/r/aww posts cute gif of sperg having a meltdown and being comforted by her service dog. Turns out she got shot by the police during one of her autistic rages. Brave redditor defends civil servants performing 9mm eugenics.

13  2017-05-20 by IAintThatGuy


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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so is /r/drama literally and unironically just /r/circlebroke2 now except people say 'retarded' more? I feel bad for making fun of the /r/DramaOrCirclebroke people now.

For the records I support shooting spergs.

yeah ok so /r/circlebroke2 but edgier

Not an argument

Not an argument.

Definitely not an argument

Not an argument.

sounds like you're feeling ass-blasted after learning that cops shot yet another of your kin

stop trying to force drama when i'm trying to make an actual point smh

i say insipid shit designed to cause arguments more than enough for you to not do it just this one time

anyway not an argument

when i'm trying to make an actual point smh

reevaluate your life

jesus fine I'll indulge you if you want replies so fucking bad

Not an argument.

I'll indulge you

post bussy

Not an argument.

post if, fgt

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

You'd like this meme though https://clips.twitch.tv/DiligentPowerfulMacaroniOSsloth

post it

disgusting female form is . post bussy.

Not an argument.

that's a dude you dummy

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it


Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Not an argument.

post it

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

mods ban this fucking sperg

death to all seriousposters

Not an argument.

you're mum's not an argument

Lol, literally who are you?

Delete urself, tbh.

BluePill moderator

How do you live with yourself?

Not an argument.


Not an argument.

/r/drama is obviously a place fore civilized debate, why aren't these people arguing with me?

I recommend a therapy dog.

I saw one of those on the bus the other day, it was a cute dog. Wanna see?

Not an argument.

Not an argument.


holy shit I haven't laughed this hard in days 😂😂😂

jew nose

How come you never act like an SJW here? I didn't realise you modded subs like that.

My opinions don't change, but I don't generally bring them up if they're not relevant.







I have it saved in a txt file for repeat use


I love how someone has been reporting all of your posts that you've been making.

To the reporter: Approving them all is easy as about two clicks, and takes a lot less time than you spent reporting it.

they are pretty bad posts tbf

you aren't wrong about that, but still, they wasted their time reporting about 50 of your posts. it took me about all of five seconds to clear the queue.


not an argument


If I knew who was reporting you I'd use the party parrot cuck thing on them

Post reports pls.

it was just Spam, on each post.

Is that as beta as I'm imagining?


It's a sub for making fun of the red pill, which I'm personally all for

The red pill makes fun of itself.

Go back to Voat you Nazi

Not an argument.

I wasn't being serious, just mocking the leftist retards.

Neither was I

Not an argument

Not an argument.

Not an argument

Not an argument.

Not an argument

Not an argument.




Not an argument.

An argument, that is not

That's retarded.

Slaying bergers sounds like my dream job, where do I sign up

Find a city with a bunch of them, become a police officer. If it's the USA you can shoot anyone who's not a republican white male without giving a reason.

Unfortunately I'm a europoor, we never get to shoot anyone.

That's why some are joining Kurdish militias. Some former soldiers went there to provide training and support. Others are random guys who believe in the cause (either fighting Daesh or anarchism in general, for some also wnating to remove kebab). Conditions are quite bad but even if you have meagre savings for a european a few hundred euros will have you outfitted like a king and basically free to do what you want.

Anyone who joins the military or goes to war simply to kill someone is an idiot. "Killing people" in war means semi blindly shooting from behind a burn at people 300 meters away from you who are shooting back. That's not exactly a serial killers fantasy. Most of the time you would never even know if you killed anyone at all. And if you join a first world Army, the ridiculous amounts of oversight and restrictions you have means you would rarely if ever get to shoot your weapon unless you're combat arms, I need and then not as much as you might think.

*berm not burn


So join up, get trained and quit as soon as possible, then join a mercenary company.

Merc contractors only hire guys like DEVGRU, Delta, MARSOC, etc.





What is this, can you explain this?

According to reddit's left wingers, it's how it works. Never been in the USA so I can't speak from experience.

Be a reddit mod.


Literally everything he said is true, and thread is locked so there's no drama. Why is this here?

REEEEEEEEason in MY drama? It's more likely than you think.

'My daughter died asking for help'

I know she was autistic but lunging at police with a knife is a funny way of asking.

She tried to bash the fash.

Europeans "You should really act like me.."

Americans "You should really act like me.."

Both "Poor souls doesn't see how lost they are."

I love how someones example of "Europeans doing it right" was 9 police officers running for their lives being chased by 1 guy with a knife until they finally had some guy with taser show up and drop him.

The Scottish police video is pretty embarrassing. I mean even if you don't shoot him, you could at least taser the guy running around trying to attack people with a machete.

Does this wimpy shit really inspire pride in Europeans?

Our police are well trained and brave. Not like the fatass mall-cops-but-with-guns the ameriburgers have. Stupid pussies lunge for their piece any time they see a black kid with a phone.

Running away from the criminals. Literally so brave.

hurr durr i brave i shoot gun.

Well, you can use a pink taser of you prefer, the key point really is not to run away from the criminal

Well, you can use a pink taser of you prefer, the key point really is not to run away from the criminal

This is what ameritards actually believe.

1) the most important thing is to look like tuff guise!

2) anyone cop meets is criminal

3) bravest thing is shoot first, ask question later.

Burgers probably think deer hunting is braver than bull fighting.

The most important thing is to not let the crazy man with the machete go around being dangerous

I'm not sure the tactical pussy retreat is the best strategy here

You can't just link one upvoted comment and say it's drama. KYS Plz.

This is what happens when you reach /r/all. smdh

TBH I don't think I've ever heard someone say Hitler was wrong for killing all the retards, just the jews.

Same for the gypos. Anyone who had to interact with them hates them. Only american SJWs who will never see one of then IRL think they're humans.

Who films this?

Seriously, did she film it herself?

Maybe she wanted internet celebrity?

Man I hate redditors

She lunged at them with a knife = -136

Uhh, why didn't they just pepper spray her or use a karate kick to disarm her?!?! = + 50000

Because spergs are gross and nobody wants to have any physical contact with someone who never showers.

Also she had a fucking bloodthirsty rottweiler

Both animals needed to be put down.