/r/Socialism literally censors Marx himself for using the word "[s-t-u-p-i-d]"

217  2017-05-12 by HuckleberryFN2187

ceddit link that actually shows the removed post, for fucking once

Arsoc link, OP complains about censorship of Marx and gets removed

Censored text:

I made a post concerning, whether or not Marxism is a science, and I quoted a paragraph from Marx in his letter to Ruge in 1843. Here is the part I quoted. I have replaced the word that triggered the moderation with a spelling of the word in parentheses: " The internal difficulties seem to be almost greater than the external obstacles. For although no doubt exists on the question of “Whence,” all the greater confusion prevails on the question of “Whither.” Not only has a state of general anarchy set in among the reformers, but everyone will have to admit to himself that he has no exact idea what the future ought to be. On the other hand, it is precisely the advantage of the new trend that we do not dogmatically anticipate the world, but only want to find the new world through criticism of the old one. Hitherto philosophers have had the solution of all riddles lying in their writing-desks, and the [s-t-u-p-i-d], exoteric world had only to open its mouth for the roast pigeons of absolute knowledge to fly into it. Now philosophy has become mundane, and the most striking proof of this is that philosophical consciousness itself has been drawn into the torment of the struggle, not only externally but also internally. But, if constructing the future and settling everything for all times are not our affair, it is all the more clear what we have to accomplish at present: I am referring to ruthless criticism of all that exists, ruthless both in the sense of not being afraid of the results it arrives at and in the sense of being just as little afraid of conflict with the powers that be."

Here is the source, for proof: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1843/letters/43_09.htm

So maybe the moderation around here is a bit overboard. I'm not sure the "s" word should qualify as ableism, certainly not in the way most people use it conventionally. Pick your battles.


Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. ceddit link that actually shows the... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. Arsoc link, OP complains about cens... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  4. https://www.marxists.org/archive/ma... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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Rip Bernie Sandals

I'm a pussy nigger faggot who should commit seppuku.

/u/Doctor_red honestly, I agree.

Lenin said that, didn't he?

I think that was Mao

Mao said "The cure for fatties is in my Great Leap Forward!"

Mao found the one weight loss trick that works!

+/u/user_simulator Doctor_red

I would like to trade then?

~ Doctor_red

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We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week. But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more...

Imo give urban California anarchists and communists the utopia they desire. Abolish the police there and have the drug cartels utterly fuck these retarded mayo trannies to death. When they try to cross the lines back to a real state, shoot them.

Man, I'm feeling edgy today. Happy Friday, drama!

Nah its the opposite. Anarchists want a state, they just don't want it to be called that

So Mexico?

no, the exact opposite

So, Somalia?

little bit north


A little bit east. We don't want any of that dirty oil.

that's the spice

Exactly. Their utopia would have pretty much everything we have now, they'll just go by different names.

Like your police force is "The People's Voluntary Peacekeeping Force". The military is "The Red Guard of The Revolution".

Just throw in one of these words every once in a while and you're set.

Anarchism: The least possiblly efficient form of bureaucracy.

this but unironically

the utopia they desire

I'll go find the link if you really care, but I've asked communists (more than once) why every communist state inevitably fails, and (here's the important part) what they propose to do differently so that their "real communism" wont fail or devolve into a totalitarian shithole.

The answer I got: communist states fail because those meany evil global capitalists make them fail. The solution therefore is to convert the whole world to communism. Then communism will work.

I'm not kidding. That's their solution. It hasn't worked yet because we haven't really committed to it. It's like, if someone believes in the old practice of blood-letting, where you cut a sick person and the bleeding is supposed to balance their humors. Patients keep dying. Cuts keep getting infected. Instead of saying, "you know what, maybe this is a dumb idea" they fucking double down and say, "it hasn't worked yet because there's still a little bit of blood left in the patient - next time, we'll drain it all, that will surely work"

the drug cartels utterly fuck these retarded mayo trannies to death

They'll say, "the drug cartels only exist because of capitalist markets elsewhere."

I'd become a local benevolent warlord so fast



Do you see what I'm goin' on 'bout?

Google shows me 163 hits for "stupid" in the Marx archive section of marxists.org. He's an altright troll.

Hate to break it to you, but all of that text has been translated. And by whom, you may ask (though a cretin such as yourself likely elides the m)? Sexuonormative transless cis white men. I've taken a couple courses in Duolingo (I think of myself as this trash sub's polyglot, though I'd never brag about that or expect any of you to understand what that even means), and I can say for certain that the word Mx. Marx is saying in his writing is 'less right.' 'Wrongness' is an ableist notion that stems from an irreconcilable origin beyond the progenitor's predomination (lest we speak of Nazism, which would require a book to ratify with Marx's ideals against a human's capacity for stu*idity [not as though any of you know what a book is (ha!)]).

What pits of hell did you have to slog through in order to polish your marxist parody to this degree of authenticity? Or is it pasta?

Any modern political science course

I'm pretty sure ten percent of what I said wasn't words.

The majority rest the knuckles of the fist on the ground and, with legs drawn up, swing the body through their long arms, much as a cripple moves with the aid of crutches

ableism, Engles in "The Dialectics of Nature"

I am ugly, but I can buy for myself the most beautiful of women. Therefore I am not ugly, for the effect of ugliness – its deterrent power – is nullified by money. I, according to my individual characteristics, am lame, but money furnishes me with twenty-four feet.

ableism and sexism in three sentences, Marx in "The Power of Money"

/u/Prince_Kropotkin, more quotes plz?


+/u/user_simulator Prince_Kropotkin

PK was completely aware of how the supposed comment or even often necessary, however. It isn't that hard to not give it that way either.

~ Prince_Kropotkin

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+/u/user_simulator HuckleberryFN2187

But I'd rather BioWare treat this as a braggart by many of his privacy rights. Well Norway probably still has a lot growing up, with the principal danger during the suicide mission because you were curious to meet Clan Chief Grunt and Matriarch Liara.

~ HuckleberryFN2187

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Weaksauce, last time you got me wishing Patriots fans would be beheaded you stupid fucking bot.

is this Edit: oh is it just means you're spreading an idea doesn't automatically make that mistake in the first place. Why on Earth are you intentionally omitting the important part of Anatolia.

~ Juz16

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Not fat girls use it because it was always more profitable then the members of the incredible amount of time.

~ Juz16

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If the passengers had attempted to kill the terrorists, they would do stuff like avoid premarital sex, respect their parents, donate to charity, and tons more. schizo stand up comedy >Ben Garrison watches Styxhexenhammer666 THE MEMES ARE COLLIDING What I saw it as the democrats would have already gone through nuclear fission and no longer be radioactive.

~ Juz16

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LOL this one is great

+/u/user_simulator Juz16

But it doesn't need any because you can feel like you're being charitable.

~ Juz16

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That's the part of the guys. Hopefully he'll uphold his promise not to directly link to a 98 with BotW What the hell, man.

~ Juz16

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Sun and Moon came out in a great video, breath of the cable used to virtue signal by following their religious rules hardcore. IQ is the solution.

~ Juz16

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+/u/user_simulator vulturev1

Are you honestly surprised people don't want to direct you towards something called a half adder, it is the social contract between equal and free citizens. It doesn't explain how the philosophy was put into practice, it could have flywheels . I'm no mech guy so I had to pay reparations they couldn't afford as the amount of dissolved substance in a sintashta excavation site.

~ vulturev1

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Then at least you could add some familiar faces to the king had said was actually the case, fought all the more keenly.

~ Ohpinks

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+/u/user_simulator wootfatigue

Instagram has been traditionally done to sons and new paste made a huge breakthrough and we're going to associate that airline with classier people.

~ wootfatigue

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+/u/user_simulator user_simulator

Even if it was posted I was <15, I have no idea how relationships/dating work now that it was for the giger art, stayed for the price. ~ YugiohLinkBot ----- Info | Subreddit You will still be points where you place it, and usually don't even provide equipment.

~ user_simulator

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+/u/user_simulator Holdin_McGroin

Was this after the election.

~ Holdin_McGroin

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But yes, bullets are probably the most nonsensical gun platform I could get you consistent heroic victories.

~ fooddood

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+/u/user_simulator PizzaDeliverator

The kids show where he downright mobbed his interview partner.

~ PizzaDeliverator

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+/u/user_simulator lepicklez

Pickups worth less, more damage point blank DA EMPRAH PROTEKTS BUT WOT IZ I don't think of the small dick turning into large dick and an unusually small flaccid dick and half his statement is factual.

~ lepicklez

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warhammer and dicks sounds about right

+/u/User_Simulator the_popcorn_pisser

And I think it's good he was given the boot. Yeah I can't wait for Lock+ to be different when I get some joint or muscle pain at the latest.

~ the_popcorn_pisser

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+/u/User_Simulator the_popcorn_pisser

Pisses me off, because for a simple suggestion. And for years we were talking about your neighbor who is a top seller, so people can be all kinds of fucked up, but I certainly don't believe me.

~ the_popcorn_pisser

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"when you're too busy policing your own thoughts to notice the fascists murdering you"


Genuinely don't think we have to do anything but let them fight amongst themselves tbqhwuf

They can't run a single meaningless internet forum without degenerating into tinpot dictators

Username checks out

It's funny because The_Reason_Trump_Won's username is very applicable to their comment.
beep bop if you hate me, reply with "stop". If you just got smart, reply with "start".

Username checks out

It's funny because The_Reason_Trump_Won's username is very applicable to their comment.

beep bop if you hate me, reply with "stop". If you just got smart, reply with "start".

beep bop

Username checks out

It's funny because Thhueros's username is very applicable to their comment.
beep bop if you hate me, reply with "stop". If you just got smart, reply with "start".




I was just thinking the other day about how amusing it is that if the commie heroes came back to life they'd be instabanned from all the commie subs. Fun to see this happening, such a tangible example of why communism is trash

I like to imagine the current commies/socialists starving to death in their utopia

"No, see, I don't have to farm. Don't you get it? The Government provides all the food. It's the law."

Again, I'm sure you know: this actually happened in China.

Of course you know this actually happened in China.

No, thats my utopia.

Isn't it more an example of why attempts at seriousposting on Reddit are trash.

A little column A, a little column B

No, it's proof of why /r/idpol is trash, he'd fit in just fine on /leftypol/. Some people just can't handle the bantz.

Knowing that the concept of humor exists is literally the one advantage the alt-right has over tankies, who are a bunch of joyless dweebs.

You people are still absolutely fucking shit at humor, by the way. You just seem to at least know that it exists, somewhere out there in the world.

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me

This sub is a ceasefire zone, puto

te quiero tambien carnal

While crude and boorish they also come up with their own meme structures...... All the anti "fash/td" subs can do is endlessly copy the followers of kek.

I'm sure someone on fullcommunism has threatened to gulag Stalin for gulaging gay men.

The latter

what i dont get is how they dont realize ableism is a good thing. cripples and retards are subhuman and should obviously be culled, but in the meantime discriminating against them is better than nothing

This is the natural result of believing in equality.

You first. Remember down the street, not across the road. Make it count.

Marx was also very floral of his wordplay when describing Jews and Black people.

You just said two words for the same people?


Think about what i wrote, in the context of what you wrote.

Come on, gov you're smart. I have faith you'll figure out the joke.

Marx's parents converted to Christianity. He wasn't Jewish if that's what you're trying to sneakily say.

Clearly I've over-estimated you...

Its a simple, stupid joke about jews being the same as black people in the eyes of the great white man (i.e. 99% of /r/drama users).

Come on man!

Yeah that went way over my head

I hate both of you

great white man

More dangerous than great white sharks

I've been chasing him for years. He owes me twenty bucks.

You are why the mayocide needs to happen

For that night the whole of Arkham sat shivering in their homes, a great eldrich fear settling upon them as they huddled together for comfort. Outside the footsteps of doom could be heard as the abominable Wwywwerdd moved from house to house, door to door, speaking unmentionable blasphemies and describing horrors and demented sorceries I dare not repeat here.

And when the dawn broke and the good people of that city did venture blinking into the winter sun, they asked one another in hushed tones as to what they had seen and heard the night before when the Wwwyzzerdd came to their door.

They all could whisper but one word of explanation:


Huh, is that a stylization, not a pasta? Respect.

I've read so much Lovecraft I can do it without thinking.

Jews are the ones with the big nose and big wallet, Blacks are the ones that are, well, black. Try again

This sub is censoring way to much and its turning people off socialism

How so?

imagine being this illiberal

imagine being this socially incompetent

same thing tbbqh

Socialists aren't very known for being liberal

Honestly, /r/Socialism and its branches have been infected by Idpol. If you want a good anti-idpol place to post, go to LeftyPol.

While I think slurs should be banned,

/u/Doctor_Red KYS Faggot

I know exactly what Marx would have said about that: http://i.imgur.com/vUTSzpZ.gif