Trump Supporters Have Built A Document With The Addresses And Phone Numbers Of Thousands Of Anti-Trump Activists

15  2017-05-21 by A6MZer0


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Dox/deep dick buzzfeed writers and murder them in RL, imo. ~

Wish I could see fascists faces when they realize journalists already know people know who they are.

My heart weaps for leftist scum.

Trump supporters don't make documents,they make shitty 40 min YouTube videos to redpoll the masses

Let them fight. Cull whoever is left standing.


How closely tied is Centipede Central to /r/TD because this could actually get that sub banned if they're close enough.

Not nearly close enough.

Exactly close enough

posting a buzzfeed article in drama

Fucking eat shit and die.

i hope am there

They couldn't poor water out of a bucket off the directions to do so were printed on the side

How big a of a retard to you have to be to think "FASCISM IS BRILLIANT"?


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hmm, I thought news articles were a fair game