BestOf /r/Drama Reports (/r/Drama makes /r/all because of a Trump Post Edition!)

20  2017-05-20 by justcool393


no one cares


not drama. remove, reported

Top mod of /r/drama here. Sorry buddy but it's gonna have to stay.

reporting something hides it

Funny how you remove my "not drama" posts but you let this post stay up. /u/HAHApointsatyou /u/Phedre

I know, it's hilarious!

Make posts that don't suck and they'll stay up.

Wait you were unironically complaining?

I advise the rest of the mods to remove your posts

user reports:
1: like, REALLY surplus autism

It's almost like there's an agenda to push hmmmmmm

We can submit quotes?


  1. This Post -,*,*

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niggers tongue my anus

What did you expect? That's precisely what you paid them to do.

3 boring ass reports. This is actually the lamest shit here rn and fuck you for not posting my reports nowadays

your comments don't get many reports now to be quite honest. everyone knows you're a regular here.

No I meant you fuckers don't post the reports I submit anymore

I can't see who is reporting what, so I have no idea if you're being clever with your reasons or are just selecting one of the pre-made options. Usually coming up with something funny is a way to get your report featured.

We don't always do it though.

I know I'm just mildly fanny flustered because my reports are def slightly more interesting than those 3

well yea. if you scroll down, there are more. i took multiple screenshots because reddit only shows 20 separate user reports at any given point.

Huh. I swear earlier there was only the first image of 3 reports. I blame my tism / imgur has been aids lately

Which one of you faggots had me banned twice for report spam?

we're too lazy to report anyone to the admins for that sort of shit. unless someone did, but I doubt it.

It was that cucklord reeeman I know it.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Were any of those supposed to be funny?

That Green/Grey QuickQueue UI is ugly as hell.

It really is. Its honestly a bunch of temporary shit until I feel like making it look nicer. I can just use the keyboard to "a"pprove or "r"emove something, which makes it faster though.

That was supposed to be private q_q

/u/ComedicSans spoiled your secret already in that other thread. I noticed he actually did update it once.

It was a secret?!

doubt it

After all those times /u/Mircy threatened to slice people's penises up with a razor blade, I just assumed...

That is just foreplay.

My sexual orientation is my own business

Kill all men

user reports:
1: not drama
1: drama traded good posts for popularity, die
1: Ever notice all the "not cool" and "unfunny" posts are always made by /u/justcool393? We have.
1: honestly i dont know her but i'd eat phedre's ass even after she had a long, strenuous day
1: gay
1: Geometry
1: excuse me but this now an anti-trump subreddit, you have been reported for offtopic discussion expec
1: surplus autism
1: You are not funny people. At least i know now none of you are jews.
1: white people nonsense
1: sex negativity
1: n-notice me mod-senpai
1: memes aside don't let /r/all normies and SRDines turn this sub into another self righteous smugfest
1: terrible post but people are butthurt about it, so sticky pls
1: Hi ComedicSans
1: privacy violation. Do not publicly post my private reports

oh lord.