"How could I obtain fresh lion feces, without going to Africa or becoming a zookeeper? [Yes, this is serious]" (I decided it was a waste of time to even bother with an original title for this one)

14  2017-05-15 by HuckleberryFN2187


Remember the internet libertarian who had a hissy about Norway banning online poker? This is the same guy. Homeboy really wants animal poop.


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQu... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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Why do people like this exist?

Well tbh it would be funny to smell yoshi's eggs, hahs

and does anyone have a picture of yoshi looking nervous or embarrassed while pooing an egg haha

I know there's liability risk involved in carnivore waste

Where's r/legaladvice when you really need them?

Doing time for statutory rape?

He's going to fuck it, isn't he?

Someone should find some dog shit at the park, tell him it came from a lion and charge him $500 for it.


I don't believe there is a legal way for an ordinary person to do so. You'd probably have to bribe a zoo employee willing to risk his or her job for a few hundred bucks and the satisfaction of knowing that he or she was able to assist in the noble task of providing you with lion feces.

/u/upvoter222 you are my hero

Unfortunately (or fortunately), I did not receive any updates from the feces fetishist, so I don't know if he ever found such a zookeeper.

No luck :(

Honestly, bravo to you for having a sense of humor about being linked here. There was a Wehrmacht-sympathizer who recently got linked here and resorted to addressing everyone who made fun of him with stereotypically Jewish names.

Haha, well thanks. It's a bit weird feeling like this sub is somehow stalking me? (The reference to me being the /r/poker libertarian? That was from like 3 weeks prior to the lion shit post on a totally different sub, kinda weird) and people basically insinuating that I should die, but whatever, I'm always happy to talk about my weird fetish to people who are actually curious about it and aren't dicks :p.

No luck :(. Did make a new friend though who happens to be a zookeeper, which got me all excited, but I think I weirded him out a little bit by asking too many odd questions about animal waste, haha.

No luck :(. Did make a new friend though who happens to be a zookeeper, which got me all excited, but I think I weirded him out a little bit by asking too many odd questions about animal waste, haha.

I am so fucking confused.

Furries. Not even once.

how does an ordinary person acquire lion feces