A brief shoutout to /u/OhSnapYouGotServed for carrying us through the last several months and being one of the strongest women on Reddit, despite working under tremendous pressure and a constant flurry of abuse from both teenagers and Reddit staff alike.
Without her tireless work, Reddit would be exactly what you saw on /all today, a one-sided anti-trump spam shithole. She will not be forgotten.
But her 'tireless' work is exactly what got Reddit to this point. T_D got enough people mad with their strategems that the anti-Trumpers made a billion new subs to use the tactics T_D invented.
They got permabanned a while ago for user name spamming like 600 people in every thread they posted. Looks like they've found a new mcdonald's to post from though and are at it again.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-05-20
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a TSwizzlesNipples 2017-05-20
Slim Shady?
n/a mehforeverybody 2017-05-20
Tell a friend
n/a ahbslldud 2017-05-20
fug, i came here to post this. I've been cucked by taylor swift's nipple again!
n/a TSwizzlesNipples 2017-05-20
ssh bby, is ok
n/a Thhueros 2017-05-20
Was really hoping this would be about /u/jewdank or /u/angrydm
n/a Nomadlads 2017-05-20
I was kind of hoping it was /u/dukbcaaj or whatever. I wanted to hear him sperg about Trump.
n/a nameuser4321 2017-05-20
Hi I'm back
n/a MyrLeaf 2017-05-20
Hit too close to home famalam
n/a SlavophilesAnonymous 2017-05-20
But her 'tireless' work is exactly what got Reddit to this point. T_D got enough people mad with their strategems that the anti-Trumpers made a billion new subs to use the tactics T_D invented.
n/a ninjaofpatience 2017-05-20
This crazy asshole?
n/a nameuser4321 2017-05-20
n/a ninjaofpatience 2017-05-20
They got permabanned a while ago for user name spamming like 600 people in every thread they posted. Looks like they've found a new mcdonald's to post from though and are at it again.