/r/news turns discussion of a new Pakistani law into a Trayvon Martin argument. Can't simmer the drazimmer

14  2017-05-12 by deere442


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I have an idea: I say we ask Trayvon.

u/hotsatin you are an idiot for thinking pakistan's blasphemy laws are in any way comparable to trayvon martin's situation but this was a pretty good burn.

Would you have been happier if I had /s? lol

Them's called jokes. I like to try to remember, when pointing and laughing at other country's shortcomings that while the U.S. of A is unquestionably the greatest nation on earth, we have our challenges, shortcomings, and disagreements. But at least we're allowed to have our disagreements. Well: As long as you don't try to have that disagreement while in the viewing audience of a Senate Hearing, then you'll possibly be dragged out in handcuffs for a simple guffaw. We ain't perfect. But we try.

Paging /u/physicsismymistress

Paki Patrol respond!

Fun fact: already posted in that thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/6aj8zi/pakistan_people_who_smoke_eat_openly_during/dhf7li5/?context=3

The deleted comment is the guy who decided to not believe me.

Question: Can you shit post during Ramadan or do you have to wait until the sun sets?

I believe shitposting is, in fact, allowed.

If a bear makes a territorial attack, playing dead is ideal. If a bear makes a predatory attack, you fight back, or otherwise it'll just start eating you while you play dead.

And if the cops get you for shoplifting Rust-oleum from the Home Depot, your best course of action is to channel your inner wolf and gnaw your hand off to escape the cuffs.

Tbh whenever one asshole kills another I think we should congratulate the remaining one for reducing the number of assholes.

Zimzam is a hero though.

Those Skittles were for lean, an illegal drug.

/u/NotMyThrowaway63 you sound like one of those old pastors who try to teach the dangers today's kids face like five nines at Freddie's

Found the guy who's never met a black guy.

No flimflamming this zimzam.