/r/canada discusses Saudi Arabia.

30  2017-05-13 by zahlman


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Featuring a defense of Cuba, because why not.

They always wax poetic about Cuba for some reason.

Probably because their leader is Castro's kid

I am just not seeing the likeness.

More likely mick jagger's.

They're definitely shitty over there but it's not the Canadian military's job to protect arabs in their own country according to our cultural standards.

That's because Canadians are hypocrites who withdrew from the Geneva Protocol in 1999 after giving us Americans shit for it for literally decades.

They act like they are all anti-war and talk about how Barbaric Americans are but they don't care if Syrians are gassed while smugly boosting about how many refugees they take in.

Bastards even have the gall to boast about their healthcare system while shopping in USA " Because it's so much cheaper here"


It was 1939 and 907 Jewish refugees aboard the German transatlantic liner St. Louis were seeking sanctuary from Nazi Germany. Canada refused to take them in and the ship sailed back to Europe, where 254 would later die in concentration camps.


Their Castro-spawn president is the perfect summation of this. That smug, smirking twat sits up there on his canuck ice throne vocally criticizing the US for not handling all the horse shit that he wants us to do so that they don't have to.

Copypasta detected.

Autism reached final point on the spectrum.

According to the laws of /r/drama you're hereby declared a mod.

That's because Canadians are hypocrites who withdrew from the Geneva Protocol in 1999 after giving us Americans shit for it for literally decades.

They withdrew their reservations. That is, before 1991 and 1999 they had some exceptions regarding chemical and biological weapons, but now they conform fully. Delete your account.

Oh right I was thinking of the Kyoto Accord, instead of the Canadians smugging about War and being hypocrites they are smugging about how bad dumb American's are for electing a President who doesn't think Global Warming is worth worrying about due to economic reasons while they don't worry about Global Warming due to economic reasons AND kill us all instead of just the Syrians being killed.

You are right it's much worse thanks.

instead of the Canadians smugging about War

Canada declared war to Hitler's Germany on Sep 10th, 1939.

US did not even declare the war - they waited until Germany declared war to US more than 2 years later.



God, how dare the Americans interfere in foreign nations so much

Gas Attack Happens

America you need to put your world police pants on and deal with this

Wow America is bombing the middle east again, if only they could be like us and take in refugees instead of causing them

Canada declared war to Hitler's Germany on Sep 10th, 1939.

You know they literally had a meeting and decided not to declare war and wait a bit because it was too close to when Mommy did it right?

You're making as much sense as Trump.

Canadian confirmed

Like making fun of Amerfats while you literally just throw syrup onto the fucking ground outside then eat it once it's frozen in the snow. Who does that.

People who can actually move and go outside in the snow, unlike Americans, who would fall off their mobility scooters and get frostbite almost instantly because their ham hocks cut off all circulation to their legs


Your most famous national dishes are Tim Hortons donuts and French fries and cheese curds with gravy.

Canada really doesn't have a culture.

3edgy5me, le edge master.

Thank you for making this drama great. I can't stand /r/canada.

How does such a sparsely populated wasteland get so prominent on Reddit? I swear every other thread on the website has Canadians proclaiming where they're from and why they're better than everyone else.

I swear every other thread on the website has Canadians proclaiming where they're from and why they're better than everyone else.

I call it terminal Canadian smugness, they simply must tell you how great they are so you are more aware of them per capita


The Canadians I interacted with all went on ad nauseum about the American people's arrogance while putting themselves on a moral pedestal, and in doing so they exhibited the very same arrogance they claimed to despise. That is what gets under my skin about Canadians: their hypocritically smug sense of superiority and the way their culture seems to openly tolerate and promote bigotry toward their neighbors to the south.

It's the same thing that causes them to look down their noses for Americans to be so into sports and use tax payer money on arenas when they do the same for Ice Hockey

Yeah it's just weird, the whole Canadian nice thing is unironic irony. A few of them studied with my uni group abroad and they were ridiculously rude to the hosts.

The day of the rake can not come soon enough.

Can you provide more details?

Most of it was noticing things in the host country and talking about how Canada does it better, e.g. healthcare; and of course snarky comments at the expense of us Americans. When we visited a few cities as tour groups they blew us off and didn't accept the host's invitation to tour with us.

The big thing that stuck out though was the last day, the host took us out to breakfast and said she had a gift for us. She handed us pens with the foreign uni's logo, and the Canadians blurted out, "That's it? Just a pen?" Felt really bad for the host because like a minute later she handed us all these really nice ornate coffee mugs with this blank expression.

This is the point where I could say they didn't represent most Canadians, but in my travels to other countries in hostels the leafs were just as bad. Five minutes into a conversation devolves into guns or healthcare or other irrelevant garbage.

Idk it sounds like a seriouspost but so many are assholes; though all these people I've encountered were gen x to millennial age so maybe it's different for the much older or much younger.

Hopefully things can change for the better, What country were you and your group travelling in?

We stayed in Germany for the most part but during breaks we ventured through Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

Sounds interesting though the Canadian issue must have been trying.

So Canada is the equivalent of a douchey vegan friend?

Hearing them you would think they created god in their image.

Basically people don't understand what international relations are

An entire nation of mayos