Reddit opens up the new profile beta to everyone, and opens up /r/profileposts. People are not happy.

31  2017-05-18 by justcool393


This is why we need mayocide.


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Damn nigga you been on 🔥 since one week

Subscribe to me, /u/mircy, for your daily girls getting decapitated needs

Uh. Dude.

If you need dudes I'm sitting on a cartel beheading pic rn

I was referring to you, man

What about me

behead yourself

Delet this

I was exclaiming, because your subreddit is creepy. That's all!

No u

You call that daily? Fuck your false advertising!

I just started today fuck you

your stuff is actually pretty tame for gore/murder hentai. And I don't mean this in a shitposting way. There's far far far worse.

Oh I know there's far far worse and I could post it but a lot is against reddits rules

What stuff do you have that's against reddit rules?

child porn probably

u/carlh does


Is it because she's technically a 1,000 year old demon?

For the record what I have and like is the cute stuff already posted

Stuff like this is a grey line for any guro content though

No, that's not against reddit rules. I'm interested in what you have that's

far far worse and I could post it but a lot is against reddits rules

I don't want to get this account banned for potentially underage and bad content again

what in the balls is wrong with you

Nothing you kink-shaming loser

What's your source? Gurochan never came back, sadly.

Three discords and the sub

Y tho

Don't know about /u/Mircy, but I was sexually abused as a young child.

Don't know if you're joking but I hope you sought help man =/

After a long period of self-medication, yeah, and I'm a lot better nowadays. Don't get me wrong, it fucked me up and I'll be emotionally crippled until I die, but I don't wake up every morning disappointed I didn't die in my sleep anymore. It's the small victories.

Fuck the guy who did this to you. Hope you find happiness man

Dunno, I liked blood irl as is and this was a neat extension especially when it's cute, like this one:

If you were unaware, it's back up now. Link (NSFW obviously)

Thanks for letting me know.

you must be a person of color

I'm white my great grandpappy hunted jews

FUCK /u/spez

I like this feature!

So what else is out there for when the admins inevitably fuck up this site beyond repair? I'm talking about a quasi-anonymous social media site that's less autistic than 4Chan but less normie than twitter.

It's new, but I really think it's going to catch on.

I'm afraid the only choice left is to go full-autist or just throw away all your electronics.

You know what to do.


Back to Fark? I'm at a loss too. I like the internet, but not that much...

These people need to get laid.

i support the autist purge

burn them all, /u/spez

This is all going very well.