Someday I'll run for something just so my online mayocide agenda will be exposed and they'll have to cover it seriously in the media. Y'all would get at least one good thread out of that.
LOL what? White genocide is government policy. Just look at this peaceful PoC being given government funding to advocate white people get fired so nig- oh sorry that would be offensive, so "PoC" can take their jobs. And if you want a laugh, read her thesis, she's clearly a diversity hire.
Meh, for someone not on the internet, red pill stuff could be really offensive. He's actually a public (as opposed to presidential) official and they just voted to do nothing.
I don't think I'll be able to find it, but there was a great piece back ~2000 in one of the local papers (I kinda doubt the Union Leader would be so deprecating, so maybe it was the Concord Monitor) about how one Rep had passed the exam, and was now officially reading at a 4th grade level.
TBF, the NH State House is about 85% septuagenarian, retired small business owners, 14% "professional" politicians trying to get experience any way they can, and 1% Martians.
So it's not like he could get any good plates to spin there (am I using it right? sometimes reading TRP feels like listening to someone having a stroke in a foreign language).
"Y'know, I fucking founded 'The Red Pill'!" drunkenly slurred will get your hands under that skank's Journey t-shirt way faster than the NH Rep license plate on your Elantra.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-18
I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a Mircy 2017-05-18
Well there goes my hope of running for office if anyone found my account >_>
n/a khanfusion 2017-05-18
In dystopian future, posts shit you!
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-18
I wonder how many of the people who govern us have been featured on /r/lolcowtheater?
n/a pepperouchau 2017-05-18
Someday I'll run for something just so my online mayocide agenda will be exposed and they'll have to cover it seriously in the media. Y'all would get at least one good thread out of that.
n/a OrangePeals 2017-05-18
LOL what? White genocide is government policy. Just look at this peaceful PoC being given government funding to advocate white people get fired so nig- oh sorry that would be offensive, so "PoC" can take their jobs. And if you want a laugh, read her thesis, she's clearly a diversity hire.
n/a pepperouchau 2017-05-18
not nearly far enough tbh
n/a OrangePeals 2017-05-18
Definitely. Its time for a more nuanced, cultural look at mathmatics.
n/a MyrLeaf 2017-05-18
I just had a quick look at /r/politics, looks like Trump's fate and his administration will be decided today, hold on to your butt.
n/a RogueDinosaur 2017-05-18
How are women to blame for this? red pill me /u/redpillschool /u/CrazyHorseInvincible /u/bsutansalt
Quick! Before I'm forced to logically recognize women as people and not just walking vagina wholes!
n/a Horace_Barrett 2017-05-18
n/a Ardvarkeating101 2017-05-18
Wtf! NSFW warning!!!
n/a pepperouchau 2017-05-18
Not safe for whitey. Get the fuck out, mayo.
n/a cincilator 2017-05-18
that picture lacks vagina, actually.
n/a Tetizeraz 2017-05-18
That "Shame" thing is really weird.
n/a Ardvarkeating101 2017-05-18
Meh, for someone not on the internet, red pill stuff could be really offensive. He's actually a public (as opposed to presidential) official and they just voted to do nothing.
n/a Tetizeraz 2017-05-18
I mean the people saying only "Shame", like this is Game of Thrones
n/a Ardvarkeating101 2017-05-18
Only got halfway through the first episode. I stopped after the midget with the half-dozen jokers showed up
n/a Sludgy_Veins 2017-05-18
especially since in the show it was being said to a naked woman being paraded in the streets
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-18
Did he resign from his IRL job, or from /r/theredpill?
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-05-18
His real job
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-18
Either way, it means someone on TRP is (was) employed and it's hard to believe.
n/a Senator_Chickpea 2017-05-18
Implying NH State Rep is a real job.
n/a Byrnhildr_Sedai 2017-05-18
Its really not. Any idiot can run. There are minimal requirements.
n/a Senator_Chickpea 2017-05-18
I don't think I'll be able to find it, but there was a great piece back ~2000 in one of the local papers (I kinda doubt the Union Leader would be so deprecating, so maybe it was the Concord Monitor) about how one Rep had passed the exam, and was now officially reading at a 4th grade level.
n/a Byrnhildr_Sedai 2017-05-18
Useless Leader.
And that sound about right.
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-18
Now it makes sense. He wasn't going to get pussy with that kind of money, so he had to get smart about it and created TRP to share his life hacks.
n/a Senator_Chickpea 2017-05-18
TBF, the NH State House is about 85% septuagenarian, retired small business owners, 14% "professional" politicians trying to get experience any way they can, and 1% Martians.
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-18
So it's not like he could get any good plates to spin there (am I using it right? sometimes reading TRP feels like listening to someone having a stroke in a foreign language).
n/a Senator_Chickpea 2017-05-18
"Y'know, I fucking founded 'The Red Pill'!" drunkenly slurred will get your hands under that skank's Journey t-shirt way faster than the NH Rep license plate on your Elantra.
n/a IAintThatGuy 2017-05-18
I have a personal theory that the more herpes ridden a woman is, the likelier she'll fall for red pill tactics.
n/a OrangePeals 2017-05-18
Having a opinions disqualifies you from holding office now.
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-05-18
Are you a satire account?
n/a OrangePeals 2017-05-18
They're recreational opinions.
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-05-18
Did you ever score the 20 bucks needed for your erotic novel?
n/a OrangePeals 2017-05-18
That was recreational posting.
n/a baeb66 2017-05-18
You know you are a piece of shit when even the Republican Party won't have anything to do with you.
n/a Senator_Chickpea 2017-05-18
And the women of Laconia are safe at last.