King of Thailand found out to be a sexy bitch, government threatens to sue Facebook for unwanted tagged photos.

135  2017-05-16 by Wraith_GraveSpell


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Pretty dope porn name tbh.


It's like a combination of a dragonball Z character, and a native american chieftan. Would fap.

Pretty sure he made a cameo in GT.

More pix

His get-up somehow seems strangely appropriate for blending in with Germans. But allegedly his tattoos are fake, lmao


Also I love how the poodle has more clothes on than him.

My friend is from Thailand and currently in the US and I just sent this to her (thx btw) and she's probably going to get arrested for it if she goes back because apparently it's illegal to criticize the king and I am laughing so hard

You monster!

She didn't want to go back anyways and now she can claim refugee sta- oh shit.

Hopefully Sweden will accept her cultural enrichment. :-)

Do they provide strap ons, or are female refugees relived of cucking service in sweden

I've also heard they're actually real and people are saying they're fake because tattoos are disapproved of there for certain people.

Either scenario is great tbh.

I've seen the hardest motherfuckers alive wearing Crop Tops I don't get it.

I guess the type of person who don't care about wearing Crop Tops and Cut-Offs in Public and will fight you for saying anything about them vs Men who wear them who aren't gay is a singular Venn diagram.

Your King wearing Crop Tops and Jeans and secretly being covered in gangster tattoos sounds like it'd be a huge plus with Thailand tbh.

Also isnt thailand really hot and humid? I think wearing a crop top in swamp-ass land is completely excusable here.

He was in Germany

Then he is there for the bussy. Also ok.

Those are fake tattoos lol

Possible that the government is claiming the tattoos to be fake to "save face."

Can't say I've ever seen fake tattoos that large or elaborate.

TIDF at it again.

This guy's had to have posted bussy somewhere

Thailand is actually Thai for "land of the ladyboy"

Can't Thailand just resurrect Bhumibol as a zombie already?

Or just get rid of the monarchy

for a country with such an infamous sex industry, they sure are upset about their king being revealed as a top-shelf hunk of hubba-hubba man-meat

i wanna see trump with that oufit on, i think he'd look nice