some dude in SRD uses terms like "moral policing," "bodily autonomy" and "authoritarian police state" in thread about some other dude just having a good time

34  2017-05-19 by ashent2


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I take I back, u/randomevenings should have been the miscarriage

That's not nice.

Many true things are not nice.

But they're still true.

Because there's no better catalyst for prison reform than the dude who ran over his carjacking victim.

/u/Pandemult how dare you accuse /u/DoctorFahrenheit of ever being serious in srd

ok frist of all, rood, second of all, rude.

Why do we sit by idly allowing the SRDine to organize and spread their grandstanding ways throughout reddit? If those spineless milksops we call "admins" are so insistent on defending the "free speech" of literal seriousposters then it is up to us at /r/drama to shut them down. As history show, when you allow the SRDine to spread their propaganda the death camps swiftly follow. Do not give these people an inch. If they had their way they'd ban shitposting and arrest anyone who shows the least bit hesitation at the thought of posting endless paragraphs about how gamergate is the defining political struggle of our generation. They are not here for a debate, they are not interested in argument. They are here for one thing and one thing only: complete and total effortposting supremacy. Do not let history repeat itself. The SRDine must be bashed into submission.

Smash the SRDine menace! Solidarity with all shitposters in the struggle against SRDine totalitarianism!

Day of the Can when?

Omg, so brave. I cri evrytiem.

First they came for the SRDines, and I said nothing, for I was not a SRDine.

Then they came for the seriousposters, and there was no one left to speak for me....

Wait a second, noted reddit fat activist u/mizmoose is in her 50s? That just makes the situation more sad.

BMI or age? Both true.

Oh, yeah, Hot Stuff. You know it's what attracts you most to me.

I prefer non delusional women.

You know, babe, the way you constantly talk about fatties reminds me of something.

It reminds me of those (always male) politicians who scream about how gays are destroying the country and how they're ruining marriage and families and how they're always pedophiles.

And then they're caught humping 16-year-old fuckboys.

You keep talking about fatties because you lust for them. Ya big hunk-o-hunk of burning hotness.

C is for C U Now Twinkles

Y? Because you're full of repressed fantasies!



TBH it's pretty impressive considering that TED speech fat activist (Kelly Drinkwatet) just died at 34.

No, she didn't. You returd, it was posted in an intentionally fake newsite.

Your username totally checks out.

Is there a reason you think I have a close relationship with this user?


Returd: When you're not smart enough to be a regular turd.

No, I'm dead. I died before I turned 40, just like all the FPH assholes told me I would.

I think moral policing is disgusting. First thing we should do is release black people from prisons starting with probably rapists and work our way down. Then that makes way for holding pens and gas chambers for white people starting from fattest to skinniest to efficiently remove white mass from the planet.