Amerikkkan Gestapo hunts down innocent 10 year old dreamer. r/news reacts.

31  2017-05-15 by Tobans


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Being an 'illegal immigrant' is like downloading music or pissing in public. If you believe someone should be fired out of a cannon for such an offense, you're a humongous fucking moron.

I actually believe you should be dropped in international waters.

No, actually, being an illegal immigrant is more like trespassing. Say someone trespasses on my property by entering my yard and starts living in my garden shed. They have no right to be on my property, and I've decided that I only want certain people on my property (i.e. my friends and family, not complete strangers). Is it unreasonable of me to ask him to leave? Is it unreasonable of me to force him to leave if he doesn't voluntarily?

Yes. We are just tenants on God's bountiful land. You can not claim ownership on something that rightfully belongs to no one and everyone.


I threw my fedora off in disgust.

You feeling euphoric yet?

Mine is the ideal opinion. You may not like it, but this is what peak Euphoria looks like.

I can imagine you stroking your beard while saying thatm

I'm stroking my mind's beard, my intellect. Something a plebeian such as your self can't grasp.

I just trust that God guides us to our destination Β―\(ツ)/Β―

My priest says you don't need smarts when you have God by your side.

Fuck. I don't feel like playing fedora lord anymore.

That's why πŸ™faithπŸ™ beats πŸ’©scienceπŸ’© everyday

Praise Allah to that.



I bet that if someone used that argument to take your possessions from you you'd change your mind pretty quickly.

Betting is against my religion.

Ah, reminiscent of the days where only white people can be on our property, eh?

It actually has nothing to do with race. I don't want people I don't know on my property regardless of whether or not they're white, brown, or whatever fucking color.

It's not your property dude. No one person gets to say who will reside and who will get deported. Undocumented immigrants commit less crimes on average than documented immigrants, yet you say you only want one...

In the analogy I was making, yes, it was my property.

And actually, yeah, one person does, in the case of America: The President of the United States. Who is elected by the people and therefore represents the majority's wishes. Therefore, the American people have decided that they want illegal immigrants out. The citizens of America "own" their country, do they not (at least, that's how its supposed to work in a democracy)? Therefore they have the right to decide who gets to stay and who has to leave.

one person does, in the case of America: The President of the United States

>mfw canuck and unironic trumptard tries to educate me in American politics

Stopped reading there. You have no clue how policies work in any form. Recall that in both instances when Trump tried to ban Muslims from entering the country federal courts clocked them. Clearly one person doesn't make all the decisions.

It actually has nothing to do with race.

Well do you have any black friends or not?

Why in the fuck does that matter?

To answer that though, no, I don't have any black friends, because there aren't any black people where I live. I have Native American friends, Filipino friends, even a half-Mexican friend. It. Has. Nothing. To do. With. Race.

Then why are you going on about the race of your friends??

Because you asked?

If I make you feel retarded, shouting it out just draws attention to it. Did you read up to check what we were talking about?

A country is not your private property. Also, this is like an AnCap invoking the NAP to be shitty. Just because is some form of trespassing it doesn't make it right to use force in all cases. People should be more pragmatic and think when it makes sense.

No, a country is not my private property. But it could be argued that a country is the property of its citizens, in the case of a democracy. Illegal immigrants are not citizens, and thus they have no right to be in the country. At all.

The citizens of America have decided that you can only come onto their property if you go through the proper legal channels. This is essentially the same thing as me deciding I don't want people on my property unless I know them beforehand, because otherwise they might end up being a crackhead there to rob me. They could just be a passed out drunk homeless guy, but I don't want to take that chance and I don't particularly want either on my property anyway. Illegal immigration has no control - anybody can come in, including cartels, gang members and drug runners. And they come in in droves.

You are confusing the rule of law with morality. That they have the right doesn't mean that they are right. US immigration system doesn't allow a lot of otherwise fit people to enter because of the retarded red tape, and deporting people that already have jobs is just dumb. I'm not arguing for open borders (that's fairly utopian, maybe in the far future) but saying that just being an illegal is not reason enough to be deported and all arguments about trespassing ignore the outcome and the morality of such actions.

The law is the law

Calling blacks 3/5ths of a person was also the law too and we don't look too fondly at that law.

anybody can come in, including cartels, gang members and drug runners. And they come in in droves.

Fuck off back to /r/The_donald, don't you have a refugee to skin or something?

Fuck off back to /r/The_donald, don't you have a refugee to skin or something?

What a great argument you have!

Sorry rapefugee is that the correct terminology you guys use?

My country is my home.

Not your country is not your home, and you can be told to get the fuck out.

I can be told to get the fuck out but it doesn't make you any less stupid nor right.

You Have To Go Back

This retardedness is why Trump won.


 β–‘β–‘β–‘β–€β–€β–‘Your opinion.▐▄▄▄▀░░░

I can name places where it is legal to pirate music and piss in public. Can you name a place where it is legal to cross the border without authorization?


There is disputed territory there, but no unclaimed territory. So no.

Who is gonna stop me tho?

Just because nobody stops you doesn't mean you aren't committing an illegal act.

No visa is required. It depends if your country signed the Antartic's Treaty Protocol on Environment Protection. But if your country didn't, you can do what you want.

Let's send 6 million Islams and Mexicans to Antarctica and see how quick that changes.

I'm not even sure what you are trying to say, beside sperging over mexicans and "islams". But please continue.

kys/get out

Good one.

Penguins are known rapists, you should not give them a excuse

Known rapees aswell tho

It's like prison, it levels out

Countries do have claims but they have agreed not to enforce any of them. So you're wrong as long as the treaty holds.

There is also a little unclaimed territory left over, twixt the boundaries of NZ's and Chile's claims.

cool, lets hand out sweaters and deport them there

If you believe someone should be fired out of a cannon for such an offense, you're a humongous fucking moron.

I don't believe that, but I do believe it is also not something worth getting ourselves in a group and saying we should not give them proper legal consequence.

Being an 'illegal immigrant' is like pissing in my living room and I will fire you out of a fucking cannon after I fire you with a cannon.

lol ice is so incompetent. like if you're gonna go around playing stasi at least make sure you can actually get your target, otherwise you're just gonna look fucking retarded, even to the people who get their rocks off to the thought of brown children crying

even to the people who get their rocks off to the thought of brown children crying

Given that the people in charge think it's a good idea to deport illegal parents and drop the kids in foster care, idk if they're competent enough to see how incompetent ICE is.

The hipsters have reached the age where they're shitting out hipsterlings en masse so now the only thing that matters is thinking of the children. In ten years they'll be rallying against the newest music trends and forms of entertainment because they don't want little Whisperwillow being brainwashed into liking things her parents don't like. If I'm wrong I'll literally kill myself, but if I'm right, everyone else has to kill themselves. Deal?

Sounds like a win-win.

Something tells me /u/freespeechwarrior doesn't hold the same position on state's rights for things like gun control, gay marriage, tranny bathrooms, or minimum wage laws.

Just a hunch.

'I haven't seen Democrats get this salty since the GOP freed their slaves'

The Democrats are throwing a hissy fit because an unpopular Republican president wants to get rid of their cheap labor force. History doesn't repeat itself but it sure does rhyme.

That's always my go to, along with "Democrats seem to be pretty hateful, no wonder they started the KKK"



State law entitles students ages 5 to 21 to a free public education

Solution: Send in agents aged 18 to 21.

Huh I had no idea if was free, I was under the assumption It was paid for by taxpayers of the district.

Just shoot the child and lure parents with the corpse. It's not like anyone expects more from US law enforcement.

Also, quite funny how all those freedom lovers suddenly have no problem with blind submission to authority.

"Authority" is trying to flood our nation with obedient third-world peasants, you numpty.

USA doesn't make sense.

Then quit coming here. :-D

I don't visit 3rd world countries so I've never been to USA.

Continue to not come here.

Enjoy your school shootings.

Um, those are cultural enrichment, you fucking Islamaphobe.

how burger2burger shootings are enriching?

or maybe youre talking about enriching children's bodies with lead

God is just, merciful.

whatever works for you

Submit to Islam!

no thanks

Don't you live in Poland?

Do you need to be reminded the definition of "visit"?

I mean, you live in a shithole, even a minor upgrade shithole would be better.

There's difference between "people use smartphone form second-to last generation" shithole and "Chixago has more mrders than entire ~35 million country" shithole.

If I wanted to cross the Atlantic just to get robbed at gunpoint and mistreated by corrputed police I'd go to Mexico or Brazil.

Yeah but the reason for that is niggers, and luckily they are mostly contained in their ghettos. I'm sure the EU will be fucking your country up soon enough though. Accept those refugees or get sanctioned :DDD

mostly contained in their ghettos

Yeah, the big one is called "United States of America".

Accept those refugees or get sanctioned

Aaaaaany second now.

Guantanamo Bay will be closed sooner.

i hope so at least there are some non cucked countries in europistan

Libertarians: It's the LAW! illegals need to be deported!

Also Libertarians: Weed is arbitrarily illegal and I'll smoke it no matter what the law said.

Nobody will ever accuse libertarians of being smart

I don't know what any of this has to do with Libertarians, but if you head over to their subreddit and read what gets posted when the issue of immigration pops up it's pretty clear that most of them are for open borders.

Degenerate globalists: "We need more business regulations and safety controls!"

Degenerate globalists: "We need to eliminate trade regulations and border controls!"

Degenerate globalists: "We need to entitlements and voting rights!"

Degenerate globalists: "We need to eliminate the national borders within which we exercised our entitlements and voting rights!"

M-muh globalist boogeyman. Immigrants will take my jobs!

Degenerate globalists: "Nationalism is evil!"

Degenerate globalists: "Degenerate globalists are a myth!"

Imagine being this delusional where your empathy doesn't reach beyond arbitrary lines on a map.

Imagine being a delusional hippie.

TIL wanting to give jobs to Mexicans= Hippie

Any other knowledge you can bestow upon me? Oh wise /r/The_Donald user?




>not knowing how to green text

No one said Trump supporters were smart

not knowing how many genders there are

No one said Hillary supporters were smart

Why do you hate the global poor?

I like them just fine (except Islams, they have to be eradicated). What I don't like is globalists weaponizing immigration as a means to attack the values of my nation.

Awww is triggered whitey libertarian have his fee fees hurt that brown are working higher paying jobs than him?





higher paying jobs than him?


confirmed triggered. poor whitey. It's okay. The brown people don't bite.

The brown people don't bite.... hard.

Is that place actually named The School of Heroes?