Is saying you're wearing a condom and not doing it rape? And if it is, what about the men who get spermjacked? /r/worldnews at their best when discussing Julian Assange.

23  2017-05-19 by IAintThatGuy


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Looked like a repost at first.

Missed the TwoX thing (these last days "stealthing" was all over my social networks). But discussing Assange on top of it adds a political aspect to that whole story.

I assumed that the Assange fallout is why this phenomenon nobody's heard of or had a name for until now is "all over social networks".

I dunno. A lot of social justice websites have written articles about it these last days (in several countries). I think it's because a guy somewhere was convicted because of it. So all the rich white girls I know are using it as another way to show how much they are victims of society and can't trust any man.

The reason people don't treat it as serious is two fold. One, a lot of men do this, and literally brag about how they refuse to wear condoms, or talk about how strong their pull out game is

... In what universe?

I'd hesitate to say "a lot", but one of my former friends fits that to a 'T'.

You can't pull out fast enough to run from HIV.

So, you know that whole "teach men not to rape" thing? I thought that was bullshit, but the fact that my inbox is filled with people that don't understand "no consent = rape" is kind of fucking disturbing.

That's a bit off, surely; if their inbox if filled with people that don't understand consent, why is it "teach men not to rape"?