That kid who drew his crush deleted his account and the picture was removed.

54  2017-05-13 by Venne1138


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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We did it, third wave feminism!

More like fourth wave bullshitism.

Ayyyyyyyy lmao

a lot of shit comments got gold in that thread why is reddit such a shithole

When will boys learn that it's fucking creepy and gross to like a girl

Wait....are you using sarcasm, or want a bigger dating pool for gay men? Honestly, I cant tell, I mean it's [current year].

Only if you're ugly. If Chad does it its romantic. Anything someone below 7/10 does or says to a girl is "creepy".

Fuck off incel, it's creepy full stop

How is it creepy in anyway? Go on, lets hear it.

Why are you even asking that question? I suggest you think about that and get back to me when you realize that you're harboring a lot of misogynistic resentment, I can refer you to some websites that can help further enlighten you and hopefully spark some empathy, but only if you're willing to stop being a douchenozzle.

What "empathy". A 14 year old boy drew a picture of his crush, and a bunch of fat 40 year old landwhale feminists swarmed down to project their insecurities and self-loathing on him and accused him of rape. Did you not think about how he felt? He's going to grow up to be a nu-male cuck with sexual hangups that women won't want to date. You're just a bunch of fat landwhales angry because no-one ever drew you a picture. That's OK, I get it, I never experienced teen romance either, but that's YOUR problem, don't ruin other people's childhoods.

no u

He's going to grow up to be a nu-male cuck with sexual hangups

Do you know what men without sexual hangups are called? Rapists

You do know that most rapists attack on spur of the moment right? And they're usually quite violent people to begin with? Almost all men with sexual hangups are either men who are completely besotted with feminism and think women are superior and are timid little wierdos like "nods respectfully" guy, or guys from r/incel. To be a rapist, you already have to be a fairly aggressive person or a psychopath. And I just mean aggressive as in "violent", I mean aggressive in other ways, such as being successful and always getting what you want.

You know how alt-righters think every Muslim is a terrorist and there's a 50% chance they could blown up in any given minute? You're exactly the same with rapists. A 14 year old boy drawing a picture isn't going out to fucking rape anyone.

A 14 year old boy drawing a picture isn't going out to fucking rape anyone.

did you miss the part about hormones in the title? honestly the rape apologia in /r/drama is getting out of hand

did you miss the part about hormones in the title

Ohhhohh hormones spooky! Fucking toxic masculine teenagers having hormones, quick, get the estrogenised water, shave his head, put a beard on him and get him a craft beer, some thick framed glasses and a flannel shirt, stat! This is a dangerous one!

Yeah, basically this. Men have more power (physically and socially) than women so they are obligated to take steps to correct that. One way of doing so is by adopting a non-threatening appearance (flannel shirt, glasses). They should also cross the street when they see a woman, and not make eye contact.

Leaving aside the fact the average man has no power over anyone else, even if we did why would we give it up someone else can have it? If power is a zero sum game and someone always has to be at the top of the pyramid, then why would you choose to be at the bottom? That's an argument for not estrogenising yourself. Luckily, power isn't a zero sum game so that's that.

Given male fragility they can't NOT try to rape and dominate women. Look at history: white males holding back the progress of civilisation with constant war an rape.

OK, we are fragile rapists. NOW RUN!

You getting angry and creepy and gross at the truth is white fragility.

Of course savage, feral men will always want to be on top. However this irrational and fragile behavior is counterproductive to creating an empathetic and inclusive society. This is why we have tools putting (white) men in their place, such as family court, Title IX, consent classes, and height shaming.

nods respectfully towards you

Are beards now memed into being non-masculine and a sign of low testosterone? 2017 is weird.

As long as you're not balding or skinny, you're fine. No-one would mistake Steve Austin for a nu-male. But the beard is what the nu-male thinks makes him masculine.

Wait... What?

So how did they know he's not a chad? That was your point, that talking to girls is only creepy if you're below 7/10 and is romantic otherwise, so how do those feminists knew that the kid was not a 9/10 qt3.14?

I think you should reevaluate your assumptions and delete your reddit account.

So how did they know he's not a chad?

He's on reddit.

There are many chads on reddit, even whole subreddits specifically dedicated to chaddery: /r/Seduction /r/bayareaseddit /r/SinCitySeddit /r/WingmanMiami /r/OrangeCountySeddit /r/PhiladelphiaPickUp /r/PDXSeddit /r/SanDiegoSeddit /r/SacSeddit /r/DCSeddit, plus /r/theredpill to the extent they are not being whiny incel bitches themselves.

even whole subreddits specifically dedicated to chaddery

*Dedicated to LARPing as Chads.

Chad uses instagram and FB. Chads don't need "pickup tips", they're already born with them, and if they are shy women sqee over them because he's "so sensitive!" and "geeky". Its like male fantasies of "gamer girls" no Stacy is going to spend Saturday night playing video games.

Well, part of them are LARPing incels of course, but a part are just hyperchads, probably the intersection with /r/malefashionadvice and stuff. You do have to go above and beyond the usual chad stuff and use special techniques if you want to sleep with lots of women.

Some of them do meet irl after all, those of them who do aren't the fakers.

The other way to look at it is to notice that there are way more young male US redditors than there are young male US incels, you guys are a pretty rare aberration, so naturally the majority of redditors must be chads.

that there are way more young male US redditors than there are young male US incels, you guys are a pretty rare aberration

I don't think so, I'd say its something like 30% of the male population. Herbivore syndrome has arrived in the West. But anyway, I don't think they'll associate some 14 year old drawing a picture with a Chad.

I'd say its something like 30% of the male population.

You're confusing ordinary virgins and incels, that's two entirely different kinds of people.

But anyway, I don't think they'll associate some 14 year old drawing a picture with a Chad.

Why not? You said yourself that a cute shy chad will have "women sqee over them because he's "so sensitive!" and "geeky"".

Add to that the obvious pedo tendencies of most female feminists, as demonstrated by their obsession with feminine penises (small, hairless, delicate) and there's no reason they'd turn on the kid, if your theories were correct.

Add to that the obvious pedo tendencies of most female feminists, as demonstrated by their obsession with feminine penises (small, hairless, delicate) and there's no reason they'd turn on the kid, if your theories were correct.

They clearly thought he was a nerd.

Lmao remember the good ol days when r/seduction was the most controversial subreddit? How times have changed.

I really think most of the creep factor can be attributed to the "channeling my hormones" notion in the title of the post.

No, it's self-hating male feminists and the regular kind of man-hating feminists that infest this site like the arachnids infested Clint Howard's face in the mid-90s shlockfest, Ticks.

You're a total wierdo.

If only you could post the creep shaming comments...

That's actually a pretty good drawing

Where the dreams

I can't be the only one who didn't think it was creepy. When I saw that thread all I thought was that it was a nice drawing.

Because it isn't creepy but that's not very dramatic so those people are just projecting their sexualizing of drawings on to that innocent child who made the drawing. And that is hella creepy.

It'd be a little creepy if they were an adult but they're not. They're just a kid with a crush that doesn't know how to express themselves. We all did stupid shit as kids for people we fancied. Just most of us weren't also shitposting on Internet forums with millions of users at the same time.

at least he went out in a blaze of internet points

Shit goes around. She probably figured out from someone that he uploaded his drawing of and talked about her on Reddit.