A neckbeard defends pedophilia

12  2017-05-22 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Cool story, bro


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His history is hilarious from a "men > women, lack of masculinity is weakness" sorta way. Like MRAs back in better days

He's not wrong though. If it wasn't for my innate male desire to sexually abuse teenage females I'd definitely hang out with men exclusively.

This, but unironically.

That post comment isn't nearly as crazy as the other one though. There really is something going on with hormonal production these days, and you can see this in plunging sperm counts (halved since the 50s), girls hitting puberty earlier, etc.

I thought a big part was hgh in milk and such

How is saying that in the past people fucked kids supporting pedophilia?

Muhammed fucked a 9 year old ffs. Stating fact doesn't make you a pedo

"In twenty years, 13 will be the legal age everywhere, and people will wonder about our dark ages"

Stop molesting children please.

How is it relevant at all? Spiders can have 3 or 4 sets of eyes.

I know it's difficult for you to understand, but context matters you retard. If you had brought up that fact in a thread about for e.g. ancient peoples and their culturally appropriate behaviors in an historical setting, nobody would call you a pedo. If some people are discussing today's pedophiles and you barge in with "well ackshually ancient people fucked kids too Xddd" then everyone would assume you're a pedo apologist at best or a kiddy diddler at the worst.

Maybe /u/cggreene2 is literally autistic and just does not understand context?

Please don't use the 'A' word. We like to as 'socially challenged'.

Weird, I thought you'd still be using "ephebophile"

If you are reading this you are If your life moments and wasting them on this comment? Wtf are you doing right now, you could be reading something else or doing something else, literally anything! But you won't, you can't. You have no control over yourself anymore. Fucking kys

Ok, we say this a lot but this time I think its about as accurate as it can get. THIS is exactly 100% why we so desperately need mayocide.

See I can understand when you say pedophilia but you really should say hebeophilia. I'm not excusing it but it's different