It's Autist vs Asian in /r/Gamerghazi when OP does their best to misunderstand a scene from GotG Vol 2

48  2017-05-16 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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All Asian women are monsters and should be represented as undying litch people who exhaust nothing but Marlboro smoke and racism, imo.

This but unironically.

Aren't you asian yourself?

Asking the real questions

Yeah so?

why are you a raise traitor fam

The taboo makes it fun!

/u/TriangleSunflowers are you azn or just getting offended about inane bullshit on behalf of azns?

Ironically enough, dude whining for azns versus autists is the biggest autist.

If you'd cut all the cultural criticism of every human creation on Internet, your Netflix connection would be 4K.

Ironically enough, dude whining for azns versus autists is the biggest autist.

/u/TriangleSunflowers doesn't even seem like xhe's Asian xherself and is being offended on behalf of Asians and telling them they they shouldn't appreciate an Asian character in a major film lmao. Kill yourself


There was an attempt

Can we please not

Why do they ask questions they know the answer to?

'can we please not' gets me all riled up and angry and then they immediately follow it with a lot of lame millennial buzzwords that are even more nauseating like 'tone police'

ugh I can't believe you'd say that, that's just so gross, like eww

ew this but unironically

yucky tbh

So we should only represent one marginalized group at the same time, got it.

Theres is anecdote that goes something like:

Person A: You wanna know why western characters are usually white? Because they can be anything-
Person B: Oh?! You mean because white people can do anything they want becaue privledge!
Person A: No. A White character can be autistic, gay, good, evil etc. and no one will complain.

America was a mistake.

I hate that autism is now something which needs representation. We ran out of things to virtue signal about so we decided autists are now a demographic that needs to be catered to

Mantis isn't supposed to be asian, nor is she even played by an asian. Wtf?

The actress is half Korean apparently.

Damn, she doesn't at all look like it then. Looks like she has "passing white privilege "

That's the best kind of privilege

silly gamergaters!

Can we please not tell marginalized groups that they're wrong to be happy with representation?

On the other hand can we not tone police other marginalized groups who are upset that their representation is continually framed in stereotypes and ethnic tropes?

How do these people function. Policing to the point nobody can say anything.

Docile asian women. She even fails at putting Ego to sleep and the film seems to think that by the end they've empowered her when it's just a horribly cliche trope of a character.

/u/TriangleSunflowers...did you even watch the same movie I did? I'm assuming you're talking about the climax (heh) of the movie when Ego is enraged/fighting for his survival and she did put him to sleep until the tendril she was touching was burnt and she lost her connection to him.


I thought it was a giant rock that knocked her off the vein, but either way /u/TriangleSunflowers is literally making up stuff in order to dislike the movie.

yeah she got knocked the fuck out by a falling rock

She got knocked out by The Rock? Wtf I love misogyny now!

it was such a surprise cameo, too. not mentioned once in the press.

Mantis isn't asian though, she's a fucking bug alien. She's played by an Asian actress but that's it

And what will the bug aliens think when they come to earth and see all our media has stereotyped them as docile and infantilized? Hmm? They probably won't like that.

They'll like it even less when we start gassing them.

Maybe they make deadlier gas or have a better delivery method, what then?

she's played by an Asian actress but that's it

You sure pal?

Read the first line of early life. Her mother's Korean.

She's still a Caucasian French actress.

i can almost make out a side boob in that pic

I would fucking love to see these dorks sit down and actually write a screenplay

Me too. Lock them in a room with one computer to work on and a fully loaded Beretta.

I give it a week before a male ally murders and or sexually assaults someone.

Funniest thing I've read all day.

I give it a week before a male ally murders and or sexually assaults someone.

Didn't that just happen with some stupid internet feminist group?

that's the joke

Mantis isn't Asian she's a fucking bug person.

You'd be submissive to if there was a psychotic god lording over you.

Seriously what is even the issue here. They even discuss that she is basically a pet. Are there supposed to be no submissive people in the galaxy?

>arguing over literal autism

Did you guys see the Hapas thread on this? They seemed, I think, happy about this? Because the actor that plays Drax is a hapa and he was abusing an asian woman instead of the other way around.

Every character has autism so I can relate to them

Wait, Drax is autistic? Is that based on that one tiny moment in the first film where he took a joke seriously? Does that mean we werent suppose to laugh at that, and laughing at it is offensive foward autists? ok

GamerGhazi is cancer