A lolcow in /r/ShitPoliticsSays has a massive meltdown after one comment calling communism "evil ideology"

67  2017-05-13 by LiberatorFalcon


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/u/thestrugglesreal is just a teenager, leave him alone

Lol here I am just waiting for a proper rebuttal while laughing my ass off at the right wing economic extremists.

Don't worry, I do the same to the communists with their comparable, but less selfish delusions.

All hail Ayn Rand amiright guys? lol

Saying "hahahahahaha" in every post only shows your insecurity, baby.

while laughing my ass off

Yeah uh... Really looked like it!

hoo boy, and you thin I care?

It's not even worth it with Libertarians - have had the battle a million times, at this point its for my own enjoyment.

I just want a single one to come up with a decent argument, but I guess that's like asking a science-denier to explain the science behind denying Climate Change lol

So what's your poison? Berniecrat?

Not fully, closest candidate during the election though.

I believe in a society of checks and balances that takes care of its citizens on the baseline and allows well regulated competition for those who seek to aim higher and afford luxuries. I believe in a government that acts as an efficient extension of the will of the people counteracted by a private sector also kept in check by the people so long as both branches do not get overtaken by greedy, self-interested individuals.

Private sector? Disgusting liberal.

XD love it

Holy SHIT we got a Neolibtm over here! Wtf do you mean we can't just burn all the banks down and literally eat rich people? I did not sign up for this pre-apocalypse bullshit.

Lol! Apparently you can't read for shit because you would have deduced I hate neo libs as much as I hate An Caps and An Coms.

Lol! I was being sarcastic and you're bad at understanding this sub.

Also, you hate them as much as people who literally think it's cool for kids to be prostitutes? Damn I want whatever equivalency distorting brain drugs you got.

Man, this high schooler has really figured out the world, guys

hoo boy, and you thin I care?

Why you gotta bring my weight into it?

Personally I think you're both beautiful AND stunning.

This was the only correct answer.

Why do you want equality brohan? People aren't equal and never will be equal, get over it.

Why do you want equality brohan? People aren't equal and never will be equal, get over it.

Like literally there's no reason to respond to this XD


"Why do you want democracy Broham? People don't have power and they never will, get over it!"

Said the reactionary grumpy outdated losers

Might as well have added "if you can't beat the immoral, join em!"

So if what you're saying is true why are you here trying so hard to use the "Idgaf" defense?

Idgaf debating the libertarians. It all started on a sub where I made fun of Libertarians on an issue which got linked to r/shitpoliticssays which I guess got linked seemlessly to drama without me even noticing.

I've just been having a grand ol time laughing at economic extremists once it snowballed is all.

Don't really care but am definitely argumentative and have had some time relaxing with the family.

Pull yourself away from the screen, dude. There's nothing for you here in r/drama except untold levels of autism and fuckery the likes of which all of Reddit despises yet adores. It's a mad house, I tell you! A MAD HOUSE!

I'm out! Thanks for the advice :P Idk how I got linked to 2 different subs without me even realizing at first! XD Have a good one!

idk why we let scientists work on problems other than figuring out how to bring lenin back to life. more proof that capitalism is a failed ideology, i guess

We let scientists work on problems?

well not know that daddy's in charge but you know

Mr. Tugan repeats the old trick of the reactionaries: first to misinterpret socialism by making it out to be an absurdity, and then to triumphantly refute the absurdity! When we say that experience and reason prove that men are not equal, we mean by equality, equality in abilities or similarity in physical strength and mental ability.

If Lenin had said this today, he'd actually be branded a fascist by modern commies.

while laughing my ass off

Yeah uh... Really looked like it!

Do you believe slavery is evil? Communism is worse, at least slaves have a chance of emancipation.

Lol communism is anarchism without classism. It will never happen and is delusional like AnCap but pray tell how that is worse than slavery or wage slavery in Free Market Capitalism?

"Omg I'm beholden to no one and am free to do as I please and no one in society has the right or means to oppress me I'm such a slave!"

Compared to

"I'm born into debt because my parents rent a house so I'm born having to justify my existence to a landlord as opposed to Timmy who was born into wealth and has the means of production to start whatever business he wants and exploit workers to make money through profits off of them while underpaying them"

Because the first will never happen but is communism and the second DOES happen and we haven't even made it to full free market (though the few times we've gotten close like the late 1800s were so abysmal they had to invent entire government agencies to stop the heinous action like the creation of the FDA and more rights for unions to protect from greedy ass hats with too much power)

It's cute how they pretend it's a democracy too.

Two delusional extremist economic ideologies for two groups of undereducated morons who don't live in reality with the rest of us.

Post bussy faggot.

are you aware no one wants to hear the words of teenagers

Hmm well I'm not one and for some reason you're messaging me. So you could just stop? Or provide something meaningful to say?

I doubt you'll do either so do you man. No ones stopping you. Welcome to the internet.

No bussy; pls go

Please grow up and get a real ideology.

You're more of a dipshit than I thought.

What ideaology is it that likes bussy?

Well you're exactly the amount of dipshit I thought. Pick your juvenile idiotic extremist ideology: communism or Anarcho Capitalism.

Clearly you're one of those two forms of stupid.

Because I think you're an overflowing lolcow?

Is that what the kids these days say? Lolcow? Man insults have gone downhill since the 90s.

Didn't you just use "stupid" as an insult?

I am pretty sure hes neither. But you are provided lots of milk

whatever it is sign me the fuck up

What ideaology is it that likes bussy?


Communism is the opposite of anarchism. One is about freedom, the other strives to take that freedom away.

lol you fucking hahaha no way we're lol face boyy XD amiright why ass lol

But you're not actually laughing. Do you think anybody believes you're laughing?

I mean I am but I don't care if internet people know? Hahaha I'm so confused by how invested in this you are lol I'm just responding on my phone and not even giving this much thought at this point :P

Nobody is more invested in this than you are. Do you think anybody believes you aren't super invested in this?

I'm sure hey do believe it. I just don't care. Over here on my phone enjoying Mother's Day. If people comment I'll respond. Dk why you're getting so worked up or even care ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You're the only one worked up, stop projecting. Put the phone down and spend some time with your mom. The Internet arguments can wait.

Lol clearly not since I'm laughing at the ridiculous interest in my og post. And I am I'm just checking the phone every once and a while lol < ya triggered?

You could always pretend you aren't so involved and just not respond idgaf I just respond to most comments on Reddit.

You're a hell of a lot more pathetic than you seem to realize.

Yes. I judge my self worth on the opinions of an invisible internet person who is way too invested in my opinions XD hoo boy.

I hope you're having fun with your family too at least.

Ummm you aren't. You've been commenting for the entire weekend, pretending you aren't getting progressively angrier, which you obviously are.

Lol ah yes so obviously furious. I'm actually eating fancy cheese and crackers with the fam.

Like I said I reply to all comments on Reddit. At this point I'm just entertained by your commitment and waiting to see when you bail.

Does your mom know you have a weird obsession with internet people you don't know?


Just had some bomb smoked Gouda on one of those tollhouse flips crackers with the pretzel on the one side.

About to try the goat

You know what I do when I'm totally not upset about something? Comment about it for an entire weekend instead of enjoying my weekend.

Man you're getting personal with a complete stranger aren'tcha

You mean like writing 1000 word comments about my political beliefs?

Stop starting your sentences with "LOL" you fucking faggot.

Haha what are you, six?

You still care what some random internet person says? At this point you're just enhancing whatever "drama" is getting the sub off.

We slinging insults? Aight. You cock-juggling thundercunt

Leftard uses "What are you, (age)" retort. That's original.

Go be a fag somewhere else.

I remember in grade 10 when I discovered the awesomeness that was communism. Then I took history and economics and it cleared right up.

There's no real enjoyment in seeing a libertarian be smug about an ideology that is just as dumb

Everyone arguing there is fucking dumb

Very much so, and OP gets special bonus points for that awkward link with bad use of pronoun antecedents. Goddamn, /u/liberatorfalcon, learn how to write.

I think that whenever I see exchanges like this. If you're getting really heated up in comments on Reddit/FB/whatever you should not post that comment. No one cares, it won't change anybodies mind and it'll be all around terrible.


Communism is evil. It lives off the idea that you exist so you must be provided for. Whilst in capitalism trade has to exist, in other words I need food Mr Farmer and you need some weed. Lets trade!

Either way, you're just an insecure fag who clearly has a thing for some disgusting communist girl you know personally

lol you're fucking stupid as fuck.

I'm not a communist at all I think they're just as fucking stupid as An Caps because they are. They read Communist Manifesto or Atlas Shrugged and never grew up like the rest of us.

Cracks me the fuck up you don't even know what communism is. All it is is anarchism where everyone owns the means of production instead of individuals stealing it through force then demanding others pay for them to use it or go into debt for it.

Both extremist viewpoints take away freedom. The funniest part is you actually think free market capitalism is freer when all it does is allow employers to oppress you, and mean you are born into debt unless born into wealth.

The argument is wasted on you because like the communists you clearly don't even have a surface level understanding of economics or society at all.

Go join a game of Monopoly mid game with debt and all the properties are owned and tell me how "free" you are and maybe we can start your first grade education to "real world 101" to help flush out that kool aid you've been drinking.

I actually did once join a game of monopoly once in that situation. I just created a new rule where by I could build on green belt and overcharge everything. I placed the property strategically as the place where most people land. Won the game, although I must admit I did steal everyone else money when they where not looking.

And how dare you say wasted on me! I am amazing.

Also, did you hook up with that commie girl? Trust man her pussy will be stinking

But she shares it with everyone

Whilst in capitalism trade has to exist, in other words I need food Mr Farmer and you need some weed.

Capitalism did not invent trade, and is not even the most efficient model for trade, so....



I am fitting in.

You'll never fit in.