A website dedicated to calling out Sammi, a roleplayer who took things too far.

93  2017-05-22 by snallygaster


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Snally, I'm gonna report you to the cyber police for raping my eyes like this.

Fucking red on black?

Wow, 1998?

What, you might be wondering, is this website about? Simply put, it's about someone who went off the deep end, immersing herself too fully into the world of fantasy, until she could no longer tell fact from fiction. The truely sad part? She not only doesn't realize how far into whack-ville she's fallen, but she's dragging other people with her. This is the story of Samantha Mays, also known as Samantha Crowder, also known as Eve Alacu, also known as Fury, also known as Ms Fury, also known as Asy 9, also known as Shame. Increasingly, it's also the story of Mel Goodrich, also known as Ravenloche. Here's a little hint for all you role players out there: when you start threatening people because they won't role play with you, when you start insulting people because you don't think the character they're playing is "being true to himself," when you fall in love with a fictional character and insist he's real, you've gone too far. It's time to stop, to sit back, and take stock of your life. Or, conversely, you can lie and manipulate people, if your life is too crappy to deal with. After all, flesh and blood people don't really matter. Human emotions don't really matter. All that matters is fantasy. I do so like to keep current with Sammi. After all, she has her 3-cd set that's been coming out for the past three years, and she now has a hot hot hot book deal with a book publisher nobody has ever heard of. Remember: high school drop outs are a HOT commodity in the publishing world, especially when they have only the most basic grasp of grammar and spelling. How can I afford to ignore such sizzling talent as hers? I'd be a fool not to... or an "oxymoron," one of her favorite insults. Why waste time, you might ask, on somebody so relatively worthless? The answer is, I'm tired. I'm tired of being manipulated and lied to. I'm tired of being harrassed. I'm tired of my friends being manipulated, harrassed, lied about, and threatened. And, more than that, I'm amused. It's funny when Sammi accuses people of not being able to deal with reality, then talks about her fictional boyfriend. It's funny when Sammi accuses somebody of having a drug problem, and then talks about how only fools and losers take drugs or drink, and then tells stories about getting so drunk she passed out, or thanks Mel for providing her with prescription pain killers. It's ironic, and I appreciate the irony. It's also a way of combating the rumors and out-right lies she spreads across the internet, to her online friends and fellow role players. If she fabricates "interviews" with herself, talking about how great she is, I'll call her on it. If she starts a web page telling lies about my friend, I'll call her on it. If she's immensely proud of her "e-zine," and the "thousands of hits per day" it receives, I'll check it out and, if it's on a crappy free server and has no content, I'll point that out to the world at large. Lies only last so long. Sooner or later, they all come tumbling down. And when her lies come tumbling down, when she's revealed for what she is, a sad, selfish little girl with no real friends or social skills, then I will take this page down. Until then, up it will stay.


Another soul-spilling in a public chatroom, this time featuring Mel as well. Can't these two keep it private?


ICQ Chat Log between JJ and Sammi, which took place in 1998, in which JJ first outlines her concerns and suspiciouns.


The Original Letter, that Sammi sent out, telling us about how the internet had taken over her life and she had to get away.


This is Sammi, sitting alone in an empty chat room, detailing just a few of the many woes and obsessions of her nearly life.


The Long Letter that Sammi sent to JJ. JJ had told her that she didn't like being lied to, that she didn't feel comfortable playing with Sammi, and that Sammi might as well not bother replying. Sammi responded with well over ten pages of autobiography.


JJ's Response to the Long Letter.

Here we have the fabulous page for Sammi's fabulous band, Asy9. There's an "indepth" review by her girlfriend Mel, and a vaguelly Madonna-ish photo of Sammi on the sidebar. As an aside, Sammi used to play a character named "Asy9." At the same time, in a very garbled and confused way, she claimed the character was played by a male friend or boyfriend of hers, and that she took him over as her own character. This, despite the fact that Asy9's posting styles and habits never changed, as one might expect when he switched players' hands. I digress. In the "interview," she also refers to her "Eve" persona in the third person. She is obviously a very healthy individual.


Here we have the actual music, five songs from her mythical "3 CD set." Two of these songs are "hot hot remixes" of songs she's already done, one of which is labelled "Rare." Better download it now before it's too late, boys and girls! Her music is very mundane electronica, barely meriting the "industrial" tag after it. It's obviously composed on computers, using standard beats and musical measures, and assembled very poorly and with little imagination. It starts out interestingly enough, but soon degrades into dull repetition. She's no ArcCentral, that's for sure. She sing/speaks on some of the songs and her voice, while true and sweet, is not very strong. I don't know if that's a fault of the recording process, or if she just needs to learn to project, but it isn't a very good effect. One might ask why somebody composing and recording entirely on a computer would need the massive amounts of recording studio time (in a different state) she claims to be logging, or why somebody who claims to be fluent in several musical instruments would fail to feature said instruments in her music. These are, obviously, God's mysterious and our fragile human minds would never be able to fully encompass the answers.


Here we have her official band web page. Like most of her web pages, it features a completely unneeded and slow loading splash page... this one in flash, which will require you to download a plugin if you son't already have it. To avoid this splash page, go here: http://www.philscomputers.com/asy9/flash.htm The site itself is in flash, is slow to load, and features annoying music while that throbs while Sammi's face darts around the screen. I haven't heard music of this caliber since trying to log into my NetZero account. The links all load in a different page, and are flash themselves. This means that each page you link to takes awhile to load, or else shows up as being unavailable... pretty much in following with Sammi's pages of the past. The unavailable pages state that they are under construction and "unavailable until November 21 2001." As of this update, it's December 17, 2001. Way to hit your target date, madam! She features, as usual, interviews with other people, containing such hard hitting questions as "Do you like working with "Eve"?" and "How do you rate your own talent?" I've never seen so many one-line, or even one-word, answers. And, of course, the obligatory interview with "Eve" herself, containing this wonderful line: "As for how those opinions affect me... When my best friend, also known as my "Sire", tells me something sounds damn good, I take that to heart." No... calling your best friend Sire is perfectly healthy and normal. Trust me, it is. And you're the next Jennifer Lopez.


Now you can hire Sammi to design an incredibly shitty page for you, using a shit load of frames and cluttered back grounds! She specializes in "fantasy" and "black and white" themed pages. Huzzah! The internet is now in your hands! If you want, you can also pay out the ass and have her TEACH YOU how to follow in her footsteps! I can hardly wait. Check out her kickin' "web dezinez"! Seriously. If you're going to pay somebody to design your site, you want to get somebody who can't spell. Right?


An "in depth page" about the history of V-Chat, which lumps together the histories of 3 different rooms, all of which operated in "different cities", at different points in history, with different players and characters. Only one link actually works. It is, again, an orgy of frames, this time with an added bonus of multiple pop-up ads: no doubt a direct result of the many many frames.

Note: You'll have to coply/paste the address, as clicking on the link results in the message "[an error occurred while processing this directive]".

Note: This page is now an almost incomprehensibly poorly designed, difficult to navigate, obscure page about, apparently, amnesia and finding Jesus or something. It boggles the mind, quite frankly.

Note: It's been changed again, to "the online home of the sabbat sect," with a picture, and a link to another page on a different server, with a shit-poor background. This woman wants to

So... Chuunibyo?

This goes into "Hojo and that other FF7 otakukin whackjob who never washed themselves" territory tbh

Did you see where the Hojo may have started a cult around the Hannibal TV show?

What the fuck? S/h/it's still around?

Shouldn't you change those links to point at the wayback machine?

I am so frustrated with myself for looking at the comments afterwards. Damn shame.

what the fuck is that website

i want to fucking kill myself

That brings me back... My first contact with the internet was during the golden age of ICQ and Geocities.

33.6k handshake noises

Once the 56K I started with died and I had to dust off a 14.4 for a few weeks, good times. Given that phonecalls were still expensive in my country back then, I think it ended up costing more money downloading music than actually buying a CD. It was also the good old times where CD burners were hella expensive, and the rich kids in high school made a ton of money selling pirated games and music because their parents were the only ones who could afford the hardware.

and then the mp3 cd walkmen were such a big advance over the old ones... you could walk around with like 10 albums in your pocket, as long as you had gigantic fucking pockets that could fit a cd walkman... lmao we're so old

I still have old clothes that were chosen at the time because I could fit my portable CD player in a pocket. When you think about it, portable CD players were the only time a new technology made it more inconvenient than the older one (cassette players were relatively smaller, and skipped a lot less if you were walking around). And there always one smug guy in every room who had invested in a minidisc player.

It was years before I would even buy my first USB key (and at the time it was basically an investment, something to be cherished and treasured). My first few years of college I'd use floppy discs to bring work home.

I'm fucking old most of this was before 2000.

1998? This drama is older than 63% of all /r/Drama users.

As one of the 37% should I start feeling old?

Haha no, but you should start thinking about committing suicide tho.




Already ahead of you since middle school boi.

Looking forward to high school next year?

Repeating 8th grade for that long would be tough on anyone

2 late

Yeah but it's also legally old enough to have sex with so there's that.

71% now. don't forget, we made it to /r/all recently0

That's when i graduated high school am i old now

Tell us about life without the internet grandpa

Not much happened. I chopped lots of wood.

Everyone born in 1998 is now an adult.

Damn Sammi must have been a bitch

This needs a "where are they now" episode.

Dunno who the author is, but "Sammi" is pretty easy to find under her stage name. She's an ageing but pretty woman who's still committed to her '98 band. The author's story is probably more interesting, shame she didn't put her name on anything.

Yeah she seems fairly hot but it's one of those chicks that you know you would just get this sinking feeling in your stomach the morning after when you sobered up.

She does have those Eat, Pray, Love vibes.

My eyes! They buurrrrrn!

If you still remember your ICQ number you're a gay

That's some serious shade being thrown in there. Good find.

Its actually way more readable than a lot of other Geocities websites from the time...

I'd post the oocities link, but oocities is down. 😭🔫

ITT kids who weren't on the internet when geocities was a thing

Excuse me snally but this isn't a political agendapost, pls delet this

This fucking text is like looking at anime fanservice.