Racist Bananas Are Terrorizing Black Women Around the Country!

10  2017-05-16 by BlackPeopleEmoji


It also released surveillance video of the suspect from the Monday incident and is offering a $1,000 reward.



American University President Neil Kerwin issued a statement after the bananas and message were discovered, condemning the "crude and racially insensitive act of bigotry."


The F.B.I. is helping American University in Washington, D.C., investigate an episode in which bananas were found hanging from nooses on campus this week, a spokeswoman for the agency said on Wednesday.

This is at least the second time in the last year that bananas have been used as symbols to stir controversy at American University. In September, white students were accused of leaving a banana at the door of one black woman’s dorm room and tossing a rotten banana at another.

A hate crime is something extremely serious.


Eh, I would say this is awful, but considering the fact, that in recent months there has been a number of fake incidents similar to this one, I just can't tell what's true.

Countdown to finding out this was an attempt to "start a conversation" in 3...2...

Pepsi already started the conversation tho.

Taking all bets.

Current odds:
BLM:1/10 BBall American: 1/1 Cuntfused Feminist: 2/1 Antifa: 5/1 Male feminist: 8/1 MTF: 10/1 FTM: 20/1

This is at least the second time in the last year that bananas have been used as symbols to stir controversy at American University

In September, white students were accused of leaving a banana at the door of one black woman’s dorm room

So leaving a banana at someone's door is a malicious act now?

List of white supremacist symbols so far:

  • Swastikas (the original Nazi kind)

  • Swastikas (the Buddhist kind, because nobody can be bothered to get it right)

  • The number one thousand, four hundred eighty-eight

  • A cartoon frog

  • The Internet slang "kek"

  • Milk

  • The "ok" hand gesture or emoji thereof

  • Bananas

Did I miss anything?

People born in the year 1988

Apparently, when white people make sexytime with black people it's because the white people are racist.

Sad if not a hoax

I wish someone would leave delicious bananas around me, I could use the potassium

People have gone completely bananas