Two users in r/videos argue about the meaning of masculinity with each other.

11  2017-05-16 by B0BG0NEWILD


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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And people complain about our prison system

Ikr? Wetting the bed at night is an accident. Dropping glass cups onto the floor and breaking it is an accident. These people getting killed and calling it an accident is an understatement.

Vehicles are a means of transportation but also a potential weapon are they not? Being held accountable for your actions shouldn't be a problem.

Absolutely the fact that Bruce Jenner is walking free because he was putting on makeup instead of paying attention to the road is disgusting, I don't give a shit if he won women of the year

Why are men so emotional smh

Their ballsac hormones make them less rational and more prone to aggressive emotional outbursts. It's science


hug it out guys