter of Hamilton falls in love with her dad?

Well he doesnt know she's his daughter until the end of the story

ugh, spoilers!

Sorry about that

You know that plays out exactly like the story of Oedipus, right? And I'm sure you've heard of it since you're in highschool and they made us read that sick shit.

I don't think Oedipus is sick, I mean he didn't knowingly do it so tha makes it less bad

Yeah but the AUTHOR of said piece does know. What kind of SICK MIND would write such a story?


You made a post asking people to drop it when most people had already forgotten it. You're the one reminding people about it

im confused about how people still dont realize youre a well-constructed personality

Aren't we all?

uh excuse me ***********BITCH***************** im an extremely poorly constructed personality so step the fuck off

As a vulnerable 15 year old on reddit, has /u/Ask-Me-About-My-Book contacted you?

Oh man, I still remember the first time you were retarded. You're going to grow up some day and cringe so hard.

A troll and an attention whore? Who would have guessed

While that might actually be preferable because it would have caused less pain, it's not the case. This is all too real. It would be lovely if some of you would acknowledge the fact that she is trying to learn from her mistakes.

Hey, hello there. Let's just act crazy for minute and act as if this weird creature is actually a fucked up 15 year old.

  1. Why are you white knighting a 15 year old?

  2. Why are you actually taking the time to reply to "mayocide now" comments?

  3. Don't ever speak to me like that again, you pedo.

Enjoy your stay.

Hello to you as well! I actually don't know her exact age because I have been polite enough not to ask such invasive questions, but Kerry is quite young. 1. It's called having a little human decency. 2. What the fuck is 'mayocide now'? 3. I am not a pedophile, but if you want to yell at one, there are plenty on this thread! Happily, I will be leaving as soon as all of this is over. I have no desire to associate with people who throw shit like monkeys for entertainment. Nice talking with you!

Did you or your alt /u/ask-me-about-my-book meet /u/XxxDracoMalphasxxX's grandma yet?


Show us on the doll where /u/-TempestFaerie- touched you!

Considering you are the one who has been making disgusting comments, this attempt at getting a rise out of me falls rather flat.

Looks like tempestfaggot deleted his account.

1) They weren't my teacher

2) we hadn't met before

3) I'm pretty sure faggot is a homophobic slur

4) you were rude to them for no reason

5) I don't have a 5

3) I'm pretty sure faggot is a homophobic slur

STFU, cunt.

Ok well that's uncalled for

Was that supposed to make sense?

We know you're the same guy. You clearly love white knighting for teens.

Youre her teacher arent you

I am afraid that I must disappoint you, as I do not even live in the same state. In fact, I pretty much live as far away from her as I could while remaining in the same country. Also, I am in college, so it would be rather difficult for me to get a job as a teacher. TL;DR: No.

Damn do you really think you are relevant enough to make the drama subscribers remember you 5 minutes after reading about you?

Get a live


A concerned citizen.

I don't know, they messaged me on discord and helped me out, but theyre super nice!

who the fuck are you? Everyone has forgotten you already, fuck off woth your sttention whoring.

Is this some sort of fucked up Supernatural fanfic or something?

daddy's on fire?

Next time you summon a demon, you have to have this playing or it won't work properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAIF7dfPNqA


What about summoning trolls like yourself? What kind of song do you use for that?

This one obviously. God what neophytes around here, sheesh.

Kerry delete this

People are respoding very positively

I completely forgot about you with cora

awww sweetie. i'm glad you learned from your mistakes. i admire ur work xx

Thanks 💖💖💖

Is it true that having your dad suck you off isnt technically gay because your genetics are so close you might as well be masturbating?

I dunno

That is an extremely inappropriate comment. Please stop.

What's the link to your blog?

My occult blog or my aesthetic blog?


And the other one?

They're the same blog

Then why did you ask? LOL

Where's the pictures of your tits?

The fuck, man? She's like 15.

STFU white knight.

Thank you. Your common sense and decency is appreciated.

It's not a NSFW blog, it's a personal/occult/aesthetic...fan blog

Then why the fuck would I want to look at that?

At least post some totally SFW bikini pics.

Bikinis aren't SFW

Cleavage will do.

Do you like my blog

No, it's a jumbled mess. That might be Tumblr itself, I don't go there, but it needs better organizing.

Where's your art? It looks like you're mainly just reposting random stuff from other people.

It looks like you're mainly just reposting random stuff from other people.

That's what tumblr mostly is

Then it's not really much of a blog, is it? A log is slang for a WEB LOG. What are you logging? We're not seeing any of your content.

I do have original content but not as much as other stuff

That's how Tumblr works...

For the love of - She is A MINOR. If you have any sense of dignity, stop this now.

I'll take that as "My sense of dignity was misplaced along with my brain and common sense." Got it.

Drink my cummies and piss.

...that is honestly the best retort you could come up with? That's just depressing. Might I suggest investing in a dictionary?