Patriot is shocked to learn that Muslims have conquered Washington DC, but vows to resist Shakira Law

65  2017-05-14 by HuckleberryFN2187


This, but unironically.


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But can they resist DC Ethiopian food?

That can't be right. I've read enough National Geographic to know that "Ethiopian food" is an oxymoron.

I ate it all

Jokes aside that shit is delicious, try some if you haven't.

The only downside is sometimes the places get sold and then become garbage. We had an Ethiopian place that was fantastic but the owners sold it and the new ones cheaped out on everything while selling things restaurants have no business selling (like actual cars).

Do they sell the cars at a drive-thru?

Nah. The whole plaza the place was in wasn't doing well, the only successful place was the Ethiopian restaurant. After the original owner sold it the new guy also bought the place next to it and started selling all sorts of weird things. He would advertise his cars and African imports in the restaurant by putting ads for them in the menus.

Who eats a car?

You could have linked to "Rapture," but you didn't. Phillistine.

Be gentle, I have a heart of glass.

It's so good they eat it all at once.

Well, that would explain why, in the Nat Geo photos, the kids have swollen bellies.

Breaking: Majority of immigrants seeking or that have obtained US citizenship pick areas with high job prospects to settle down instead of the middle of no where!

He got so many burns there it might cure his autism.

i dont think "fire" is a treatment plan that's consistent with mainstream psychiatry

Won't know until you light 'em though.

But they brought shishaw and that shit is bomb, dog


Is this what you lot are calling it nowadays? White people were a mistake tbh

With all these sharia Muslims in DC one wonders where all the terrorist attacks are.

Maybe they fart terroristically while on public transit?

that does explain all the Metro fires

DC in 2017 is literally a Mediterranean war zone, man. You can't walk a single city block without being violently and mercilessly attacked by a Muslim's eyes when all you're doing is going around screaming about ISIS ragheads.

Person who calls other people "snowflakes" while literally feeling unsafe at the sight of other people, example 263,273,928.


One of my biggest issues with the t_d. The amount of shit they get triggered by is unreal. Someone who works somewhere doesn't like trump? BOYCOTT! Netflix has a show that panders to the left? BOYCOTT! Someone makes a bad joke negative toward the right? BIGOT, GET THEM FIRED!

And when you call 'm out on it: "WE ARE JUST USING THE TOOLS ALL YOU LEFTISTS USE"

No fucker, you are acting like a toxic cunt like other toxic cunts.

That's the same shit SRS would say. It wasn't cute with the either.

What about them? They are the left version of T_D. I just told you.

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Yeah I get the may may, I just don't understand how it is relevant here unless SRS follows fightclub here.

I'm not defending t_d at all. I hate them. I hate them more than SRS. SRS is (Was? Is it still a thing?) still shitty and have the same "ironic" use of their "enemies tactics".

"(((Muslims))) have taken over the world and the Moon Base is now under sharia law."

"No, that's wrong"


"We're not thin skinned in t_d. Everyone knows you get banned for questioning anything, so it's your own fault.


At this point there's two groups of people that use "ya'll":

  • Hillbillies that are afraid of brown people

  • SRSters that think "you guys" is too oppressive and misogynistic

I'm going to say this once and only once, you guys are smart enough to remember:

if you hear someone say "ya'll" light them on fire!

i agree, "ya'll" is unforgivable. like, what sort of retard do you have to be to not know it's spelled "y'all"?

No one gives a fuck, retard

i'm sorry about your mental disability

That was a good joke.

how fucking white do you have to be to fail at fucking getting the basic greeting of basic whites

No one who doesn't fuck their sister says ya'll

what sort of retard do you have to be to not know it's spelled "y'all"?

Probably just someone with more than three teeth.

I'm from Texas, though. I can say "y'all" whenever I want.

The hillbillies are protesting.

Oh no, I said yall in my texts! Should I be lit on fire? 😰

I did not feel real safe in D.C. or it's surrounding areas #NoShariaInUSA

Hahahahaha holy fuck what a precious little snowflake

mfw whitey doesn't feel safe in the 7th most murderous city in the country

If only some snakes are poisonous are you going to trust them all?

who gives a fuck about the racism, this no-class MOTHERFUCKER is DISSING SNAKES and that is unforgivable

no step on snek, pls


This fuckhead doesn't even know snakes would be VENOMOUS! Come the fuck on! At least don't make that kind of mistake if you're going to hate on snakes!

Honestly Sharia Law might be an improvement on DC

It's funny because it's never the people like this who end up getting mobbed on Twitter, only ones who can actually argue their case.

Now Shakira law, I can get behind. Inshallah.

DC was where I learned to stop eating fast food. Because none of the workers could speak English well enough to get the order right.