The Orange Emperor goes to Saudi Arabia and kisses Sheik asshole, fails to use term "radical Islamic terrorism" in speech. Total Cuck Move, or 69D trans-ideological chess? R/worldnews discusses

1  2017-05-21 by poopy_ass




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Trump says Islam is a large religion. Liberals find a way to be outraged at an objective fact. Unless fake news has tricked me and there are actually only three Muslims worldwide.

Trump says Islam is a large great religion.

great religion one of the world's great faiths. it's pretty clear this means population, hence "one of the". The others being Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and probably Sikhs.

That might make sense, if you ignore the fact that he also knows the words "tremendous", "huge", "large", "massive", and "bigly". So I guess when he says that the ACHA is a "great" bill, he means that it was written on a large piece of parchment. And when it passed the House and he said it was a "great day for the USA", he meant that there were more hours than usual in that particular day. And when he says that his daughter Ivana is "a great person - always pushing me to do the right thing", he means that she's packed on the pounds and physically redirects him with her girth.

Is that an ETS copypasta?

nope, just for you. enjoy!

WTF, I love Islam now.

Youslam Islam we all slam for Islam