Martial Arts Instructor shows up after three years to defend his honor after being accused of strangling women.

15  2017-05-20 by WorldStarCroCop


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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The only person I knew who posted on an mma forum was a 22 year old incel who was obsessed with losing his virginity and never practiced mma. What is it about mma forums that attract these very strange men?

Very persuasive

Why would /u/oxus007 stoop to just strangling women?

Sometimes tone policing involves getting physical

Anyway, a guy named Donovin Brit owns the school and is now being accused of attacking a female instructor at the school and choking her unconscious. Donovin is a big dude, she would have had no chance to defend herself.

So she's a martial arts instructor and they say she had no chance to defend herself because the guy was bigger than her? Isn't krav maga specifically suppose to teach you to manage this kind of situation?

Women can truly do anything a man can. Just not as good.

She's 115 lbs. It doesn't say what her height is, but unless she's really short she's probably slender. Weight training to pack on muscle would do her a lot more good than bullshido classes that give women a false sense of security.

True. But I bet they have her as an instructor to sell classes to other women (seeing a slender girl "able" to do it might feel more welcoming).

It's one of the rare jobs in society where I actually think any tranny would do better than a normal person.

Because MtF trannies could fight women? But FtM trannies would have to fight actual men and would lose horribly.

I mean at least a MtF might develop some skills (above a female for sure), and a martial arts instructors might keep a good body that would barely make it look like a slightly androgynous woman.

Also if a tranny takes self defense classes, it knows it's for real, they all think the whole world is coming for them and will kill them for no reason.

Krav Maga is a meme for people who don't know anything about martial arts