/r/anarchism faces a new moral dilemma. Would you save 2 kittens or 1 child from a burning building?

39  2017-05-14 by A6MZer0


This, but unironically.


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So you're in one thread telling me to kill myself and simultaneously trying to act like a holier than thou life saver in another. Is it that you prefer the company of cats or do you have screw lose? Weirdo

Inb4 'K.'

i do want you to die tho.

Why are you being so mean? I haven't done anything to you.

you being a nazi is threat to my existence, that's why i want you to die.

I'm not a Nazi for fucks sake. I just love the aesthetics. Ask any gay, they'll tell you the Nazis looked on point.

How am I threatening your existence friendo?

are you actually not a nazi or are you pretending not to be so that i dont say mean things to you

I'm not a Nazi, but I want you to continue saying mean things. It's fun how worked up you get over internet comments. Tell me your race and I'll tell you if you'd survive my eugenics program.

fuck me in the ass daddy

Are you a girl? In that case, omg yes we'll set it up in PM. Are you a boy? In that case you'll have to post bussy first. Also tell me your race.

what if im neither

I'd have to see pics. That way I'll know if I want to bash your gash or dash.

what if im both

Seriously, I wouldn't want to mess with a MtF's "genitals". I'm not a bigot, but that shit freaks me out. Not trying to be mean, but that's how I feel about it. Now you said "ass fuck" so I still might consider it, depending on how you looked. If you're FtM it'd probably fine. That'd be hot, if you're attractive of course. Like I said, post pics.

what if im all


what if im one with everything

I think you're a boring white boy who loves playing video games. Boring, next.

i hate video games tbh

So why do you post to northernlion, mayo fuckboi. Get out of here or yo cracka' ass is finna get gassed!

cuz eggdaddy is best daddy

I am so happy I'm not living your life.

im rubber ur glue

I won't wish suicide on u

i wish u did tbh

Is that why you are so full of hate? :( I think you need to take a break from all those leftist subs friendo. They're messing with your brain.


then you are mentally ill and he probably shouldn't put his dick in crazy


This but lowercase

I'm not a nazi either, but the nazi aesthetics were absolutely fantastic.

Can confirm. As a gay communist, the nazis had their outfits together.

> gay

> communist


I think the Nazi uniforms are overrated tbh.

Gas the heretic!

would you download a car?

cars pollute


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

nothing cuz they've got milk.

Oh you're a vegan?


nah you must be thinking of someone else

saying "dumb" or "stupid" is ableism

suicide goading is A-OK, no problem with that when people might have depression

jesus christ not you again

Ok let's get serious for a second.

If you had the choice to save /u/Prince_Kropotkin or /u/MakeAmericaSageAgain from a burning building which one would it be?


Ok, You're wearing a fireproof suit and /u/MakeAmericaSageAgain has two kittens in his arms. which one you save?

wow rude


So, all SJW circles ever?


Interesting read about that dynamic in social justice circles from someone who is otherwise very sympathetic.

I don't think it's unique to "SJW" social dynamics but they are increasingly marked by it, unfortunately.

What other social circles try to outsmug and one up each other on outrage and being offended to get to the top and achieve greater acceptance?

Have you watched Fox News lately? This is basically senior citizen Republican politics.

That is a good point. It has been a long time since I've had extended exposure to it. I try to avoid news channels, they get too damn absurd and Fox has been doing it longer than anyone else out there.

I wonder how often he gets this reaction from people.

often, it's awesome

mostly from people who make a habit of insulting me whenever they see me and then getting surprised and offended when I shit talk them back though

It's pretty entertaining.

ur poop

You're quite petty

/u/snallygaster can this be a new bot quote?

copy paste from the @ thread

any of them dying is a tragedy, dunno why that guy would ask me such an extreme question and expect me to answer completely truthfully and rationally tbh.

that said, i do however believe that animal lives in general are not, in any way or form, inherently less important or less valuable than human lives. placing objective value in life, animal or human, is an extremely problematic thing to do imo.

Placing objective value in life is "extremely problematic".

Unironically telling strangers to kill themselves over the internet? Not problematic at all.

not when they're nazis

go cry to mommy if you're that upset lmao

What about ants or maggots? Are their lives just as important as humans? I'm sure you've killed dozens if not hundreds of ants throughout your life

What's with all the fuss over Holocaust then? :^)


Just wanted to make an edgy joke.




That's timeist. For some people, it could be morning.

Says the guy telling people to kill themselves.

Jainists can, you're just a fucking phony who is making excuses for his cowardice.

i mean i dont even kill bugs on purpose, i try man i try.

+/u/user_simulator poopy_ass

Plant-based diets are the future is just a term for any music more than a university. relevant http://fortune.com/2017/03/30/blackrock-robots-layoffs-artificial-intelligence-ai-hedge-fund/ Lol, that's the same size as all of the Koran.

~ poopy_ass

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I refuse to belive /u/fajardo99 isn't someone here's alt.

im not that big of a loser

If you had the choice to save two r/anarchism posters or two kittens from a burning building which one would it be?


We must optimize for the maximum number of animal lives! Think! What is the creature that uses the least resources whose lives are still equivalent 1:1 with a human!

What about chipmunks? They are cute and fuzzy like a kitten so they are definitely worth a human! We should kill all animals on earth except chipmunks! First we must start with everything but humans and chipmunks, and then we close the circle by eliminating all humans.

+/u/user_simulator poopy_ass

The two on the mass digital slates.

~ poopy_ass

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a pee pee in my butt butt

shocking twist. the vegan is also a fag.

🚑🐱 🔥👨🏾‍🎤🔥💀🔥🏢🔥💀🔥👩🏻‍🎤🔥

CB2 moderator


/u/fajardo99 Would you jump in front of a train to save two geese? They wouldn't appreciate it

perhaps tbh

Would you jump in front of a train regardless?

perhaps tbh

Consider it comrade

+/u/user_simulator poopy_ass

Abe Lincoln himself said that he does this quite extensively.

~ poopy_ass

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the kittens

definitely the kittens

cause then i can get kitten bites and a shoulder cat

obviously depending on the race of the child, what kind of loaded question is this

Is that whole thread for real? For real, u/faolinbean, you got suckered by a troll.