Incoming Drama. Black Winner of Miss USA calls for Feminism to change to Equalism.

183  2017-05-15 by Pressrewind10


This, but unironically.


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Oh good the bots doing it, that memes dead.

Can you just fuck off?

Internalized misogyny smh

It's internalized misogyny every time a woman disagrees with feminism, but don't you dare say a Muslim woman is supporting a patriarchal religion!

What's the name for that?


x2 think

In pictures she looked like Tia and Tamera from Sister, Sister.

That's a plus tho

Why is that bad? I would be all over those twins given a chance.

But not one at a time, that's just icky.

No way bro.

Internalized misogyny

What kind of idiot baby doesn't learn from and internalize self-criticism. Christ.

"Do you believe in feminism?"

"Nah I'm good looking lol"

tbqh who really cares about ugly girls? Most of them are pretty mean.

Which is totally confounding to me. Why do ugly chicks think bitchy is the way to go?

Because they are bitter.

who cares about ugly people period

uggocide now

this but unironically

not a hint of irony here friendo

carry on then

If Desperate guys would stop f****** them the overall attractiveness of the human genome would increase

I can't wait to hear she isn't really black too.

That delicate, caramel-skinned goddess said something I disagree with!!!!!!!


Woah rude. Some black people are cool. Like Master Chief and this woman and Moisha.

Master chef from northpark

Master Chief is black?

I thought he was a robot.

tried to get an answer, but now I'm more confused

You see me and my friend have been having a big argument a bout it recently, well he is not my friend anymore cause i hate him now cause he doesn't agree with me. Anyways, he told me that master chief has chocolate coloured skin (trying not to be rasict here), but i always thought he was vanilla coloured because he speaks like a white guy, no ofense intended black guys. He told me i was stupid and to go and kill myself so i cried and poo'd myself and then went to bed cause it was way past my bed time even though its the holidays here. So anyways i came on the next day on the xbox and i found a message in my inbox, it said and i quote "Dear noob, i hope your mom bans you from xbox! or else ill hack u", i was scared he would hack me so i told my mom and she said no to play and go outside with my lil bro so i did and played catch with him. Later i came on and my mom put family settings on and said im not allowed to play xbox nomore and she threw it in the trash with my controllers and games and stuff. So then i see this guy who im arguing with in the mall the other day and he smiles at me, but in a bad way and when he gets close he says to me real quite "Lucky our mom's are here, i would beat you up so bad man!". That night i cried for about 10 minutes until my dad came in and saw me crying and told me that i was a fa­g for crying and he told me i was adopted, so i decided to leave home. I stayed outside in the garden the next day all day and my mom gave me sandwiches to eat outside, but i came inside to poo and wee and stuff. Anyways my ex friend says if master chief is white he will say sorry and he will get me a new xbox for free. So long story short, is master chief white or black?

well that solves that


He's white if I recall correctly, they've shown him in the comics without his armor on kicking the shit out of some mouthy ODSTs before during his training days.

He's also described as pale as all hell because of all the time he spends in his NEET suit

and also finishing halo 4 on legendary lets you see his eyes at the very end

"I 'member!"

Just like Motzart and Einstein too.

White SJWs are gonna be angry at black people now


Well I voted for New Jersey to win.

well your vote sucks, DC killed that answer

As if any woman could find Feminism on a map.

Feminism is striving for equality and yes I do consider myself a Feminist... It's a fight for equality

I like to transpose Feminism to Equalism...Women we are just as equal as men

One of you explain the difference to me

We're at wave 1337, the puppy stage

But soon, don't worry

U go grrl

Can you feel it Randy? The way the shit clings to the air?

Oh man. If there's one thing feminists hate, it's when women who are skinnier, prettier, and smarter than they are break the narrative.

Better get some popcorn ready!

It's egalitarianism, ya dip!

Don't these miss anything people always say incredibly vapid shit

Apparently not?


Its amazing how many people still give a shit about this Ms USA/Ms Universe shit.

You motherfuckers are all watching because of the swimsuit competition.

I watch for the hot takes from based feminists that kick ass in male dominated fields. Why else would I watch?

Trashing feminism from stage gives me a better boner than swimsuit competition.

tbf i havent seen any actual drama so im not sure people do

this thread is just pasty geeks masturbating over people that could potentially be angry about this maybe

unless your asking me to read yt comments in which case no thanks and it doesnt count

The Mexican tranny was prettier

Niggers gonna nigg.