/r/Canada's response to ultimatum regarding diversity in media, light talk about mayocide

12  2017-05-18 by BlaBlaBlah12


Now with added cancer!


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Oh damn, even /r/canada isn't having any of it.

/u/Animal31 is probably gonna sperg out in that thread, I can already tell. Someone posted a pic of the over represented HuffPo board and commented "Anecdotal Evidence, try again"

/u/Animal31 how can we fix the issue of not enough men on the Citynews news team? Should we simply fire the women until we're down to 4 dudes and 4 gals, or do we force HRT on the women until they identify as guys? pls respond


This is what its come to?

tbh at this point diversity is my trigger word


Canada: The Unbearable Whiteness of Being Drunk

diversify or die

I for one am just glad that they aren't dancing around the desire for mayocide anymore. The faster we normalize it the faster we can finally get to work!

Hey guys, I'm a brown Canadian and I support this, AMA

How much gas do you huff in a week?

Zero, unless you mean farts, in which case pls no kinkshaming

It's mostly irrelevant people calling other irrelevant people to make room for more irrelevant people.

You really think the West was built by allowing this kind of BS?

Last week, (((Hal Niedzviecki))), editor of The Writers’ of Union of Canada’s magazine, resigned from his position after saying in a column that he doesn’t believe in cultural appropriation and encouraged white writers to appropriate other cultures. “[S]et your sights on the big goal: Win the Appropriation Prize,” he wrote.

A jew defending white people? B-but this isn't possible, /pol/ told me they're the one's behind this!

But seriously, despite my tolling comments here I'm a liberal tranny. But this stuff really gets my goat. Where do the culture critics get off telling everyone what race the media should be made up of? Its seriously possible they're actual racists and are false flagging to make white people angry and segregate themselves from other groups, because that's what effect its having.