r/deathgrips weighs in on h3h3 and their connection to the alt-right

27  2017-05-15 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


h3h3 was cool but then he became alt right pandering shit

I kinda doubt that (((h3h3))) agrees with the alt-right

I am fairly certain that being even remotely critical of anything SJW automatically makes you an alt-righter.

When I think of H3H3 I definitely think of them being super anti-redpill from their prank videos shit.

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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Death grips is shit tbh

When you're so pleb you don't even recognize the band that is revolutionizing the genre.

evolutionizing the genre.

I've had homeless / junkies (or combination) shrilly scream and whip their dicks out at me. I didn't pay them, and I won't pay these clowns.

You're lucky they release their music for free then.

Too expensive. Writing and recording it should be cause for extra taxation and beatings

Tell me what you listen to so I can make fun of your pleb tastes. Also,


Pixies, Spoon, Walkmen, shit that has actual melody, isn't written on a laptop by some fag dropping a deuce in the bathroom just before he photos his dick and uses it for an album cover?

Do you know anything about music? Death Grips have made some of the best hooks ever written. If you can't hear melody in Death Grips you must be retarded.

Pixies can barely hold on to their instruments, much less accomplish anything meaningful on them. Strum away on those three chords, I'm sure it will sound really fresh. Oh, you've got a three tone melody to go along with that? Wow.

Spoon is okay I guess, a majority of it is "written on a laptop" though, I thought you hated that? It's also a lot less complex than what Death Grips "writes" on their "laptops".

Walkmen - Inane whiteboy bullshit. Same bland 4/4-drumbeat over every track. And lookit! Lil' Johnny learned his first sus4 arpeggio. Bravo! Never heard more basic bitch mayo shit in my life. Kill yourself and take your whole abominable race with you.

It's called art. Don't worry, it's nothing you would understand.

Found a pic of the cover of Fagmens new LP

Only white people give a fuck about Death Grips.

Only ugly white girls care about badly played indie rock.

Ugly white girls and DG fans have something in common- they go all in for the bbc.

If Ride was well endowed he wouldn't be doing music that negative. Sorry to break your heart little girl.

If you'd hop of his dick for a minute we might see whether what you're saying is true or not.

Trust me on this one.

Probably regrets getting dropped by Interscope

If this isn't some straight up /mu/ shit.

This but unironically

I would never write such a thing ironically.

What's your favorite album?

Right now? I have to say NLDW with Bottomless pit as a close second, but that's because I haven't milked them dry yet. It's always changing, but I feel NLDW and The Money Store are the most coherent ones and work best as a whole. I'm giving TMS a break right now lest I wear it out.

I love all of them except for Niggas on the Moon. However, Black Quarterback and Billy not Really are some of the best individual songs they've ever made imo.

What about you?

trash taste NOTM is their best work.

Björk has always been a favorite mine so I was pretty hyped to hear it. Might require some re-listens but I don't think it will ever make it out of last place for me.

I like what they were trying for, but the valleys are so deep; Say Hey Kid, Voila, the "chorus" of Fuck me Out, Have A Sad Cum. It feels like Zach just threw some of his solo stuff on Ride and said 'rap to this'.

Really put Government plates over NOTM? smh

The only songs on GP I always skip are Birds and Bootleg. The rest are all good or great. I don't get the hate tbh.

Ooookay, Cal.

unironically likes spoon

Fuck off, Spoon rocks. Who the hell are Death Grips?

is that your defense of mayo weenie rock group, spoon?

I won't defend Spoon because they don't need me to! They're on offense! (Am I doing this right? I only just found this sub today.)

i just think spoon is incredibly generic and uninteresting

That's cool. I think you're generic and uninteresting, so I'm amazed you don't like them. Why are you running from the truth?

youre the one who likes them

I know. I never said I'm not generic and uninteresting. Don't put words in my mouth!

this is why i dont talk to retards who listen to spoon. theyre boring.

Tfw to intelligent

I like Death Grips, but this shit's pretty funny

The tables are turned now we got all the coconuts bitch

revolutionizing the genre

Industrial hip hop has done before DG and has been done better. DG and their clones are just nu metal for Millenials.

Convince me that it isn't garbage, link me a song.

Depends what you're into. Straightforward hip-hop, jittery electronica, dark trippy industrial, rock/punk etc.

Implying I give enough of a shit about music to care about genre.

Just link me your favorite.

Entry level for Industrial hip-hop

Listened to it 3 times, I understand like 15% of what the singer is saying, but the beat grew on me.

I can see myself listening to it more later.

Happy to hear it. They're an acquired taste. Took me months until I could enjoy a whole album in one sitting. Stay away from the fanbase though, absolute cancer and it will eventually destroy the band for you.

English isn't my first language so I am used to have to read them on the side while listening if the delivery is a bit unclear. Definitely worth to look up, they are quite out there.

This isn't very good music.

Took me months until I could enjoy a whole album in one sitting

And apparently you're aware of how bad it is, but you made yourself accept it as good. At the cost of months.

Some people enjoy it, others don't.

Some music is easy to digest the first time you hear it, but then you get tired of it quickly. Some music require re-listens to get your head around it and pick up the nuances.

Are you saying that a book/artwork/film/whatever don't grow on you as you get to know it closer?

Some people enjoy self harm.

Look at this plebian over here, demanding everything to be in an easily digestible format. I bet you didn't get past your first beer cause "it didn't taste good".

Holy fucking shit that was just awful. Pass the earbleach plzkthx.

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Yes but so is h3h3

Literally kill your self

Cannibal Ox and Dälek are better tbqh.

They are both pretty good. Lacks the interesting vocals and lyrical material though, but that is very subjective. Still, my opinion is the right one.

Can't argue with that.

Now go jerk off to your neo-pagan, Lotr murderer :)

Yes daddy.

What's your RYM fam?

I've never got the appeal of music. Its fucking autistic, just sitting there listening to sounds. The same people who listen to "music" will then shout that kids are dumb for playing with fidgetspinners. There's no difference.

Not enjoying music sounds more autistic to me. Are you a robot? You don't have to sit down and stare into a wall while you listen. I like to do a line, put on some sunglasses, a leather jacket and my headphones, then I roam around the streets and pretend I'm a gangster. It's a fucking rush man.

I don't leave the house so I can't. Plus my Mum would kill me if I did that.

this is some drive level autism

This but unironically

He voted for Clinton but is an alt-right piece of shit. Man what a world.