When a "for funsies" cryptocurrency gets taken too seriously - the creator of DogeTipBot tried to start a business. It failed and users lost all their Dogecoin, call for IRL prosecution.

14  2017-05-12 by tashibum


Cool story, bro


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I tried to submit this to r/subredditdrama but there wasn't enough arguing going on for them.

Here's a tl;dr of the situation:

Maybe for some more context, I'll try to explain the jist of it. DogeTipBot was created for tipping users small amounts of DogeCoin. So you would have to give DogeTipBot X amount of Doge and the bot would hang on to it until you dipped into your own Doge (that you gave to the bot) to tip to another user.

Mohland told users not to use the bot as a bank over and over and over again, but as you can see, many users did just that, and with significant funds.

But because Mohland was trying to use it as a business (Wow Such Business) he ended having to dip into the bot funds to keep the business alive... as well his own personal funds... until he was left with nothing.

I tried to submit this to r/subredditdrama but there wasn't enough arguing going on for them.

I hope you learned your lesson then. Never post in SRD unless it's for trolling/brigading purposes.

Oh boy did I learn my lesson. I never new there was literal drama police. They're fucking drama in of themselves being so damned picky...

Weird, I didn't get the usual "This has already been submitted" message. My bad.

Still wonderfully dramatic, though. There is also this that was posted to r/buttcoin where Mohland came in and tried to post.

Dogecoin rose and faded faster than Pokemon Go, and that's impressive.

I sort of have the same feeling for these people that I had for the fyrefestival people. You bought into a meme cryptocurrency and now you're mad it's gone? I mean bitcoin is/way WAYYYYY more of a thing when MTGOV shut down and ran off. I understand being frustrated, but all the blame doesn't fall on this single guy for grabbing it and running. You knew the risks...

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how I feel too.