Incel catfishes a 6/10, receives 21 cum salute from comrades

210  2017-05-12 by doobzy




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They are gonna ruined tinder for everyone. Playing the long game i see.

Tinder is already dead. It's nothing but bots now.

Bots, women, what's the difference? Either result is the same for these guys - no sex.

you are now a mod of /r/incels

No it's not

Maybe for you

Everyone moved over to Bumble months ago.

If someone couldn't make it on Tinder, no way they can on Bumble

That's just sad. I'm actually not sure if weebs or incels are worse of a disease.

2 for the price of 1 son.

This was harder to sit through than anything I've seen on r/cringe. Fuck. What is he trying to accomplish? It takes more guts to do this weird shit than it does to get drunk at a dance club and pick up some zonked out 3/10. They want to fail and be miserable. Ruined my day. Sad sad sad stuff.

You have no idea what I've done in the past or what my life experience is so fuck off.

You're right, but I can tell you one thing. This kind of behavior is not the way forward. What is you're thought process here? OP "won" because he wasted an hour of some bitches life? She's probably already forgotten about this whole incident. She doesn't care. This is like some next level masochism, the only guys who are getting hurt are you.

If you can't get a girl in any way it would make more sense to look up some blind christian dating sites or something. You can't be that bad, right?

No one is looking for and seeking out your horrible advice on that sub so fuck off.

If she doesn't care then why should you? Move on with your life.

What is the endgame for incels?


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afaik they want to be contained in some type of bunker w/ government-provided sex slaves and snacks

That seems to be a surprisingly common theme.

Though they sometimes mix it up, like that one guy who doesn't understand why his sister won't have sex with him, since she "does everything else for him already".


Jesus Christ, Humanity, get your shit together.

Hahahahahah, incels are something else

He didnt answer lol

why would he? youd just spin anything hed say.

Why would he? He'd just spin anything you'd say.


it goes both ways. 2 wrongs dont make a right.

really not the right use for that proverb

its relevant. shitting on somebody because you consider him to be shitty doesnt make you good people.

because you consider him to be shitty

get where you're coming from, but OP's actions aren't exactly objectively good

still, do you think shitting on him will make him reconsider his thoughts or do you think you people shit on him because it's an outlet and it feels good to do it?

whether what he did is good or not is irrelevant. treating him the way youre treating him will only make him hate you people more.

you keep using you as if I'm the only one doing this, and I'm hardly participating.

treating him the way youre treating him will only make him hate you people more.

so we should coddle him and gently tell him how shitty he's being for no other reason than selfishness? If it looks and quacks like a duck, my friend.

do you think you people shit on him because it's an outlet and it feels good to do it

yup, that's the only reason people would comment on this.

whether what he did is good or not is irrelevant

aaaaaand that's where this 'conversation' ends.

aaaaaand that's where this 'conversation' ends.

only because you dont understand my point. so what if the OP is evil? we are in a thread with 357 comments, 99% of which are making fun of him. do you think an evil person will change his ways after reading this thread? you know what, scratch that. its not irrelevant if the guy is evil or not. if he IS evil, you people are just egging him on further and making him more "evil". no, im not taking the blame away from him, but you have to realise that your actions affect people, and if you upset somebody "evil" by not being productive and just shitting on him, which we all know isnt a solution, that person will only be further motivated to commit evil acts.

i guess i could summarize my point in "if you throw gas to the fire, youre only gonna burn hotter".


So you'd rather be complacent and say nothing, allowing him to continue unabated.

didnt say that. IF i were to confront him, it would be with sympathy, as should be with any other human being

I doubt anything we do here could push him further away or pull him closer from his stance on the issue, or how he feels about women at large.

think again. as an incel, reading all of the comments on how people think about us, it does make me bitter. i can only imagine how id feel if somebody made such a big thread dedicated to mocking me, exclusively, whether what i did was wrong or not.

This is not a "every coin has two sides" kind of issue, at all.

it is, or at least thats my point. hate breeds hate, to think otherwise is just ignorant. life is not so black and white. "lol look at that evil guy lets mock him".

as an incel

your train of thought makes way more sense now. You say "every side coin has two sides", and then, in the same sentence no less, say "life is not so black and white"

That your sympathy lies with him over the woman he accosted says everything.

ou say "every side coin has two sides", and then, in the same sentence no less, say "life is not so black and white"

man, those two phrases don't allude to the same thing, as far as i'm aware. me saying "things arent black and white" means issues are more complicated than you're implying. me saying this is about a two sided coin means that, in this thread, both the op and the other harassers (this sub) both deserve to be analyzed. maybe the two sided coin phrase doesn't go well with what i meant, english is not my first language. i probably don't understand the idiom, it's just that you brought it up and said thats what i'm arguing for, so i agreed. my bad if the phrase doesnt mean what i thought it did.

That your sympathy lies with him over the woman he accosted says everything.

no, it doesn't say everything, all it says is that i'm defending a fellow loser who's getting insulted by hundreds of people.

no, it doesn't say everything, all it says is that i'm defending a fellow loser who's getting insulted by hundreds of people.

a massive oversimplification, and a testament to your character that you choose to raise a flag to stand with this person despite their actions, watering his shit behavior down until it's devoid of meaning, reduced to just "a fellow loser." Again, it says everything.

Don't act like there is not a reason for people to be up in arms about his actions.

Don't act like there is not a reason for people to be up in arms about his actions.

i'm not saying youre not justified, my guess is that, by definition, you're perfectly justified on your behaviour on treating him like trash. what i'm adding to the discussion here is, even though he is "evil" and you are justified in your actions, does that mean that what you're doing is the right thing? like i said, adding fuel to the fire will only make him more evil. do you want him to be more evil? if the answer to that is no, then you shouldn't treat him like this. i'm not saying to coddle him like you just said, but if you're about to confront somebody "evil", you have to show sympathy, or at the very least not treat them badly.

this is very similar to a discussion i had a while ago about fat people. ok, so you want to make fun of fat people? that's perfectly fine. just know that next time that fat fuck is stuffing their face with a tear on their eye, they're probably thinking about all the mean things you were telling them.

I get where you're coming from man but in my experience the members of /r/incel have overall responded with extreme hostility towards people sympathetically expressing that they think their views are morally wrong.

You are, frankly, the most open minded user of /r/incel I have ever seen on this website. That you would ever actually try to have a debate with this guy instead just calling him a cuck or chad is really rare. You seem like an empathetic guy. And since you're currently here preaching the importance of trying to have sympathy with those we disagree with, I'm going to try to offer that to you.

Why are you part of a group who's core values widely condone something that you just admitted is arguably evil? You don't have to be part of something bad just because you feel like a loser. I'm sure you've been through some awful stuff to end up somewhere so bitter. That doesn't have to define who you are. I'm not going to tell you it gets better because I'm sure you've heard it all before. But you don't have to have a negative impact on the world just because you don't like yourself. I mean you show up here, talking about right and wrong, good and evil, trying to do the right thing, yet you're a member of a communty filled with people who are widely driven by a desire to hurt innocent people. I mean, what are you doing man? You can be better than this.

first of all, thanks for the commendation, i really appreciate that.

now, the reason why i form part of that group is because i am involuntarily celibate. i'm a friendless virgin who's very awkward in social situations and thus people tend not to like me, particularly women.

i don't think incels as a group are inherently evil, we're just involuntary virgins. i know i refered to that other incel as "evil", but that was just to make the discussion easier. i don't actually think he's evil, even though what he did is clearly morally reprehensible, i just know where he's coming from. he feels his hatred towards all women is justifiable, something most involuntary virgins can probably understand.

we don't really have core beliefs, as we are simply outcasted individuals that post in a specific subreddit. some incels do sometimes talk about us as some sort of unit that shares beliefs and are united against normies, but it's not like there's some sort of consensus. a lot of us are not only virgins, but also friendless and with nothing going on in general, so maybe some of them talk about us as some sort of family because they want to belong somewhere, not sure.

there's nothing inherently evil about the people who post in that subreddit, which it appears is your main point, it's just that reddit really only focuses on the bad and never on the good. sure, there's plenty of bad in that subreddit, but anybody who willingly attempts to sympathize and understand the hatred that some incels feel should be able to do so pretty easily after reading some of the stories and experiences that are posted there.

never have i seen a thread dedicated to the tragedy of /r/incels. reddit never talks about how the posters are very clearly lost and need help in a positive light. it is a daily occurrence, however, for reddit to belittle the "pathetic virgins" who should "kill themselves" because we all one day decided to be bitter virgin losers, only to be told afterwards to "seek help", clearly not actually looking out for the well being of a fellow human being, but rather doing so in a mocking manner.

according to reddit, there are differences between the sexes, women in general like a certain archetype of man, and we live in an unfair world. all of that goes out the window the moment reddit starts talking about us. our situation is 100% our fault, we live in a just world, and therefore we either deserve this fate or simply chose it for ourselves.

But you don't have to have a negative impact on the world just because you don't like yourself.

that's not my intention, man.

Thanks for engaging with me I appreciate it I'll send you a private message in a little bit.

To die alone as kissless, self loathing virgins in their parents basements

Nobody is seeking any advice on that shitty sub, so fuck off.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Serious question. We don't want you here, you don't want to be here.

Holy shit

I normally don't condone encouraging suicide, but that whole sub is full of future mass shooters, so I'll make an exception.

You should remove that dude, cmon.

I will not let the liberal media censor me.

Lol what am I Rachel Maddow?

It's more of a basic human decency thing.

Life must be rough for people who can't recognize sarcasm.

What was it...?

Removed now.

We are all that bad, that's the fucking point. I hope this kind of thing becomes mainstream and ruins online dating for everybody.

Fat chicks have been lying with MySpace angles for years. You're neither clever nor ambitious enough to keep normal people from having sex.

From having sex, certainly, even the Catholic church can't stop people from having sex. But we make it inconvenient and waste time of a lot of people. This girl can't feel good about online dating right now.

Or maybe she'll just be a little more careful. I've been fatfished a few times, and it was a minor annoyance at worst. Face it fam, this whole experience had about as much of an effect on her as a waiter saying that they have Coke products instead of Pepsi.

The last girl this guy catfished drove for 2.5 hours. Assuming she returned home, that's 5 hours wasted. It will have a chilling effect on her online dating habits. Next time she may want a video chat first and then all those carefully selected profile photos go out the window and the date might not happen. That's good too.

But given that the average incel's alternative is to lie down and die (no gym/showers/nice clothes/nice haircuts/"game" don't help), this is at least something we can do to hurt the world that has ostracized us. Do you think incels should escalate this into something more horrific? That what you're saying?

I think you guys should get professional help.

Grand Theft Auto has taught me that going to a therapist accomplishes nothing.

Now I know you're just some autistic troll.

I, too, take life lessons from GTA. Trevor is my idol.


(no, hitting the gym/ taking showers/nice clothes/nice haircuts/learning "game" doesn't help)

You're right, because your personality is what's wrong.

Tbh I think laying down and dying is the better option. You guys think you're having this great vengeance but you come off as children whining because you didn't get a toy. Also lifting for grills? No wonder you're not succeeding if you think that's why ppl lift

It's is a better option for you and that's what you normies have been trying to make us do since kindergarten. And there have been members of r/incels who have committed suicide (I know of 3 in the last 6 months) but instead I'll be thinking of ways to fuck with normies and get away with it.

Lol people have been telling you to kill yourself since kindergarten?

Bullying me, throwing rocks at me, insulting me. All primates do this to the weakest members, it's some built in sadistic shit.

Seriously man, if you aren't a troll it sounds like you need help.

Beyond help, I'm in my mid 30s. It's too late for me to have a good life but not too late to give some of that abuse back.

Why would you want to do that?

Because the world deserves it. It's good that I'm not the president, eh?

What does "giving some of the abuse back" entail?

Nothing drastic, I have other things to do with my life. But I voted for Trump and helped with the campaign (offline, I helped organize events). I think he's an evil incompetent piece of shit but I know he'll bring the pain to so many people so he's my guy.

I have other things to do with my life.

No you don't.

No, not in that sense (good guess!), but I don't want to go to prison so I fuck with people only by legal means.

At best, you're only inconveniencing people for a little bit. Even the most average woman can get a 7+ dude with little effort, so the amount of effort you're spending is really just wasting your own time. I appreciate that you're entertaining yourself, but you're delusional if you think you're changing even a little iota of someone else's life. Playing video games and jerking off seems to be a much more productive use of your time.

The guy this thread is about catfished one other girl a few days back. She drove 2.5 hours (and presumably 2.5 hours back), that's more than a mild inconvenience. How do you think she feels about online dating right now?

And there's other things I can do besides catfishing like make Tinder bots, post horrific fake stories about online dating to TwoXChromosomes, reward people who post catfishing videos with bitcoin. If I can stop 100 people from having sex temporarily and if other societal rejects do the same, it can become a drag. You're saying this is only inconveniencing people a little bit but this (and the other catfishing video) has created a bit of a shit storm on Reddit. If it were so insignificant, why are so many people so upset?

I mean, yeah, it's a shitty thing to do, but you're not causing "a shitstorm". People are disappointed because it's such a minuscule and petty thing to do. Imagine if you spent this time working out, or researching style. But no, you're throwing a tantrum. It's the immature crying of a child because you realize you're inconsequential, and any attention is better than no attention. Are you really that surprised or indignant that you've been alone your whole life, and will die alone, too?

It's a bit of a shitstorm, and that's just one guy that's done it without breaking any laws. I liked it and I want to contribute, maybe it can become a proper shit storm one day.

As for working out, I've been a gym rat for almost 13 years. It's just a waste of energy, at least for ugly people like me.

Eh, ain't no skin off my teeth. I'll honestly be too busy being conventionally attractive and having sex with my hot fiancée to remember this conversation down the line. Good luck out there!

You're mostly ugly on the inside m8. =\

The mental gymnastics you must do to keep drinking that Just World Kool Aid.

Are you a good person? If so, why do you think that?

If it were so insignificant, why are so many people so upset?

It's just really baffling. When you say stuff like this:

If I can stop 100 people from having sex temporarily

I just don't even know what to say man.. It's hard not to just resort to insults, because it's almost impossible to address this any other way, but this really is just embarrassing, and I hope you find what you need in life, and figure your shit out. I don't mean for that to come off as negative, but man.. seeing people investing this much into something so petty is... idk... it's wasting your life.

Bro I was a short, fat, shy, ugly kid. I wasn't bullying anyone. I guess my saving grace is that I wasn't dumb or weak enough to give up. It's not society's fault you have such an external locus of control

So would you say the same to all bullying victims, they are dumb and weak?

Only the ones that stop trying to improve and lash out at other people instead.

Your move, chief.

And there have been members of r/incels who have committed suicide (I know of 3 in the last 6 months)

3 fewer Elliott Rogers in the world, then.

And the thing about lifting/taking showers/etc is what normies tell us to do so I was just preempting it. I know none of it works, but you are deluded if you think most guys who lift don't do it for grills (or guys if they swing that way).

Maybe to begin with but every buddy I know that sticks with lifting has a multitude of reasons for why they do. I do it to treat depression. If you think people only do things to get laid, you're just projecting your own obsession

How about just acting like she's a normal person? Don't act like she's the greatest thing since sliced bread or some alien from mars. It's not that hard. There are desperate girls out there just like desperate guys. All you have to do is be better than your fellow incels. You don't have to compete with "chads" for every girl. Just talk to a fatty like she's a human, she'll probably sleep with you.

We've had this discussion so many times I'm tired of repeating it. Suffice it to say there is a reason porn and prostitution exist and are overwhelmingly male oriented.

Yeah, its because your attitude sucks. You're the little engine that couldn't. No one likes that train. It gave up. All the girls want to ride the train that didn't give up. Whatever dude, its your life. If you want to settle for a hate jerk while looking at gonewild, you do your thing. I'll be out there overcoming my autism and fucking 8's and 9's.

Good luck


You really think someone like this understands what a normal person is like or how to treat them?

I mean, if most of us can overcome our shitty personalities to find meaningful relationships, maybe he can too. Hell, our resident sub Nazi got married to an SRS Jew and they seem pretty happy. Stranger things have happened.

There's something wrong when someone named "ChaoticEvil" is being the voice of sanity and restraint.

hurt the world that has ostracized us.

How old are you? Some day I hope you look back on this over dramatic menstruation cycle you seem to be stuck in atm and find it as funny as we do. Until then listen to this tune and let Diana Ross tell you the only thing you've got to do

I'm 35. My life is fucked so I have nothing better to do than to make it shitty for as many other people as I can.

Yeah, I get it, you take yourself too seriously and think you are an anime villain. You'll be fine just relax bb

Well I helped organize some Trump events and I voted for him, so I've contributed to some of the pain he's going to bring. He's a villain and I'm doing my part.

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I'm 35. My life is fucked so I have nothing better to do than to make it shitty for as many other people as I can.

Kek, weird how you guys always claim to be old and mature yet sound like a stereotypical highschool bullying victim

Why not do good for the world?

Because that would be doing good to people who treat me like shit. I'd rather do the opposite.

But you'd be doing it to strangers. Not people who have hurt you.

The viciousness is systemic. The world likes and rewards bullies. Case in point - POTUS. Another case in point - the girl who punched me in the balls in school (because she was drunk and thought it would be funny) is now happily married, has three kids, a nice job and many friends. So as far as I'm concerned the rest of the world is complicit.

Bullying has dropped a bit recently. I used to defend kids from bullies when I was a kid. Life is not fair. But I don't think it is a justifiable reason to spread misery to others.

We all get bullied, we all get rejected. Grow up. Or at least have the decency to accept people aren't bad for getting over it.

You have to be trolling. This can't really be your outlook on life. And if it is, I'm sorry dude, but your sad life is no ones fault but your own. I'm really sick of entitled pieces of shit like you acting like it's everyone else's responsibility to coddle you and make you happy. I've been dealt some shitty cards, things beyond my control, and I've made something of myself despite it all. And now I give back to people who are less fortunate. People who have been through REAL tragedy. Poor fucking you, someone punched you in the balls and people said mean things to you. Grow the fuck up.

I'm 35. My life is fucked so I have nothing better to do than to make it shitty for as many other people as I can.

You need LSD and therapy. Neither one of them alone is going to do the trick.

This is the truth right here

I don't know any woman in my circle who's this dramatic even on the worst of period days

this is at least something we can do to hurt the world that has ostracized us.

Oh bullshit, YOU chose to live such a shitty life because you choose to be a shitty person. Its no one's fault but you're own.

I disagree and I think I'm a bigger authority on my life than you are, stranger on the interwebs.

You sound pathetic. Keep living your shitty lifestyle. You're a sorry excuse for a human being. You lack basic empathy and the ability to socialize with other humans. You blame the world for your problems when it is you who creates all your problems.

Yes, it's my fault my face is deformed and for the abuse I've been getting since I was a child. It's my fault the first and only time a girl touched my genitals she punched them because she was drunk and thought it was funny. Of course nothing unfair happens in the world, and people have shitty lives because they're themselves shitty. Enjoy that Just World Kool Aid.

Or instead of focusing on negatives you try to be the best you that you can be.

How will that help me? You mean I should become great in other areas and that will compensate for my shitty face? You think that's how it works?

Looks aren't everything dude

In my experience they are, it's just most people are not ugly enough to have it happen to them. So they don't see the same way white guys fail to see racism and sexism - if it's not happening to them then it doesn't exist.

lol who the fuck drives 2.5 hours for a Tinder date? You make the guy do that

Girls will do everything for a pretty face.

and a huge dick :)

lol no



No, just another pain in the ass thing that can throw a wrench into the works. Why do you think Tinder, OkCupid and the like don't have video chat already? Why do you think a video chat before an online date isn't already the norm?

There have been a dozen threads about this today and a couple of days ago when the same guy catfished another girl. That's just one guy not breaking any laws. Tinder is going to become a lot shittier in the near future.

Because video chat takes up a shitload of bandwidth that does nothing for the website. If I got catfished I'd laugh my ass off and go have a beer.

Even if you drove 2.5 hours and 2.5 hours back like that first catfished girl the other day? Even if you were a single mom and had to arrange for a babysitter? You know how some people get upset when a car in front of them is too slow and they miss the light? That's 2 minutes lost - multiply that by 100, add all the effort of getting ready for the date and repeat a few times and see how much enthusiasm the average girl will have for online dating.

Rofl, if she drives 2,5 hours then either she's desperate enough or the incel likes her enough to have a really in-depth conversation, neither of which does any favors for them, or she just has nothing else to do with her time. Honestly I don't even know where to begin with your comment, it has so little connection to reality that I can hardly even comprehend it.

Fine, then we're just wasting our time already worthless time and it's no problem if we catfish a bunch of girls on Tinder. I feel like a less of a cunt already.

Yeah I don't see why anyone gives a fuck

As a woman on dating sites it takes like 2 seconds to add someone on snapchat to quickly verify their identity. Oh woe are we.

Yet they do not do it which is why catfishing happens.

Honestly at this point why bother? It's clear you don't want a relationship. You just get off on causing headaches for other people and then just moaning about how pathetic you are. You might as well just knife yourself in the throat, it's not like anyone is going to care.

No, I don't want to knife myself in the throat, I'd rather make lives miserable for as many people as possible. That's the reason why I helped organize some events for Trump. He's an evil incompetent piece of shit, but he's going to bring the pain for so many people, so I did my part to help him win. Can't wait for Stacies to have to resort to coathangers to have abortions, it's going to be glorious.

And you wonder why you can't find someone who can stand to be around you. You're going to die alone and unloved.

I know, but you're mixing up cause and effect there. I was ostracized and bullied way before I became like this.

Have you ever mixed water and sprite?? Greatest thing known to humankind. I tried it once & it was delicious. 1, 2, 3, may be thinking how you got yourself stuck in this hole.

Ah okay, so you're an internet troll.

This is some next level trolling lol

Will u fite me irl

That's not an annoyance. That's a blessing.

Oh good, I thought you were talking about the fat chick thing.

I'm one of those retards that likes both Coke and Pepsi tbh

diet pepsi > coke > diet coke > pepsi

Let me fix that for you:

coke > diet coke

pretend Pepsi doesn't exist

diet pepsi is much better than diet coke though

Pepsi > Coke

Diet versions of both tastes like crap.

Except pepsi tastes like diet diet coke

I've never seen a thin person drinking diet soda.

That's some 90's open miker material right there!

Oh good, I thought you were talking about the fat chick thing. I'm one of those retards that likes both Coke and Pepsi tbh

Still Relevant

Pepsi is better than Coke. Fite me irl

Sure thing, bro

I mean, Ive tried online dating and have recieved a lot of vitriol for rejecting dudes, as well as met dudes that were way less attractive in person. This is just gonna blend in to those experiences, we're already careful and this is just part of shit that already goes on. Sad waste of time to be doing, just play some video games or something.

And that makes you feel real good about yourself?

There's nothing that makes me feel good about myself except making other people feel bad. Yes yes, I'm a sad sack of shit.

You're not evil, just pathetic. You know it doesn't actually make you feel better

Whatever, I've been ostracized by the world my entire life because my face is a little bit deformed, no matter what label you want to slap on me, it's been said to my face before.

I'm not saying you're pathetic because you have a deformed face.. you're pathetic because you get satisfaction from making people feel like shit

I've heard all the insults and they honestly have no effect on me any more.

Describing what is wrong with you is not an insult.

He's pathetic for both the face and the attitude.

i was born with a cleft lip and pallet and bullied relentlessly for it but i still don't use that as an excuse to be a shitty person. did your dad touch you or something? that might be a better excuse

No, nobody touched me, and I don't need excuses in any case. As for you, congrats on being a good person. Is it because you are afraid or can't retaliate against the people who bullied you?

I'm actually friends with my bullies these days because we all matured past the age of 12

You are their bitch for life, then.

Or maybe he just matured mentally past the 5th grade

Could be, if maturing is learning your place in life.

Lmao @ you saying this

I don't need excuses in any case.

Yet you blame society for your own fuckups

I'm sorry about your grill, fella. I think its great you're taking it out on others instead of just offing yourself.

But have you considered surgery or something? There are ways you can get shit like that covered by your insurance.

I think it's too late for that. I'm now well off so I can afford cosmetic surgery, but I'm 35 and I've never even kissed a girl so that aspect of my life is pretty much beyond repair. I don't think I can have one positive thought about anyone any more, especially a woman.

I get being resentful, coming up that way must have been rough. And the fact that you've managed to make something of yourself in spite of it must only reinforce the idea that everyone else is wrong, and is an asshole. I mean, they generally are.

But that doesn't mean you can't be happy. You've got money. Try some hookers. It doesn't have to change your outlook, but it'll make you happier. No reason you should be missing out on experiences you can have.

You should try helping people man. Good deeds make me feel great.

Pls kill yourself

Nah man, he just gave her a mildly funny story to share with her friends over drinks later. They're all going to tell this story and laugh about the cringey catfish guy, and then move on with their lives as usual.

Yeah, that's why everybody's losing their shit over this and contacting Reddit admins.

lmao who's losing their shit? All I see is people rightfully calling you guys cringey losers and laughing at the fact you exist. I realize the "LOLOLIL I TROEL U" is your last line of psychological defense against the creeping realization that the entirety if humanity would be better off if you killed yourself, but just so you know, we can all see right through it.

Also, I'm willing to bet that cute chick is significantly better-adjusted than your average Reddit user, so even if the whirling autism machine that is Reddit outrage gets going, that doesn't change the fact that she's just gonna laugh about this guy being such a cringefest and then never think about it again.

Losing their shit by calling on Reddit admins to ban the guy and ban the r/Incels subreddit because of this. IT's on this thread

So yeah, they're losing their shit. And there's going to be a lot more of this now that we know it triggers normie scum so much. Video chats will become mandatory before Tinder dates.

a bunch of people going "lmao what a fucktard I can't stop cringing"

losing their shit

this is you

also LMAO at the idea that your little band of semi-sentient congealed failure has enough power to make literally any changes to the tinder dating scene

I am not going to repeat myself. You ignored everything I wrote in the last message.

I didn't ignore it, I called it retarded. Posting brain-damaged cringe screeds on the internet is literally all you've accomplished in life, you'd think you'd at least be good at it smdh

Yet here you are getting butthurt over some girl being catfished. It's going to happen a lot more in the future and it's my time I'm wasting.

You have no idea what kind of humiliations I've had in my life, you can't say anything that can upset me in the slightest. But feel free to keep trying.

I don't give half a shit, fam. Everyone's had shit, the only noteworthy thing about you is that you responded to it in the most pathetic way possible. Although I do suspect this mega edgy I-don't-have-feelings schtick is just something you're desperately repeating to yourself so you can pretend you've "won."

you're like if an angsty 13-year-old girl who blogs on livejournal melded with a neckbeard stereotype lmao

I haven't won, I'm a complete loser but your taunts and lolz just don't affect me, you don't know how to upset me (or my life is so shit that I'm grateful to you for even acknowledging I exist?)

I don't care if they affect you, you mong. I'm just tryna give myself a good laff. And succeeding, I might add.

I'm always glad people so pathetic exist, because sometimes I feel down on myself, and then I look at people like you and realize I'm a fucking astronaut rock star by comparison and everythings gonna turn out all right lmao

sex is insanely good you should try it

LOL what a retarded sense of self importance.

Normal people don't give up on life from an ultimately meaningless small failure like that. This is a mind blowing concept for an incel, I know.

Buy she may give up on online dating. Enough bad experiences and it just won't be worth it.

No, she wont. Particularly because not only was that event insignificant or amusing at best, it wont happen again. How many pathetic losers do you think are doing this out there? This will never happen to her again, nor to the vast majority of women.

It really must be so foreign to you to try imagine what resiliency is like.

If it's so insignificant why the discussion about it? Why are they calling reddit admins to ban the guy and the sub it was posted on?

And how many pathetic losers are doing this out there? Well I'm going to start doing it, so one more than there used to be. But it's insignificant, so who cares. I'm going to do it to single moms who have less free time and have to arrange for a babysitter. That will be a bit more significant, I hope you approve.

If it's so insignificant why the discussion about it?

The fact that you think that it is significant is worthy of mockery


You know, im going to make a bunch of mediocre profiles and just sit and wait and hope to get catfished by one of yall - im going to be sure to respond to any retarded messages with goodlooking pictures. I cannot wait to meet you IRL!!

Good, Chad needs to have his time wasted too.

Oh no Ill definitely fuck the ones that turn out to be real make no mistake

What do you get out of that?

I have a bombshell bit of news for you. Tinder for most females who are even remotely attractive is merely a game to inflate one's ego and it's as close to any online dating as most women under 25 get. Wanna know why? Because they have a bustling social life being in school and they don't need online dating. They have hundreds of guys around them IRL which they can actually interact with and get to know naturally through the necessary paths of their daily lives. Online dating is an afterthought to them. And if you think a simple video chat over Skype or something is going to be some crazy barrier for them to overcome if they see a super hot guy on Tinder before they meet them, you are devastatingly more deluded than you will unfortunately ever get yourself to realize.

This girl can't feel good about online dating right now.

You're the reason chicks are so surprised when we act normal. Did you know the third date is the sex date/

You 're a fucking idiot. Let's say you spend 8 hours per girl on 3 girls you want to cat fish. So you wasted 24 hours of your own life to waste 8 hours of someone else's, do you see how this fucking idiotic? No probably not.

You're assuming my time is worth as much as theirs. I have a shit ton of passive income and not much to do. I also enjoy what passes for human contact on Tinder, something that doesn't happen when I use my own photos. So thank you for the cost/benefit analysis but it's not my concern.

So you just enjoy being a lowlife piece of shit who will never be loved by anyone. Enjoy that, it all comes back in the end.

You're assuming I'm unloved because of my personality because you believe in a Just World. I am unloved because my face is a bit deformed and my abrasive personality is a reaction to the abuse I've been getting since I was a child.

So you'd better make other people suffer because apparently *you * believe in some sick twisted form of a just world. There are plenty of people out there with deformities that don't punish random strangers who have done anything to them. You are a piece of shit and I don't have any sympathy for you at all.

It's hard to explain for someone with no common experience. When you've been ostracized from the world, the notion of what is right and wrong kind of becomes irrelevant. It's not something people who fit in can understand, but that is also irrelevant. I don't depend on your or anyone else's good graces and I never have in my adult life. Your disdain means nothing to me, what's another person thinking I'm a piece of shit?

Everyone online gets catfished once, then just figures out to cam verify or the like first. Problem solved.

That problem, yes. But then all those carefully chosen profile pics go out the window and the date might not happen. That's good too.

Everyone on the internet is a male in their mothers basement until you see them naked. Its a rule I came up with back when the internet was young, and its still as valid today as then.

Yeah, but video chat has been a thing for more than a decade now and there are plenty of good reasons to have a video chat before a date yet people don't usually do it. There must be a reason for that.

Inexperience and IQ. The internet isn't what it was back in the 90's (almost all STEM lords) and I knew a few who fell for catfishing long before it was a term. At least then you had the excuse there not being video or even much audio.

That's ridiculous, you don't need a high IQ or a STEM degree to know your phone has a video chat.

Never underestimate stupidity.

Why do you care? Do you know that you could get dates too if you stopped behaving this way?

No one owes you anything. You are not entitled to dates or sex. Women might be more inclined to like you if you stopped acting like such an entitled cunt.

Holy shit imagine being this pathetic

Damn dude. Go fuck yourself with a pineapple

We are all that bad, that's the fucking point.

I think this idea eludes so many people because you (and other incels) are, quite literally, exceptionally grotesque. The average person probably doesn't even know an incel in real life, so their frame of reference is all out of whack. They think about a typical fat, short nerd and say, "Well, if that guy can get laid, anyone can!" But you guys aren't typical fat, short nerds. You're atypically hideous.

Girls aren't ever going to be attracted to you as a person. And guys are going to revel in teasing you. Because of that, I can't really begrudge you for wanting to grasp some minor victories now and then, especially if it's something as ultimately harmless as Tinder catfishing.

She's probably already forgotten about this whole incident.

She's probably getting karma on some sub talking about the weird creepy guy.

We've got a pretty fucking good idea of what you've been up to recently you demented twat.

Whatever """"""happened""""" to you doesnt justify acting like a cunt

Absolutely does fuck face.

"i got picked on so i get to be a cunt the rest of my life!"

no no not only that, they are also fat and ugly with shit personalities and refuse to do anything to change that because it's not their fault.

How so? Not getting your dick wet isn't a terrifying life experience

You know it's pathetic actually, getting to be born and be raised in a first world country and yet be completely a parasitic loser is quite impressive.

Thank God you're a virgin. I would loathe the day you ever fucking breed with someone else and produce children.

Isn't it time you finally did it?

Have you considered the fact that you just need cock inside your asshole?

There are many, many people who've had to deal with some horrible shit, oftentimes at the hands of other people. Most of them don't go on to try and hurt innocent people to make themselves feel better. It doesn't even work; at the end of the day, they're still living their lives while you're trapped in a pit of misery trying to drag others down to your level. If you keep doing this and don't try to get better then you're going to be lonely and miserable for the rest of your life. No matter what happened to you, the situation you are in and whether or not you escape it is all up to you.

Then you deserve whatever comes for you as well, don't ask "why" when people fuck you up for being a insufferable cunt.

No wonder you're a fat virgin.

Drink bleach

I bet crying while you jerk off to anime in a dark room is one of the experiences.

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personality is more than enough to make up for looks, if that's what you think you're lacking. but you're an absolute shit cunt of a person that probably has a terrible face. until you get your shitty life in order, you are going to be alone. you fucking mongoloid

I went over there once, where reading a bit, I learned that "lower your standards" is mortally insulting.

I think this is a big part of it. If you are a 2/10, you're probably going to end up with a 2 or 3. Maybe a 4. More attractive than that and you're almost certainly going to need something else to offset your looks: money, fame, or power. That is just the way the world is.

There are plenty of "ugly" people who would make good partners. Most of them have also been treated badly by others because of their looks. Yes, the women as well. Life is not kind to ugly women either.

They'd be fine with a 4/10, but only if it takes as little effort for them to get as another guy who is an 8+/10.

Because wah wah, it's not fair.

"lower your standards" is mortally insulting because we don't need to do that. most of us already have low standards. it's just like telling us to shower. oh, you're telling me i need to practice basic hygiene to get laid? such a revelation!

the fact that you didnt catch on to that and instead think we are insulted because none of us want to lower our standards really talks about your perception on us.

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Confirmed, you're a piece of fat, ignorant shit.

Fuck you, you inbred creepy-ass sad fuck.

You're a sad neckbeard with no life who thinks it's funny to catfish people.

It takes more guts to do this weird shit than it does to get drunk at a dance club and pick up some zonked out 3/10.

From a normie perspective, sure.

Probably for the best tbh

Why are you dips discouraging these guys? This has so much potential to grow into something truly off-putting.

Not really. Prob failed with girls one or more times, saw himself as a loser, thought he would never succeed, grew to hate women, then decided to ruin their lives. Trying to pick up women, even a drunk 3/10, is beyond him because he goes into it thinking he'll fail. At this point he'll need some sort of therapy to have normal interactions with women again.

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"Haha jokes on you! I've been a fat, ugly loser the whole time!"

Girl stares at him uncomfortably for a few seconds

“You totally rekt that slut!”

/u/Drdolittle23 how much of your worthless time did you spend do get less than two minutes of uninteresting footage?

1 hour trying to get up the courage to walk up to her + whatever amount of time he stood there silently staring at her like Buffalo Bill trying to decide how to make his woman suit.

The weird thing is that he looks like a completely normal guy, he really shouldn't have any problems meeting women.

Because he's a narcissist weirdo who dresses like it's the late 90's.

What's wrong with a button down and jeans? Granted his don't fit, but that's what like 3/4 of the dudes in bars here wear.

I see them striped oversized polos in the closet tho

He looks like an NPC straight out of san andreas.

Going by those pics he looks like a total closet case.

baggy pants are hetero as fuck!!

The lip gloss says way more than the baggy pants.

Because he's a narcissist weirdo who dresses like it's the late 90's.

Huh? Jeans and a button down are pretty normal but even removing how he dresses from the equation he's a normal looking dude. He certainly looks a hell of a lot better than I did at his age and I had no trouble getting laid. Then again, I wasn't a psycho incel either...

I think it's not that mysterious why he is having trouble

Women are really put off by that serial killer vibe.

yeah I agree, if he wasn't caught up in all the incels bullshit/not a creepy weirdo he'd probably have no problem finding a girl lol

you have to be 8+/10 to get a serious relationship.

i just assumed you were being ironic until i saw your post history lmao

you don't seem to understand how this works at all, if you're a 5/10 then go for a 5/10 or below

or, you could just not be a creepy weirdo and have some confidence. a confident 5/10 can be a 7-8/10 in some girl's eyes.

regardless, whining about it on the internet doesn't accomplish anything, except maybe just make you more bitter. go outside and do something with your life.

girls date higher. so even 5/10 get matches with 8/10s.

its over if your face isnt a 8. you will die alone or get cucked by whores.

Is this all some elaborate meme that I don't get?

it really fucking seems like it, it's hard to comprehend how someone can be so willfully ignorant

Ignorant? Okay.

You're right, probably meant to write "retarded".

Gotta be. I cant understand these people in any other context.

We all die alone. It doesn't matter if it's me dying in an orgy or you dying in your parents' basement. No one can join you in death.

Tell that to Jim Warren Jones

I'd show you my acquaintance the morbidly obese, fedora wearing, odorous omega orbiter asshole who somehow got a beautiful normal wife to beat but I blocked him for being a shithead. So you'll just have to live without evidence I'm sorry

I've literally dated up my entire life you're just retarded.

Ok, so if you consider yourself a 4 then you need to date 1's or 2's. Easy.

I consider my self a 1.

Okay, so date a -3. Easy.

I'm -2, you DTF 😋

Shitty looks can be balanced out by a good personality.

You're just all around shit.

Think you might be projecting a bit? Most people don't actually have a problem being in a relationship. You're the one who will probably die alone.

So you think 80% of the men in the world never get fucked? Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

I'm a 4-5, have had decent luck with women and have a pretty stable love life., no you do not.

he'sjust young and awkward but he's found a little community of people who think growing up is for normies. I reckon all that 'they need to learn to not be picky' stuff is projection as well. Like thats what most incels need to do. Find a fat girl ffs, they can be great lays

Exactly. It's not that hard to find the Pam Pooveys of the world.

Pam is a goddamn catch you sperg-burger

Pam is my spirit animal

Implying I don't think she's the greatest Archer character of all time

They're all great. Heck, most of the guest/recurring stars are awesome.

He's a manlet

Yeah because being an incel is a mentality, you can be ugly as shit but if you aren't a self pitying fucking loser, and are confident you can make it.

He looks like he's short.

I think you guys are misunderstanding this, those aren't photos of the op, those are the photos he used to 'catfish', I'm sure op is far uglier/fatter irl

Where do these NEETs get money for shit like Jaw implants and Rhinoplasty.

Gotta save up those NEET-bux.

Parents, inheritance, student loans.

I'm so confused as to what's going on here--those are his pictures? What did he do to catfish someone? He looks like a fine enough looking young man, I'm so confused about what is happening...

That's gotta be the catfish pictures right? I cringed out of the video when she fucking ignored him standing there at the beginning, but there's no way OP was that dude.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was. There's some completely socially inept guys that are normal or even good looking with serious body/face dysmorphia over there. They can't accept that it's their personality, so they obsess over bizarre details like none structure, jaw length, distance between pupils etc. It's pure insanity.

Well when he was describing the pictures for the cat fishing, he called him ethnic, which made me immediately assume his whiteness.

Logic goes out the window with these people. He probably hates himself for not being white, so he would refer to other non whites as 'ethnic'. Just remember their patron saint's racial self hatred:

I guess they did make fun of "stacys" for liking ethic guys so that makes sense maybe.

I didn't realize Elliot Rodgers was Asian. I keep seeing him referenced on Reddit as some disturbed white male Rodditeur.

disturbed white-passing, self-loathing half-Asian. not sure if he was on reddit

He was a hapa and absolutely booty blasted about it for some reason.

Half white, half asian IIRC.

mixed race people are schrödinger's wypipo

He's half white half Asian, which is why he became the avatar of /r/hapas

He was half asian, half white: aka hapas.

Here's their subreddit: r/hapas.

Oh Lordy...

Yeah he even accidentally said his irl first name in the video too. I downloaded his video btw for preservation purposes.

Thats not my name either of them

What exactly do you get out of all this? Is it a humiliation fetish?


Nobody cares

Whats your name then?

dont listen to these scumbags. keep the videos coming comrade

This is fucking sad

Lol its pleasurable

You know what's really pleasurable? Having sex with someone who likes you as a person. Try it sometime.

Good one normie. We know you're here to mock us.

"We" "Here". You aren't even in your own sub right now. Also I wasn't joking it would really do you some good. Just get over the hump and you'll see how silly all of this is soon enough.

Link to the video? I'm always down for some quality cringe

The video is down now. Can you link to it?

If that's his actual picture he's like a seven, at least.


swear to god you could drown a toddler in my panties rn

Incels aren't even worthy of mayocide....

They'll die out soon anyway since they're unable to reproduce.

Artificial uterus?

That's a fancy term for fleshlight

I doubt their genetic material is even viable. Their little deformed sperms would probably just give up and die rather than swim up to an egg

The sperm would spend their time insulting the eggs instead of putting in the effort to inseminate them.

According to the pervy uncle theory, incels had an important role to play in human evolution so they're unlikely to die out.

I want an asian incel to do this to asian girls posing as a white guy. The drama potential would be limitless.

So a subscriber of hapas and a white chick?

Or asiansmasculinity, that one gets forgotten.

Strangely, /u/Drdolittle23 doesn't like being white. The grass is always greener, I guess.

What are you talking about, /u/Drdolittle23 is hispanic.

Strange. Someone on that thread said the chad pics weren't white which was an advantage but now I can't find it.

Are you talking about this thread?

It might have confused you because /u/Drdolittle23 was attempting to reply to /u/thisdeservesanewacco but didn't hit reply. What he was saying with that comment was that it doesn't matter if he's not white because other non-white people are also good looking.

Yeah, you're right. Disregard my comment above.

Him becoming a serial killer is almost inevitable.

Fuck, dude I love you so much. Do this many more times and keep triggering the normies.

Yes, /u/mariacivetti, why choose to have sex when you can choose to be a depressed, virgin who will die alone?

/u/mariacivetti I would also like your response to this question. Follow up, how does it feel knowing your own family is ashamed of you existence?

wah wah wah

who will die alone?

don't give him any dies please

/u/mariacivetti dont listen to this loser normie. Procure a gun amd shoot up a nearby school or something. If you're going down, go down in a blaze of glory.

hello FBI agent reading this in the future, I have nothing to do with this for the record


I have nothing to do with this

hahah massively triggered, also I am asexual, I don't care

this triggering is out of this world

That really is your response to anything you don't like, isn't it?

for this thread pretty much because that is what this thread is about

Brb, on a moral crusade to turn NEETs away from the darkness and train them to become code monkeys for my start up.

You're going to hire hookers for company morale?

Are they gonna be tax deductable work expenses? File it under health i guess. Murder /Suicide prevention

Gentlemen, I present you... Mochachino, not this guy

typical incels. only want to do things half assed

Fucking kek!

Wtf is going on? Someone please gimme some context

Guy catfished a girl (=pretended to be someone else online to get emotional affection/date). Girl sees that the guy she met doesn't look, probably thought it was creepy as hell and madr like a Flock of Seagulls (🎶she raaan she raaan so far awaahaay🎶)

And that is a win in the incels book?

The girl is going to move on and that weekend will be banging another dude and the incel is still going to be a virgin loser.

You have to understand that those guys are a lot like the whole pigeon chess analogy

Yo /u/Drdolittle23 , what's wrong with your brain?

Lol, why are they so pathetic?

Would you like an actual answer or would you like me to jerk you dick a little?

A skilled jerkitician would do both, but I'll take whatever you're pitching bub.

Is that really a 6/10?

Maybe I'm more shallow than I think, and I think I'm shallow as hell, but at best its a 4.

Can confirm - 4 at best.

face is quite strange. body is a big portion of a lot of people's attraction though so I can understand it.

American scale I guess

Pretty sure the an American 4 is a UK 8.

I can't even argue with that tbh

If that's 6/10 then my hand is 9/10

That is some next level mental illness.

What makes them truly dangerous is this banding together and wallowing in it together. They are crabs in a bucket.

They're all too cloudy-headed from having a recent sad cum to form long term goals.

Misery loves company.. They should just have a gay orgie or something

Fuck is incel?

Men who believe they are involuntary celibate because they are too ugly for women. When in fact, it's just their shitty personality that's the problem.

Men who believe they are involuntary celibate because they are too ugly for women Chad and normies. When in fact, it's just their shitty personality that's the problem.

REEEEEEE they're perfect, it's all wommins fault REEEEEEE

Wait, you're serious?

I wish I wasn't. Go to /r/incels and you'll see.

Oh shid, I just got it: involuntarily celibate.

TIL I'm banned from /r/incels. I don't know how I shall go on.

Hey, TIL me too! What the fuck?

As caught up in this idea as they are, one idea that they don't seem to have considered is that they are not the only creative folks out there.

Go to youtube and search "online predators caught" for folks who've set up their own online bait for catfishers and pervs.

The other person might be a catfisher too...

come back, please

I feel like I just watched the first episode of Making a Serial Killer.

Don't listen to the collection of internet bullies that make-up /r/drama, /u/mariacivetti. You're doing important work and holding a mirror up to society. Your first attempt is a little clumsy, sure, but you can improve.

For instance, next time don't approach until she's off the phone. And come in hot, with a commanding tone of voice so she is too scared to run. I'm not saying you should impersonate a police officer, but dressing as one would probably help.

You didn't even get his username right ...

incels are uniquely repulsive to females

I've never heard someone be so self important about something so self deprecating. Though I will agree their ideology and psychopathic approach to women as cattle for their own sexual uses is indeed uniquely repulsive, but to all of mankind and not just women.

I'm so confused. I thought he was calling out a girl for catfishing. But no...I catfished you. Just, what, why?

And fml, I want the 30 seconds back spent learning about and a memory wipe for the knowledge of "incels". You're championing something you don't want to be!

Time to go watch a live feed of puppies.

Wtf is the point of this?

Human interaction. They probably get such a thrill from that

Human interaction.

Welcome to our planet, being from another world!

While this may appear to be 2 humans interacting with one another to your unfamiliar eye-stalks, I can assure that it is something altogether different.

Kindly refer to the notes on human cultural sample graphic Ux#9 "Goatse" you may find very enlightening.

Why, hello there! The weather has been a certain way, has it not?

I'm guessing Pratchett but something inside me says it's Adams?

Adams doesnt have anything to do with this, Baxter

Lol. That is trully what that feels like.

/u/stigmata 3535 Why do you and your fellow r/incel cucks find this sort of autistic fuckery so riveting? I'm honestly curious. Why does wasting some random woman's time get you guys off? Even shit flinging apes make more sense in their shenanigans than y'all.

its the only source of joy we get from years of humiliation and harassment from girls

...years of humiliation and harassment from girls

So in other words you're lashing out to soothe your insecurities forged by the bullying you received in highschool? Sounds to me like y'all should simply grow the fuck up and move on with your lives. Everyone gets harassed by assholes during those years yet most of us have simply moved on from those experiences. Maybe if incels would work on their flaws and put effort into being sociable functioning contributors to society they wouldn't feel the need to lash out random women.

Female here. My whole life I was harassed and bullied. Then I turned 18, went to college, and learned how to act like a human being. I'm in a happy 4 year long relationship. Having your feelings hurt in high school doesn't give you the right to catfish innocent women. Grow the fuck up.

Dat username tho

Is the best username ever ;D

Can't disagree there

Oh god I'm jealous

So, just saying, calling the girl who got catfished a "6/10" in the posting title is adding insult to injury for the victim here. Not nice 🙁

Ya but it made me snicker when I thought of it so it balances out.

We corrected it to 4/10 in a thread above, so no worries.

This thread convinced me the internet is a bad thing.

If you put some real effort in, instead of being a loser; You could be fucking that bitch. You would know what love really is, and you could change your entire life.

Instead you do this. You're hopeless, /u/Drdolittle23.

He is hurting females, triggering normies and hurting Chads dating chances.

/u/EconomicsofSex, your mom just PM'd me to tell me how sorry she is she kept you.

Flip the genders and I bet we can get denizens of /r/toomanychromosomes to reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about men judging women by their looks.

This dude asked about legal repercussions

Post is deleted! I want to see the video :'(

It was pretty lame, he spends about a minute waiting/walking toward her. She is on the phone ignoring him he says 'hey I catfished you', she says 'Yeah I already know'. Then she leaves and he lets out a weak 'wait don't you want to talk to me? Come back, please come back'.

During this time he barely points his phone camera at her and stands about 4 feet away from her.

Holy shit from all the triggered incels in this thread I'd say we struck gold. /u/stigmata3535, /u/mariacivetti, /u/h8celibacy, what's it like knowing that even this pathetic collection of autistic bottom dwellers looks down on you? Does it validate your victim complex or is it uncomfortable to have everyone saying it's your own fault not genetics?

top kek, nice cope

Come on now, be nice. I'm trying to have a conversation here. Clearly you don't think you have a terrible personality - you think your problem is your looks alone - so why so hostile?

For your info I am an asexual girl. I can get laid whenever I want (I don't want to get laid, ever). I am hostile because you are being a pathetic white knight.

You're a maiden? Wow! I was low key hoping that bagging on incels would get me attention from the ladies, but I didn't expect it to work this fast! I'm sorry I was so mean earlier I was just virtue signaling, you know?

You're actually right, most women are pieces of shit and would be attracted to someone bullying and harassing incels. Keep your terribleness up, I'm sure some hoe will jump on your neckbeard dick.

Fucking retarded white knight to the rescue. You're coping for your own insecurities through us.

Why do you think being a white knight is the only reason to mock you? I'm not standing up for damsels, I'm calling you autistic. And believe me, I know autism.