Why not kill a couple women first if you're gonna kill yourself?

52  2017-05-19 by [deleted]



I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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And thus we see, the normie reels in fear when the incel exposes his fangs. This is our power.


If the incel brushed his fangs once in a while, people wouldn't run away as much (most would still do though).

Dracula was an incel?

Did you ever see Dracula fucking??

Good call.

He had 3 brides.

So definitely not fucking.

I think "bares" his fangs would be more appropriate. "Exposes" sounds more like a charge that /u/Adolf__HitIer no doubt would have had if he weren't a low effort troll trolling poor defenseless incels.

Wait if they are advocating violence like that, shouldn't that pretty much be banned by the mods?

Half of the admins are subscribed to it. How much pussy do you think "reddit community manager" actually gets you? Shit one of the Co-founders had to settle and marry a black man.

Implying you don't want Serena Williams to choke you to death with her stronk thighs.

this but unironically

I'll let you know when I'm being ironic, sweetie.

/u/TakeItToTheCircleJerk managed to score some hairy gunt flauting his SRD modness.

don't talk about /u/snallygaster like that :(

Snally is shorn, waxed, and laser'd. Makes her more aerodynamic when she fights.

Can confirm that my gunt is as smooth as a marble floor.

Way to prove the OP's point.

Lmao good luck with that faggot. "Waaaah why won't the mods ban people who have opinions different to mine". You sound like a triggered little bitch.

No it's not about different opinions your literally advocating murdering people

I'm merely pontificating on the hypothesis of what the resulting difference in attitudes towards male suicides would be. No need to twist it to make it sound so obscene!! Baka~~

I've worked in a psych ward male suicidal and female suicidal ideation is take very seriously.

Shouldn't a sub that's main purpose if harassment and humiliation, that's probably responsible for several suicide attempts, be banned by admins?

And no, theoretical scenarios that illustrate sex gap in empathy don't meet the criteria of "advocating violence". Here's an exercise for you: Change the word "women" for "men" in the thread title, realise how little it affects you, then you should get it. Hope that helps.

Lol no you guys are pathetic idiots

In all honesty, this sub is probably more tragic than r/incels.

Lol not really, yeah this sub likes to duck with people and show all sorts of drama in Reddit, but it's really not as bad as incel. No offense but some of you guys idealize and love Elliot Rodgers. Dude was a scumbag who went on a mass murder rampage. Not to mention a lot of you guys are down right awful people sometimes I've seen more countless points of awfulness from you guys then from almost any other sub that's very prevelant on this sub and on againsthatesubs

Wouldn't less women just make things worse for the incels?

Hard to get less than zero pussy, you know?

Plus there's less anger at not getting pussy because all the women are dead, compared to not getting any because women reject you (and you see other guys get some).

Beckycide now.

Literally impossible, they are at the absolute nadir already

Nope. They'd continue caring about the homicide of women at the hands of men.


/u/existentialhack is there some kind of female on male murder statistics that I'm unaware of?

wtf is this shit.

And to answer your question, evidently so. http://www.breakingthescience.org/SimplifiedDataFromDHHS.php, for example. In terms of the overall sex makeup of killers and victims, it's roughly 80% male victims and 90% or so male perpetrators. So, proportionately, there's plenty of female on male murder statistics. And they get much lesser sentences. Not sure of the relevance, but enjoy the elucidation.

71% of Children Killed by One Parent are Killed by Their Mothers; 60% of Victims are Boys

Are you fucking retarded to link the garbage with that headline?

Solid repudiation.

Here's a story problem about a situation that doctors often encounter:

1% of women at age forty who participate in routine screening have breast cancer.  80% of women with breast cancer will get positive mammographies.  9.6% of women without breast cancer will also get positive mammographies.  A woman in this age group had a positive mammography in a routine screening.  What is the probability that she actually has breast cancer?

What do you think the answer is?  If you haven't encountered this kind of problem before, please take a moment to come up with your own answer before continuing.

Well you are right, I was unaware of an incredibly niche murder rate.

I've also heard that 100% of all female killers are women, so that must be some kind of problem too.


And you were aware of it. Which is the point, dipshit.

I'm aware of a lot of unimportant things.

Really? You don't seem at all self-aware.


Regarding what? Educate me. Hand me that redpill or whatever you incels say.

wtf is this shit.

A place where autists gather to laugh at those less fortunate.

lol you kind of lose some sympathy when you kill innocent people before taking your life

Its hard to lose sympathy that was never there. Sure they'd hate the men that are killing women, but if such large amounts of women were dying, they'd start asking themselves, why are all these men killing women? How can we prevent it? Maybe then people would actually start looking into helping men with depression to prevent them from becoming homicidal-suicidal, rather than just suicidal. Face it, nobody cares when a man kills himself. But when a pretty girl dies its the end of the world. Its the only way to get people to care.

Not sane ,not sane.

I can imagine the average incel poster repeating this to himself while he hate-wanks in the shower.

I always assumed they would be saying "I'm not gay, I'm not gay" while shoving a plunger up their ass and jerking off. But it's probably both.

Incels probably think traps aren't gay.

It's not gay if you're doing it ironically.

What's gay about getting your ass pounded by a hard throbbing feminine penis?

The penis, the ass, and the pounding


people named Norman REEEEEEE

Hm, I wonder what subreddit could this POSSIBLY link to?

I can't believe the username /u/Adolf_Hitler wasn't taken until two months ago

I think the guys is just trying to make a point while venting. He doesn't really want to kill women or has the guts to do so.