Incel tranny runs away from home to live as a NEET. Converts to Catholicism despite her dad literally dying for the protestant faith. Also killed of the leading philosopher in the world because he couldn't teach her about love.

78  2017-05-12 by MakeAmericaSageAgain




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"Educated as a boy and taking her coronation oath as a king rather than a queen, as per the wishes of her father, Christina was often referred to at court as the Girl King."

"Descartes apparently started giving lessons to Queen Christina after her birthday, three times a week, at 5 a.m, in her cold and draughty castle. Soon it became clear they did not like each other; she did not like his mechanical philosophy... By 15 January 1650, Descartes had seen Christina only four or five times. On 1 February he caught a cold which quickly turned into a serious respiratory infection, and he died on 11 February."

"Descartes might have been assassinated as he asked for an emetic: wine mixed with tobacco."

One reason Republican Rome is my favorite historical era is that nobody had creepy little pencil mustaches.

Tfw no qt trap royalty gf

Yeah, this lady was so far up her own ass that she thought she was too good for lessons from fucking Descartes and her castle was so poverty-level and drafty that it killed him. Fuck her.

In Rome, she made Pope Clement X prohibit the custom of chasing Jews through the streets during the carnival.

It keeps getting better.

A mistake.

No fun allowed.

Man the NFL is really cracking down on celebrations

(((Goodell))) back at it


Holy cannoli

Ew uggo, still would date her. Girl King of Sweden? Sign me up for whatever currency they use there

You said it brother. Swedish historian Sven Stolpe declared her a "pseudo-hermaphrodite" after having measured the pubic bone or whatever of her skeleton. Still wouldn't say no.

Bonus jerk off material for you;

Greta Garbo as Kristina and one of the the first lesbian kisses in Hollywood

Kristina laying claim to her sub Countess Ebba Sparre HNNNG

Haven't wanted a ship this bad ever. God please grant me a vision of futa Kristina anally reaming Ebba raw. Can't believe there isn't any Kristina/Sparre rule 34.

Danish were right about Sweden

Of course, degenerate since 1626 baby. I'm a little surprised there aren't 4chan memes on this tbh. It ties in perfectly with Sweden's /pol/-image.

To be fair, the Swedes were also right about Denmark.

So now it turns out feminism was responsible for the Thirty Years War.

Bloody typical.

We don't have enough defenestrations these days. I'm gonna start throwing Catholics out windows and see what I can start.

Christina, Queen of Sweden

ok you can't make this shit up

I can't wait for time machines to be invented so that r/drama can username ping historical figures!

I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually the work of some 24th century dramanaut going back in time. I mean Sweden, queer, intersectionalism, daddy issues, jewry, r/badphilosophy, mayo betraying her country, the list goes on. It can't be a coincident.

Why 24th century? It could be an r/drama poster right now!

Is the Prince truly unrinsable? Or does he just alter history so that it appears that way?

Is u/the_reason_trump_won just highlighting left wing idiocy went he shows up? Or is he showing up simply to brag that he's the reason Trump won?

Whomever you are, time-travelling dramanaut, our hopes go with you. Truly you're doing God's work.

u/Robespierre_the_Incorruptible/1790 can fuck himself and I hope he pissed himself while he died

user reports:
1: im never going to read about dumbass mayo history no matter what drama is in it