Does one really need 48 Oz of soda at a time? r/tacobell weighs in.

42  2017-05-21 by 39flws


This, but unironically.


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Taco Bell drama is my favorite fast food drama

Taco Bell subreddit is my favorite subreddit

Who is subbed to /r/taco bell and why

It's the best fast food subreddit. They taught me to get a Cheesy Bean and Rice burrito add potato, grilled. Its so much value for $1.50. Its fucking value city. Not Vegan Tho

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Ayyye haha that was me! Glad my cheap tbell obsession could at least be somewhat useful to someone

Why is Yoshi being used as part of a vegan symbol? Yoshis will eat and swallow everything placed in front of them. They're like the bullfrogs of the Mushroom Kingdom.

This is not Yoshi, it's Yosho.

OC, plz no steal.

it's nacho business


/u/_Seabass you should probably chance your name to seacow it's a fucking drink man, and baja blast? I'll take whiter than mayo for $20

all i drink is water, except when i make a tacobell visit for that baja.


Call me crazy, but I don't think he's telling the truth.

I agree, but because this is /r/drama I will take the opportunity to call you crazy anyway.

Hah, look at his submission history. It's like this is the account he uses just for his Taco Bell rants. I don't know how to feel about that.

This guy should be a mod of /r/libertarian

What does this have to do with wanting to dick little kids?

I doubt a whale of that temperament is going to have a lot of success banging someone his age.

Only amerilards could think that drinking 1.4 lt of fizzy sugary drinks is normal.

People will mostly associate you with that guy who got stabbed by a fish.

Five years ago you made a pretty good post.

Just do blank comments, like /u/the_reason_trump_won

Baja blast sounds like what happens in the bathroom after you eat Taco Bell.


This isn't about Trump. Downvoted.

Why doesn't the fat fuck order two then

My boyfriend calls taco bell 'toxic bell' and he's right but I love it anyways.

Is that after you peg him into submission or before?


I always heard Toxic Hell

Aw I thought it was clever

Now I need to know how morbidly obese he is.

If he's not obese, at the very least his pancreas is shot.

Baja Blast is fucking gross,never understood why people put it on such a pedestal.

I prefer when /u/UncleSamuel does this

Life hack: when you've finished your soda, drag your fatass to the drink machine and press the button to dispense more.

Doesn't Taco Bell have free refills? All the ones around here do so you'd have to be of an extraordinary size to find and issue with the size of the cups.

i always find myself thirsty and out of baja blast by the end of my meal now

48 ounces of Baja Blast by the end of your meal? Holy shit, how do you still have kidneys?