Is it insane to take pics of a still birth? Insanepeoplefacebook doesn't think so

17  2017-05-13 by Washington_vape


This is why we need mayocide.


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But unironically

very unironically

That thing looks like a mismolded gummy bear

Looks delicious

There's a lot of people saying it's not insane considering the post is at 80%.

Wtf is wrong with people, this is not bebe so don't treat it like it is one.

ay lmao

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what the fuck why is everyone in there acting like its normal and not insane to put a hat on a fetus and show everybody

One of my dumb cousins posts an album of pictures of her dead baby every on his birth/death day. It is truly bizarre to see scrolling through random shitposts and pictures of brunch. I dont get it. One of the reasons i avoid fb now (if i want to see dead babies i will seek them out, tyvm)

i understand it being a fairly emotional experience but just seems like some horror movie shit

like why would you want to live through it again by looking at pictures, let alone show people on facebook

One of the reasons i avoid fb now

as good a reason as any

I suppose it is kinda insane, but grief makes people kinda insane.

So you admit it's insane? Ergo it belongs there?

How was that sentence in any way ambiguous?

he doesn't understand

Fucking mayos

The top comment in there explains the process.

Apparently hospitals will provide a birth and death certificate, a footprint, and a little hat.

I guess it's not uncommon, but I've never heard of it before.

Giving the stillbirth a hat instantly made me think if Team Fortress 2