People who go to a sub to watch fat folks fall over and hurt themselves are SHOCKED to find out that some of their fellow users hate fatties.

15  2017-05-18 by Time_to_Drink


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Before we could congregate on fph. Then the admins banned it because fatties were getting triggered by posts hitting the frontpage.

The number of FPH whiners who actually believe this is why FPH was banned makes me think that hating on fatties gives you BSE.

There's no other explanation for so many holes in the brain.

Look at mr. Admin insider over here that was present in the business meetings where it was decided and thus knows the reasoning better than anyone else

Way to prove their point you berk

something something everybody is a nazi

A fat woman is inherently untrustworthy as she is a sensualist who sees no real difference between pastrami sandwich and a dick in her mouth.

Seems legit

It's from last night Fargo episode.

Never heard of that show, but OK!

See the movie. It's seriously demented and fantastic. And woodchipper.

Wait, the show is connected to the movie? Then color me interested!

LIES! I never put mustard on the dick in my mouth!

Then you're not a sensualist woman.

why not both

why not both

Honestly I feel like people that bitch about fat people on reddit aren't the poised, pure, sinless supermodels they think they are.

There was that time that /r/fitness or whatever trolled /r/fatpeoplehate and made them post pics, and they were all a bunch of hungry skeletons.

Being a hungry skeleton does make you better than the average person these days though. The average person is abnormally large statistically.

Found the fatty

I never said I was a supermodel.

I think it's people of average build wanting to feel better about themselves.

I dunno why that bugs me about people. "Haha look at that slob. They're not an exemplar of human perfection like myself."

Like holy crap if you're going to dish it, you should be able to take it.

id assume its pretty diverse. assholes exist everywhere.

Yeah, they're usually just hungry skellies.

Ehh... you're half right. FPH is like 60/40 women to men. The women are mostly normal to skinnyfat (which looks fine on a woman). The men are mostly skinnyfat with maybe...30% being in good shape.

t. I hate fat people and lift moderately.

yeah and therein lies the douchebaggery. You're exaggerating flaws and acting like you have none of your own.

Never said non-fat people don't have flaws. I know I have a shit ton, the difference between me and someone who chooses to remain fat is that I try to better myself instead of blaming the world for my problems.

You have the complete right to stay fat and do whatever you want with your life, don't be mad when people judge you based on your actions though. If I choose to covered myself in shit everyday I can get offended when people tell me I stink, but I shouldn't be horrified when they say it.

A factual asshole is someone who tells the truth regardless of whether it hurts feelings or not, they are still an asshole though.

Obesity is going to be(already is) the downfall of western society.

There it is again. "Fat people do this but I never do this." Man I'm not even gonna try with you, clearly your shit smells better than everyone else's.

I'm not fat. I was fat 2 years ago and lost the weight. But fat people never improve their lives, I guess. So this is clearly a delusion.

I see being fat as a weakness. Check out how I always typed out people who choose to remain fat. There are fat people who choose to improve their lives for sure.

Also my shit smells better than 70% of the United States because my diet is saturated in grease and lack of self control.

Nobody chooses to be fat. Nobody conciously says "man, being fat is awesome." Ive never met a fat person who enjoyed it and if they say they do they're lying.

youre oversimplifying a complex issue to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.

Youre justifying being an asshole. Just own up to it. You pick on someone who's an easy target because of your own insecurities. You don't know all people yet you generalize them into an entire group because it just feels good to point and laugh and say "man im glad at least that's not me." because you're just so basic and it hurts when someone points out a flaw because youre just too perfect.

Your main discussion point was "i hate all fat people." Now it's "well, i only hate fat people if...". Youre not the exception to the rule, like you think you are.

Nobody intentionally chooses to be fat.

Never said this. Never talked about how people get fat. I talked about people choosing to get unfat.

youre oversimplifying a complex issue to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.

No I'm not. I know exactly how obesity is a collection of mental issues, education, and addiction. This was never the discussion.

Youre justifying being an asshole. Just own up to it.

I fucking have multiple times.

Your main discussion point was "i hate all fat people." Now it's "well, i only hate fat people if...".

Never fucking said I hate all fat people. I said I hate fat people who "X" or fat people with "X" personality traits.

You seem pretty up because you're not even reading what I write and just projecting some weird "Perfectionist who is insecure and flawed" image on me. Everyone has flaws bro, I even admitting I have a ton I'm still working on. I don't know what person you resent and are choosing to project on me but stop it.

We're all pieces of shit.

Well you aren't the person I'm going to be taking outlook advice from. Nice self image fatty defender

I had a woman at wal mart who was too big to get out of her car. So what did she do? Park so close to my car door, while i was in the car, and throw open the door so hard my car moved from the impact. Instead of, you know, maybe park next to an empty spot or even park like a normal person.

We're all pieces of shit.

Wow that must have scarred you for life I can't imagine anything worse

Even fatties hate fatties.