SRDine calls liberalism a center-left ideology. You all know the drill by now.

33  2017-05-12 by HuckleberryFN2187


Jews did this


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"Liberal" is the most meaningless political label in the U.S. right now. It has 20 different definitions, depending on who you ask.

Liberalism has never been tried.

i worked out a unified definition

it's "anyone who doesn't go for fascism, communism, civil war and/or killing gay people"

Ah man, I love civil war!

Then boy do I have good news!

You got me a plane ticket to Syria? No, wait, Sudan!?!?!?!?!

Even better! Arlington!

At just $17.50 per month, too!

Extremist positions on both sides of the political spectrum are becoming rapidly more popular and political violence is also being normalized so it looks like you're in for a treat, very soon :)

I don't like any of those things and I'm not a liberal :/

There's only like four:

Bleeding heart definition with negative connotations, used by Conservatives.

"Liberal," used with negative connotations by far-left people who think that they're weak/traitors for not being as far-left as they are.

The general label that some liberals use in a vague manner that could put them anywhere on the leftist spectrum.

The classical definition that many liberals use to describe themselves: pro-free speech, pro-gay rights etc but only slightly left-of-centre.

This is boring.....


🎢🎢🎢 I want to break free, I want to break free

I want to break free from your lies

You're so self-satisfied I don't need you

I've got to break free, God knows

God knows I want to break free



I've fallen in love

I've fallen in love for the first time



(But) this time I know it's for real

I've fallen in love,

God knows

God knows I've fallen in looolve



You're putting effort in arguing about trivial issues on a shitty sub. Please turn the PC off, reflect on your issues, and then kill yourself for being a commie.

Fair point, on it.

This why i need the mayocide to happen.

Consider it though, you'd be making the world a better place

I have a question, why do these losers that think "the contradiction between Capital and Labour must be eliminated" never just try self-employment and instead insist that our entire way of life be overturned so they can experience the questionable joys of having to manage your business as well as do all the work?

never just try self-employment

Because that's hard, scary, and requires some sort of skill. They want the safety net and security that comes from the welfare state and being part of a successful business but they don't want the initial risk and all the worry that goes with starting one.

You know what career paths have the least amount of commies? The trades. I know tons of mechanics, carpenters, electricians, roofers, plumbers, linemen, pavers, landscapers, stonemasons, etc... and not a single one of the tradesmen I know are communist. These guys frequently own their own businesses and get all the pay for their labour, but they usually have an attitude towards communism that would make McCarthy blush.

Ehh, I mean, trolling anarchists is good and all, but, uh this is a bit odd.

Like, there are radical unions in the trades to this day, and even if they vote republican and are scared of the colored people, being a union member has to count as slightly more sympathetic to socialism than average.

Anecdote for anecdote, I know a lot of half-radical tradespeople "owning their own business" in the Midwest. (owning their own business in this context just means mainly paying a few of their buddies who need work and being a "contractor") Progressives, to "I don't want to have a revolution but we might be better off if we did", to "I just want to do shrooms all day man".

Fuck, you got me. I got fuckin trolled. Also, Landscaping lol.

Eh, I the landscapers around here also tend to do patios and paver paths so I count that. Absolutely none of them are anarchists though or want the abolishment of the state. They just want fair treatment and pay.

They try so hard to have reasonable discussions. Can't you just call /u/aiufp a retarded commie and be done with it?